After months of deployment in the Kansas and Vespucci systems, the Akhetaten has made her return to New York and Norfolk Shipyard just earlier today. It is no secret to the forces that fought with us against the Insurgency that the Akhetaten and her task force suffered severe losses out there. As things currently stand, the ships that once constituted the Task Force Akhetaten are now either destroyed or grievously damaged and in need of costly repairs.
With the Akhetaten's return to New York and the near-zero percent chance of the ship's redeployment to the frontlines with the Insurgency aside from emergencies that might come up, I have came to the conclusion that the task force's existence is no longer required.
With all of the above in mind, I am requesting the disbandment of Task Force Akhetaten. All ships that currently belong to the task force will be relieved of their duties within it and return to their respective posts, as per the Admiralty's orders.
Given the current status and situation of Liberty, the Admiralty has seen it fit to disband the task force and reallocate vessels to their needed places after repairs. New orders will follow soon.
Rear Admiral Nicole Prower
5th Fleet, Liberty Navy
No one can out boop me, not even an Admin! Boop. ~Spuddo GRAVE REPERCUSSIONS ~Ramke Get booped on, nerd. ~Durandal I wanted to be a part of the party, hi Tails. ~Inferno Pokes are superior boops. ~Naz
SENDER:Commander Victoria Blake RECIPIENT:LIBCENTCOM LOCATION:West Point Academy, New York ENCRYPTION:Omega SUBJECT:An insurgency fighter between West Point Accademy and Planet Manhattan PRIORITY:High
Beginning Video Feed
After weeks of desk job due of my rank, I managed to be in space. I patrolled New York and Pennsylvania and when I returned from the Pennsylvania system, I crossed the path of a lone insurgency pilot. It was a surprise because I thought they were gone.
We shared a few words and we battled. It was a hard target due of his incredible skills but I managed to take the head and putted him out of action.
[05.12.2022 22:05:46] Manuel.Hermandez: Hola senorita Blake
[05.12.2022 22:05:51] 5th|Victoria.Blake: That's a surprise.
[05.12.2022 22:05:56] Manuel.Hermandez: It is
[05.12.2022 22:06:04] Manuel.Hermandez: Is it a nice one?
[05.12.2022 22:06:20] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Honestly, I thought your group was gone.
[05.12.2022 22:06:27] Manuel.Hermandez: Yeah we almost are
[05.12.2022 22:06:40] Manuel.Hermandez: Kind of a solo dude here
[05.12.2022 22:06:50] Manuel.Hermandez: How about you senorita?
[05.12.2022 22:06:57] Manuel.Hermandez: Are you solo as well?
[05.12.2022 22:07:07] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Seems to be like it.
[05.12.2022 22:07:10] Manuel.Hermandez: Ah
[05.12.2022 22:07:20] Manuel.Hermandez: Space is solonely recently
[05.12.2022 22:07:36] 5th|Victoria.Blake: It's calm in Liberty.
[05.12.2022 22:07:43] 5th|Victoria.Blake: For a bit too long.
[05.12.2022 22:07:43] Manuel.Hermandez: I bet it is
[05.12.2022 22:07:56] Manuel.Hermandez: The days of our rule are going to an end
[05.12.2022 22:08:10] Manuel.Hermandez: But
[05.12.2022 22:08:19] Manuel.Hermandez: For the sake of fun and good times
[05.12.2022 22:08:31] Manuel.Hermandez: Would you give me a challange senorita??
[05.12.2022 22:08:54] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Be my guest. I'll take the oppotunity to practice at the same time.
[05.12.2022 22:09:08] Manuel.Hermandez: Promise me one thing though, if you waste my ship....drop me of at Rochester, deal??
[05.12.2022 22:09:34] 5th|Victoria.Blake: They kind of hate me.
[05.12.2022 22:09:43] 5th|Victoria.Blake: I arrested too many junkers.
[05.12.2022 22:09:51] Manuel.Hermandez: Lets dance then, i know Samba! *he smiles*
[05.12.2022 22:10:00] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Alright then.
[05.12.2022 22:10:06] Manuel.Hermandez: Weapons hot
[05.12.2022 22:10:13] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Target aquired.
[05.12.2022 22:22:13] Rules Tip: Do not run Freelancer at a framerate above 155fps - for more information on this, please visit our forums @
[05.12.2022 22:39:26] Death: Manuel.Hermandez was put out of action by 5th|Victoria.Blake (Gun).
SENDER:Lieutenant Commander Antoine Duhamel RECIPIENT:LIBCENTCOM LOCATION:Norfolk Shipyard, New York system ENCRYPTION:Omega SUBJECT:Field report PRIORITY:High
Beginning Audio Feed
During my patrol today, I came across a Rogue Gunboat-class vessel, identified as 'Birdie', disrupting the Planet Manhattan - Fort Bush trade lane, and attacking civilians. I intervened immediately, and with Commander Victoria Blake, and the criminal was taken down.
That is all
Antoine Duhamel, LT. CDR. Liberty Navy Fifth Fleet
[12.12.2022 14:46:37] 5th|Antoineuhamel: Look at that.
[12.12.2022 14:46:55] Birdie: well well
[12.12.2022 14:47:10] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Again this rogue.
[12.12.2022 14:47:16] Birdie: maybe navy want pay Rogues ?
[12.12.2022 14:47:17] 5th|Antoineuhamel: I say we dispose of it.
[12.12.2022 14:47:35] Birdie: rteturn fire
[12.12.2022 14:47:36] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Yes, let's get rid od it. It can't even have a snub like us.
[12.12.2022 14:47:54] 5th|Antoineuhamel: Moving in on target. [12.12.2022 14:52:08] Death: Birdie was put out of action by 5th|Antoineuhamel (Gun).
[12.12.2022 14:52:15] 5th|Antoineuhamel: Target destroyed.
[12.12.2022 14:52:24] 5th|Antoineuhamel: Thanks for the assist, Commander.
[12.12.2022 14:52:29] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Good work Duhamel.
SENDER:Commander Victoria Blake RECIPIENT:LIBSOUTHCOMM LOCATION:West Point Academy, New York ENCRYPTION:Omega SUBJECT:Rogue spotted in New York then Pennsylvania PRIORITY:High
Beginning Video Feed
I was out for a daily patrol. I started my patrol from New York then I went to Colorado, California and then to Pennsylvania.
While I was heading to the Pennsylvania gate, in the middle of the trade lane, I have spotted a rogue. He was running away and I engaged the chase. However, since he was going deeper in the Badlands, I stopped running after him and continued the patrol. We all know that being in the Badlands alone, it presents a high risk.
I went to Pennsylvania and patrolled there for a good moment. While I was heading to Wilkes-Barre Asteroid Field, I spotted the same rogue. This time, because the visibility was optimal, I did what I must, disabling his vessel. I successfuly destroyed his ship but his silence cost him a high price.
[16.12.2022 13:52:37] [R]-Maddie-Hatter: Noooo thanks! I'm good!
[16.12.2022 13:52:40] 5th|Victoria.Blake: What a surprise.
[16.12.2022 13:53:17] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Eh... I won,t go further..
[16.12.2022 13:53:27] [R]-Maddie-Hatter: Fine by me, blueberry!
[16.12.2022 14:05:06] [R]-Maddie-Hatter: You again?!
[16.12.2022 14:05:22] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Looks like our path are meeting again.
[16.12.2022 14:05:27] [R]-Maddie-Hatter: Man, my luck is rotten today!
[16.12.2022 14:05:46] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Heh...
[16.12.2022 14:06:13] [R]-Maddie-Hatter: Us Rogues can't get away with nothin' with you always breathin' down our necks...
[16.12.2022 14:06:55] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Well... I can't really help you.
[16.12.2022 14:07:17] [R]-Maddie-Hatter: I never asked for your help, ya damn goody-two-shoes!
[16.12.2022 14:07:36] 5th|Victoria.Blake: *Chuckles.*
[16.12.2022 14:07:43] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Listen up.
[16.12.2022 14:08:11] 5th|Victoria.Blake: By my duty, I must disable your vessel.
[16.12.2022 14:08:34] [R]-Maddie-Hatter: Well, that works out nicely. It just so happens I got an itch to test out this fancy new toy of mine...
[16.12.2022 14:08:57] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Funny.
[16.12.2022 14:09:05] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Time to surrender for you.
[16.12.2022 14:09:22] [R]-Maddie-Hatter: Surrender ain't a word in my vocabulary! Bring it on, pal!
[16.12.2022 14:10:12] KeyRoft: hi !
[16.12.2022 14:16:38] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Sure you don't want to surrender?
[16.12.2022 14:17:08] 5th|Victoria.Blake: I take it as a no.
[16.12.2022 14:18:12] Death: [R]-Maddie-Hatter was put out of action by 5th|Victoria.Blake (Gun).
[16.12.2022 14:18:33] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Unfortunate...
SENDER:Commander Victoria Blake RECIPIENT:LIBSOUTHCOM LOCATION:West Point Academy, New York ENCRYPTION:Omega SUBJECT:A rogue down and a breach of the law article 4.1 PRIORITY:High
Beginning Video Feed
I have again did my daily patrol. This time, I started with the Texas system.
During my patrol, when I was near planet Houston, I saw the other fleet, the forthy-sixth. Then, when I decided to return from my coming way but in cruise, I got a contact. A rogue again. Callsign of Frank_Costello. The rogue was using a super heavy fighter, a Wolfhound. The Anchorage and Delta-0 of the forthy-sixth joined me after a few moment. It took me a while before I manage to do something on his ship. It was resistant and it was also my first time I faced this ship since I joined the fifth.
After I got some repairs, another contact caught my attention. A freelancer with the callsign of Skot_GIA. His ship was equiped with two vengeances on his ship, a Kestrel. He docked on the Arkansas and never came out.
[17.12.2022 23:34:10] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Contact.
[17.12.2022 23:34:51] Frank_Costello: Yes, follow me
[17.12.2022 23:34:54] 5th|Victoria.Blake: A bit unfortunate that you cross my path, rogue.
[17.12.2022 23:34:58] Frank_Costello: Come here.
[17.12.2022 23:35:13] 46th|Delta-0: I suppose you got this handled.
[17.12.2022 23:35:18] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Indeed.
[17.12.2022 23:35:22] Frank_Costello: [sigh] You are lucky your friend came here. I got hasty
[17.12.2022 23:35:33] 5th|Victoria.Blake: He will do nothing.
[17.12.2022 23:35:35] 46th|Delta-0: Not going to bother with the likes of you.
[17.12.2022 23:35:46] Frank_Costello: I wouldnt suggest trying
[17.12.2022 23:35:50] 46th|Delta-0: Sure sure.
[17.12.2022 23:35:54] 46th|Delta-0: Deal with the 5th first.
[17.12.2022 23:36:01] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Now then, weapons are primed. Locking on the rogue.
[17.12.2022 23:36:01] 46th|Delta-0: Then talk.
[17.12.2022 23:36:04] Frank_Costello: Come here. You're a dead man if you follow me
[17.12.2022 23:36:12] Frank_Costello: Ah, well lookie here
[17.12.2022 23:36:17] Frank_Costello: Mess with the viper, and you get the fangs.
[17.12.2022 23:37:51] 46th|LNS-Anchorage: Kemp-Smith: Delta, report.
[17.12.2022 23:38:07] Tip: The world of Freelancer is full of ambiguity just like real life is. Not all characters showing up as hostile are your enemies. Likewise - not all characters showing up as neutral are your friends.
[17.12.2022 23:38:14] 46th|Delta-0: Just watching a show Admiral.
[17.12.2022 23:38:19] 46th|Delta-0: Blake vs this talkative rogue.
[17.12.2022 23:38:28] 46th|LNS-Anchorage: Kemp-Smith: I see.
[17.12.2022 23:38:32] 46th|Delta-0: I'm sure the fifth lieutenant can handle him.
[17.12.2022 23:38:43] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Commander.
[17.12.2022 23:38:48] 46th|Delta-0: Whatever.
[17.12.2022 23:39:51] A $60.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[17.12.2022 23:40:00] A bounty pool worth $60.000 credits for 1 kill has been deposited in your account.
[17.12.2022 23:41:55] 46th|Delta-0: Come on Blake, you can do better.
[17.12.2022 23:50:01] 46th|LNS-Anchorage: Kemp-Smith: Delta-Zero, prep your weapons for combat, just in case the Commander goes down.
[17.12.2022 23:50:15] 46th|Delta-0: Don't let me down Blake.
[17.12.2022 23:50:22] 46th|Delta-0: I don't want to pick up your slack.
[17.12.2022 23:50:27] Frank_Costello: Amusing
[17.12.2022 23:51:17] 46th|LNS-Anchorage: Kemp-Smith: XO, prepare a S&R team for immediate launch.
[17.12.2022 23:51:24] 46th|LNS-Anchorage: XO: Aye aye, Sir.
[17.12.2022 23:51:45] 46th|LNS-Anchorage: XO: This is the XO, S&R, prepare for immediate dispatch. Await for command, over.
[17.12.2022 23:51:56] Death: Berndharry was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[17.12.2022 23:55:15] Death: Frank_Costello suffered a self-administered loadout error (Mine).
[17.12.2022 23:55:26] 46th|LNS-Anchorage: Kemp-Smith: Target down. Good work, Commander.
[17.12.2022 23:55:36] 46th|Delta-0: Good work Lieutenant.
[17.12.2022 23:55:40] 46th|LNS-Anchorage: Kemp-Smith: If you wish to do on the Anchorage for repairs, you may do so.
[17.12.2022 23:55:44] 5th|Victoria.Blake: *Sigh* First time I face this type of ship.
[17.12.2022 23:56:07] 5th|Victoria.Blake: But my ship is fine, thank you Admiral.
[17.12.2022 23:56:15] 46th|Delta-0: Right.
[17.12.2022 23:56:22] 46th|LNS-Anchorage: Kemp-Smith: If you say so.
*** New recording ***
[18.12.2022 00:05:00] 46th|Dean.Johnson: Good evening.
[18.12.2022 00:05:10] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Good evening.
[18.12.2022 00:05:26] 46th|LNS-Anchorage: Kemp-Smith: Lieutenant Commander. Good to see you. How are you doing?
[18.12.2022 00:05:50] 46th|Dean.Johnson: Good and you Admiral?
[18.12.2022 00:06:04] 46th|LNS-Anchorage: Kemp-Smith: Very well, thank you. Glad you are well, Johnson.
[18.12.2022 00:06:41] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Oh...
[18.12.2022 00:06:48] 5th|Victoria.Blake: That's interesting.
[18.12.2022 00:06:56] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Freelancer, please hold.
[18.12.2022 00:07:03] 2022-12-18 00:07:03 SMT Traffic control alert: Skot_GIA has requested to dock
[18.12.2022 00:07:05] 46th|Dean.Johnson: Ah.
[18.12.2022 00:07:11] 46th|Dean.Johnson: Good observation.
[18.12.2022 00:07:22] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Damnit....
[18.12.2022 00:07:33] 46th|LNS-Anchorage: Kemp-Smith: What were they transporting?
[18.12.2022 00:07:45] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Carrying vengeances.
[18.12.2022 00:08:03] 46th|LNS-Anchorage: Kemp-Smith: Well spotted, indeed.
SENDER:Commander Victoria Blake RECIPIENT:LIBSOUTHCOM/ LOCATION:West Point Academy, New York ENCRYPTION:Omega SUBJECT:Smuggler intercepted PRIORITY:High
Beginning Video Feed
As some of you have guessed, I came back from my short resignation. I'm not gonna lie, it missed me to be here with all of you. I noticed that our presence is low and it is noticeable by many. I don't need to paint a picture of what it means, right? Now that I am back, I'll be there as much as possible and I expect more patrols from our fleet in the coming days.
Now that being said, here is my report during my patrol in Liberty. I was in Texas monitoring the trafic and an Orbital Spa and Cruise transport with the callsign of Ethan_Jackson entered in the Planet Huston's vicinity. I scanned the vessel and it's cargo was full of artifacts. I ordered to the captain of the ship to drop it and he complied to the orders.
[15.02.2023 00:27:09] Polarized.Dave: *sniff* This gonna be fun.
[15.02.2023 00:27:20] 5th|Victoria.Blake: A bit unfortunate.
[15.02.2023 00:27:59] Polarized.Dave: Hey, just an advice.
[15.02.2023 00:28:00] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Spa and cruise vessel, you are carrying illegal cargo. Drop'hem all.
[15.02.2023 00:28:08] Polarized.Dave: I wouldn't do it if i was you.
[15.02.2023 00:28:10] Ethan_Jackson: wHO ME?
[15.02.2023 00:28:20] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Yes sir.
[15.02.2023 00:28:35] 2023-02-15 00:28:34 SMT Traffic control alert: Polarized.Dave has requested to dock
[15.02.2023 00:28:36] Ethan_Jackson: WOW! How did they get there?
[15.02.2023 00:28:40] Death: =CR=FV-Styx|109 was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[15.02.2023 00:28:51] Ethan_Jackson: Someone must have broken in, officer
[15.02.2023 00:29:08] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Whatever.
[15.02.2023 00:29:39] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Drop the cargo and you will be free to proceed.
[15.02.2023 00:30:04] Ethan_Jackson: What artifacts? Scan me.
[15.02.2023 00:30:30] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Thank you.
[15.02.2023 00:30:46] Ethan_Jackson: Don't know what you mean
[15.02.2023 00:31:03] 5th|Victoria.Blake: You dropped the cargo. That's what matters.
[15.02.2023 00:31:16] Ethan_Jackson: I always obey the law
SENDER:Lieutenant Commander Antoine Duhamel RECIPIENT:LIBCENTCOM LOCATION:Battleship Missouri, New York system ENCRYPTION:Omega SUBJECT:Field report PRIORITY:High
Beginning Audio Feed
During my patrol, I came across three criminals.
The first one, callsign 'Ron.Boyd', was holding Kidnapped VIPs in its cargohold. He was getting assisted by some freelancer, callsign 'Honeymooner', who fired shots at my ship while I was disabling the smuggler's transport. The escort flew away, and the smuggler was escorted to Fort Bush to pay a fine and deposit the Kidnapped VIPs.
The second one, callsign 'Shwartz.Dawn', is a bit more problematic. It was a Daumann train, carrying a load of Xeno Relics. While it seemed to be compliant at first, it turned out trying to buy its way out, offering a large amount of credits. I refused and engaged the smuggler. It escaped and docked on Planet Houston, where the land authorities could not find a trace of it, unfortunately. He mentioned other transports carrying illegal goods, which is quite concerning.
As for the last one, it was the infamous Rogue Gunboat-class vessel 'Birdie', which engaged me in Texas system, and with the help of Commander Victoria Blake, and an LSF Operative, Karl Gallow, was disabled.
That is all.
Antoine Duhamel, LT. CDR. Liberty Navy Fifth Fleet
[12.02.2023 11:15:42] 5th|Antoine:Duhamel: Greetings, please stand by for a cargo scan.
[12.02.2023 11:15:44] Honeymooner: Party's over!
[12.02.2023 11:16:06] Ron.Boyd: Welp.
[12.02.2023 11:16:10] 5th|Antoine:Duhamel: Alright, stop right there.
[12.02.2023 11:16:19] Ron.Boyd: Honeymooner, do your damn job!
[12.02.2023 11:16:43] Honeymooner: Yeah yeah.
[12.02.2023 11:16:50] Honeymooner: Step away from the idiot.
[12.02.2023 11:17:23] Ron.Boyd: He's delaying.
[12.02.2023 11:17:26] Honeymooner: Figures.
[12.02.2023 11:17:35] 5th|Antoine:Duhamel: You will have to pay a 2-million credits fine, and drop these VIPs and Fort Bush at once.
[12.02.2023 11:17:36] Honeymooner: One more disruptor to him and you're toast.
[12.02.2023 11:17:45] 5th|Antoine:Duhamel: Stay away from that Freelancer.
[12.02.2023 11:17:53] 5th|Antoine:Duhamel: Alright.
[12.02.2023 11:18:12] 5th|Antoine:Duhamel: Moving in to engage.
[12.02.2023 11:18:14] Ron.Boyd: Not my mess!
[12.02.2023 11:18:53] Honeymooner: Yeah you should pay him.
[12.02.2023 11:18:58] Ron.Boyd: Hey!
[12.02.2023 11:19:03] Ron.Boyd: Whose side are you on?
[12.02.2023 11:19:27] Ron.Boyd: This is ridiculous.
[12.02.2023 11:19:28] James.Dellas: Greetings !
[12.02.2023 11:20:14] Ron.Boyd: You can hear the angry grumbling.
[12.02.2023 11:20:30] 5th|Antoine:Duhamel: This fine has been up to 10 million for running away from an officer, carrying Kidnapped VIPs, and being assisted by a terroris
[12.02.2023 11:20:35] 5th|Antoine:Duhamel: terrorist.*
[12.02.2023 11:20:56] Ron.Boyd: Assisted?
[12.02.2023 11:21:04] Ron.Boyd: He shot at you a bit then ran off.
[12.02.2023 11:21:05] 5th|Antoine:Duhamel: Failure to comply will result in the immediate destruction of your ship.
[12.02.2023 11:21:22] 5th|Antoine:Duhamel: Indeed. That is still assistance from a terrorist.
[12.02.2023 11:21:24] Ron.Boyd: Hang on, let me threaten you with a lawyer first.
[12.02.2023 11:21:29] 5th|Antoine:Duhamel: You have ten senconds.
[12.02.2023 11:21:30] Ron.Boyd: *he clears his throat*
[12.02.2023 11:21:36] 5th|Antoine:Duhamel: 10.
[12.02.2023 11:21:41] Ron.Boyd: You're hearing from my laaawyer!
[12.02.2023 11:21:45] 5th|Antoine:Duhamel: 9.
[12.02.2023 11:21:51] 5th|Antoine:Duhamel: 8.
[12.02.2023 11:21:56] 5th|Antoine:Duhamel: 7.
[12.02.2023 11:22:02] 5th|Antoine:Duhamel: 6.
[12.02.2023 11:22:05] [2023-02-12] 11:22:05 You have received 10.000.000 credits from Ron.Boyd
[12.02.2023 11:22:17] Ron.Boyd: This is going to be a fun claim to submit to Interspace.
[12.02.2023 11:22:40] 5th|Antoine:Duhamel: Now, drop these VIPs on Fort Bush, please.
[12.02.2023 11:22:46] Ron.Boyd: Sure.
[12.02.2023 11:22:57] Ron.Boyd: But we're going to be stuck there for repairs.
[12.02.2023 11:23:00] 5th|Antoine:Duhamel: Such vessel is not suited for transporting citizens.
[12.02.2023 11:23:52] 5th|Antoine:Duhamel: The time you will spend there does not matter. All that matters is that these VIPs are safe and sound.
[12.02.2023 11:24:15] Ron.Boyd: I'm being told that this is just their baggage.
[12.02.2023 11:24:24] Ron.Boyd: And apparently a few pets.
[12.02.2023 11:24:26] 5th|Antoine:Duhamel: My scanner says otherwise.
[12.02.2023 11:25:16] Ron.Boyd: Also, I didn't see anyone over there, it was just me.
[12.02.2023 11:25:44] 5th|Antoine:Duhamel: Yeah, right. You do know that our ships are equipped with black boxes?
[12.02.2023 11:25:53] 5th|Antoine:Duhamel: And that our conversations are recorded?
[12.02.2023 11:26:00] Ron.Boyd: You saw an idiot fail to do his job.
[12.02.2023 11:26:10] Ron.Boyd: And me.
[12.02.2023 11:26:33] 5th|Antoine:Duhamel: So your little play on 'I was alone', I don't buy it, and neither will the Admiralty once I give them my report.
[12.02.2023 11:26:52] Ron.Boyd: As long as this doesn't end in a court summons.
[12.02.2023 11:27:10] Ron.Boyd: I really don't want to get sent to an LPI judge and given a ticket to Huntsville.
[12.02.2023 11:27:14] 5th|Antoine:Duhamel: I am not taking such decisions. If the House decides to prosecute, then so be it.
[12.02.2023 11:28:50] Ron.Boyd: My lawyer just told me to tell you that nothing I say represents Cryer Pharmaceuticals, among other things.
[12.02.2023 11:29:32] 5th|Antoine:Duhamel: Again, not my business. I apply the law, and leave the prosecution to the buereaucrats.
[12.02.2023 11:29:42] 5th|Antoine:Duhamel: Now, drop these VIPs on Fort Bush. Now.
[12.02.2023 11:29:45] Ron.Boyd: That was just for the blackbox records.
[12.02.2023 11:30:19] Ron.Boyd: At least I didn't pay that guy.
[11.02.2023 22:25:12] Shwartz.Dawn: Ahoy
[11.02.2023 22:25:18] 5th|Antoine.Duhamel: Daumann vessel, stop right there.
[11.02.2023 22:25:27] Shwartz.Dawn: Yes-yes I am holding
[11.02.2023 22:25:52] 5th|Antoine.Duhamel: My cargo scan reveals that you are currently hauling Xeno Relics.
[11.02.2023 22:26:05] 5th|Antoine.Duhamel: You do know these are illegal, right?
[11.02.2023 22:26:11] Shwartz.Dawn: Just some funky trinkets, they are inactive
[11.02.2023 22:26:31] 5th|Antoine.Duhamel: It doesn't matter. They are listed as contraband, as per Libertarian Laws.
[11.02.2023 22:26:56] 5th|Antoine.Duhamel: You are to pay a 5-million credits fine at once, and drop the cargo you are holding for destruction.
[11.02.2023 22:27:07] Shwartz.Dawn: Well, you seem to know your laws well. Maybe, you deserve a little payment raise for that? I'd certainly say so.
[11.02.2023 22:27:26] Shwartz.Dawn: My superiors tell that nice 20 million credits can soften your day a bit'
[11.02.2023 22:27:33] 5th|Antoine.Duhamel: Mind you, pilot. I am not from the LPI. I am from the Liberty Navy.
[11.02.2023 22:27:43] Shwartz.Dawn: Yes, and I see no other pilots around
[11.02.2023 22:27:50] 5th|Antoine.Duhamel: Trying to buy me will only rise the fine.
[11.02.2023 22:27:57] Shwartz.Dawn: Nothing can happen here, and nothing recorded.
[11.02.2023 22:27:59] 5th|Antoine.Duhamel: Right, we went from 5 to 7 million.
[11.02.2023 22:28:31] Shwartz.Dawn: You must also note that these funds also going to hurt outcasts, and cardamine is far worse than some trinkets.
[11.02.2023 22:28:49] Shwartz.Dawn: I am offering you 30 millions, but further raise will make this to negative.
[11.02.2023 22:29:02] 5th|Antoine.Duhamel: Although your arguments regarding outcasts -could- be valid, it doesn't change anything.
[11.02.2023 22:29:26] 5th|Antoine.Duhamel: Right, another 3 million added. We are at a 10-million credits fine.
[11.02.2023 22:29:40] Shwartz.Dawn: 30 millions is more than they usually pirating from a barge. You better reconsider.
[11.02.2023 22:29:41] 5th|Antoine.Duhamel: And you will, of course, jettison your cargo.
[11.02.2023 22:30:02] 5th|Antoine.Duhamel: I won't reconsider. Jettison your cargo and pay the 10-million fine.
[11.02.2023 22:30:13] Shwartz.Dawn: Very well, you can't cure stupid.
[11.02.2023 22:30:26] 5th|Antoine.Duhamel: Stop right there.
[11.02.2023 22:30:35] 5th|Antoine.Duhamel: I won't repeat myself.
[11.02.2023 22:30:47] Shwartz.Dawn: You are not driven by patriotism, you are driven by bloodlust, I can already see it.
[11.02.2023 22:30:51] 5th|Antoine.Duhamel: Pay the fine and drop the relics. Right. Now.
[11.02.2023 22:30:55] Shwartz.Dawn: I'd agree with you if I'd carry cardamine.
[11.02.2023 22:31:08] 5th|Antoine.Duhamel: Once you will have done that, you will be free to go on your way, pilot.
[11.02.2023 22:31:16] 5th|Antoine.Duhamel: I don't want to take someone's life today.
[11.02.2023 22:31:33] 5th|Antoine.Duhamel: You have 10 seconds.
[11.02.2023 22:31:35] Shwartz.Dawn: Then think about money.
[11.02.2023 22:31:37] Shwartz.Dawn: It really helps.
[11.02.2023 22:31:40] 5th|Antoine.Duhamel: 9.
[11.02.2023 22:31:41] 5th|Antoine.Duhamel: 8.
[11.02.2023 22:31:42] 5th|Antoine.Duhamel: 7.
[11.02.2023 22:31:43] 5th|Antoine.Duhamel: 6
[11.02.2023 22:31:45] 5th|Antoine.Duhamel: 5.
[11.02.2023 22:31:46] 5th|Antoine.Duhamel: 4.
[11.02.2023 22:31:47] 5th|Antoine.Duhamel: 3.
[11.02.2023 22:31:49] 5th|Antoine.Duhamel: 2.
[11.02.2023 22:31:50] 5th|Antoine.Duhamel: 1.
[11.02.2023 22:31:52] Shwartz.Dawn: Don't think that you will change anything really.
[11.02.2023 22:32:02] Shwartz.Dawn: You also just missed another transport passing by your backyard.
[11.02.2023 22:32:07] 5th|Antoine.Duhamel: You made up your mind.
[11.02.2023 22:32:22] 5th|Antoine.Duhamel: Target's locked, firing at once.
[11.02.2023 22:37:46] Shwartz.Dawn: Loser.
[11.02.2023 22:38:27] 2023-02-11 22:38:27 SMT Traffic control alert: Shwartz.Dawn has requested to dock
[11.02.2023 23:05:04] Birdie: hello
[11.02.2023 23:05:08] 5th|Antoine:Duhamel: Oh my.
[11.02.2023 23:05:17] Birdie: dont move pls
[11.02.2023 23:05:21] 5th|Antoine:Duhamel: Why so?
[11.02.2023 23:05:59] 5th|Antoine:Duhamel: Alright, returning fire.
[11.02.2023 23:06:32] Victoria.Blake: Oh...
[11.02.2023 23:06:41] 5th|Antoine:Duhamel: G'day Freelan-
[11.02.2023 23:06:46] 5th|Antoine:Duhamel: Blake.
[11.02.2023 23:06:49] Victoria.Blake: Want me to join you, lieutenant commander?
[11.02.2023 23:06:53] 5th|Antoine:Duhamel: I need your help, feel free to engage.
[11.02.2023 23:07:03] Victoria.Blake: Alright. Weapons free.
[11.02.2023 23:12:23] Karl.Gallows: whats going on here?
[11.02.2023 23:13:57] 5th|Antoine:Duhamel: I have returned.
[11.02.2023 23:14:01] 5th|Antoine:Duhamel: Moving back to engage.
[11.02.2023 23:14:05] Victoria.Blake: Great. [11.02.2023 23:17:27] Death: Birdie was put out of action by Victoria.Blake (Gun).
[11.02.2023 23:17:33] Karl.Gallows: Tango down
[11.02.2023 23:17:44] 5th|Antoine:Duhamel: Thank you for the assistance. Victoria. Agent Gallows.
[11.02.2023 23:17:50] Karl.Gallows: Returning to normal activities. Good job out there
SENDER:Commander Victoria Blake RECIPIENT:LIBCENTCOM LOCATION:Battleship Missouri, New York ENCRYPTION:Omega SUBJECT:Patrol PRIORITY:High
Beginning Video Feed
I have started my patrol within the New York system. As soon I have been launched in space, I scanned a peregrine vessel with the callsign of Mousze. The said vessel was carrying Kewmer Munitions. By the law of liberty, this commodity figures in the illegal section of the codex. I ordered him to cut his engine but at first, he did not comply. When I started chasing him and finally reached him, he complied with my orders. It ended up peacefuly.
Within the Pennsylvania system, I spotted in total three freelancer carrying restricted technology. The callsigns of the ships are the following ones. Schmenki, Don_Esteban and Aceton. Lieutenant commander Duhamel came to assist me as well to handle those freelancers. Aceton complied to our orders to unmount the restricted technology he possessed but the two others did not comply fully. For those two, it ended up with a termination of their vessels.
[18.02.2023 12:06:22] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Oh.
[18.02.2023 12:06:26] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Halt there.
[18.02.2023 12:06:42] Mousze: sorry sir...i can't
[18.02.2023 12:07:02] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Not even complying but taking me for a man.
[18.02.2023 12:07:58] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Cut your engines.
[18.02.2023 12:08:05] Mousze: me
[18.02.2023 12:08:34] Mousze: engines are off
[18.02.2023 12:08:37] Death: Don_Esteban was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[18.02.2023 12:09:03] 5th|Victoria.Blake: By the laws of Liberty, carrying Kemwer Munitions is forbiden. I will ask you that jettison this commodity at once.
[18.02.2023 12:09:24] Mousze: darn!!! was stolen from RM outlaws
[18.02.2023 12:09:47] Mousze: i can sell it and share the proffit
[18.02.2023 12:10:03] Mousze: it is a win win for both
[18.02.2023 12:10:18] 5th|Victoria.Blake: No no no.
[18.02.2023 12:10:22] Mousze: what say you miss?
[18.02.2023 12:10:37] Mousze: ok!! i understand! I WILL COMPLY
[18.02.2023 12:10:53] Mousze: cargo out!
[18.02.2023 12:11:00] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Thank you.
[18.02.2023 12:11:17] 5th|Victoria.Blake: You are better I don't spot you again with this.
[18.02.2023 12:11:21] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Is that clear?
[18.02.2023 12:11:42] Mousze: keep doing what you do! you are doing it well!
[18.02.2023 12:11:47] Mousze: message clear here
[18.02.2023 12:11:57] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Good. Have a nice day then.
[18.02.2023 12:12:06] Mousze: Same!
[18.02.2023 12:20:01] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Alright, both of you, cut your engines.
// oorp: They were doing a mission so I waited
[18.02.2023 12:22:37] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Both of you, cut your engines.
[18.02.2023 12:23:01] 5th|Victoria.Blake: What did I tell you?
[18.02.2023 12:23:09] Schmenki: what do you want
[18.02.2023 12:23:29] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Both of you are carrying restricted equipement.
[18.02.2023 12:23:38] Schmenki: restricted?
[18.02.2023 12:24:16] 5th|Antoineuhamel: Where in penn?
[18.02.2023 12:24:33] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Laws forbid both of you carrying weapons from hostile organisations and to carry technology of the lawful assets.
[18.02.2023 12:24:43] Schmenki: we didnt know that
[18.02.2023 12:24:46] Schmenki: sincerely sorry
[18.02.2023 12:25:10] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Laws are public.
[18.02.2023 12:25:14] Schmenki: which ones are forbidden?
[18.02.2023 12:25:49] 5th|Antoineuhamel: Commander.
[18.02.2023 12:25:56] 5th|Victoria.Blake: The weapons: Kraken Type 2 and the lavablade needs to be unequiped at once.
[18.02.2023 12:26:24] 5th|Victoria.Blake: At the nearest station.
[18.02.2023 12:26:31] Schmenki: okay
[18.02.2023 12:26:41] 5th|Antoineuhamel: Philadelphia Station is the nearest.
[18.02.2023 12:27:31] 2023-02-18 12:27:31 SMT Traffic control alert: Don_Esteban has requested to dock
[18.02.2023 12:27:41] 2023-02-18 12:27:41 SMT Traffic control alert: Schmenki has requested to dock
[18.02.2023 12:28:03] 5th|Victoria.Blake: You there.
[18.02.2023 12:28:20] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Oh no.
[18.02.2023 12:28:38] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Cut your engine. Failure to comply result to destruction of your vessel.
[18.02.2023 12:28:51] Aceton: what
[18.02.2023 12:29:08] 5th|Victoria.Blake: I'm doing my job, sit.
[18.02.2023 12:29:13] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Sir, rather.
[18.02.2023 12:29:57] 5th|Antoineuhamel: Please, step away from the lane, for your safety and others'.
[18.02.2023 12:30:22] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Like the previous freelancers, carrying weapons belonging hostile organisation or belonging to lawful is restricted.
[18.02.2023 12:30:44] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: Zoner/Richard_Sabatino
[18.02.2023 12:31:08] 5th|Victoria.Blake: The weapons in questions are Justice MK III and Scorpion.
[18.02.2023 12:31:12] Aceton: drop it?
[18.02.2023 12:31:28] 5th|Antoineuhamel: Justice is fine
[18.02.2023 12:31:29] 5th|Victoria.Blake: You will unequipped them at the nearest station.
[18.02.2023 12:31:32] 5th|Antoineuhamel: But the other one not
[18.02.2023 12:31:47] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Justice is still nav/pol tech
[18.02.2023 12:31:54] Aceton: i can leave?
[18.02.2023 12:32:11] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Yes, but unequipped them at the nearest station.
[18.02.2023 12:32:19] 5th|Antoineuhamel: Are they?
[18.02.2023 12:32:21] Aceton: ok
[18.02.2023 12:32:44] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Those two didn't comply
[18.02.2023 12:32:46] 2023-02-18 12:32:46 SMT Traffic control alert: Aceton has requested to dock
[18.02.2023 12:32:56] 5th|Antoineuhamel: Let them take the lane
[18.02.2023 12:33:03] 5th|Antoineuhamel: And we'll destroy them
[18.02.2023 12:33:16] 5th|Victoria.Blake: It looks like you both did not comply to the order.
[18.02.2023 12:33:21] Schmenki: we did?
[18.02.2023 12:33:29] Schmenki: look at our weapons
[18.02.2023 12:33:44] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Schmenki, do you take me as a fool?
[18.02.2023 12:34:08] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Same as Don_Esteban.
[18.02.2023 12:34:09] Schmenki: no. I dismounted the weapons and put on civilian ones
[18.02.2023 12:34:46] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Then you should have directly drop them on the station.
[18.02.2023 12:35:01] Schmenki: you only said dismount
[18.02.2023 12:35:06] Schmenki: you didnt say sell
[18.02.2023 12:35:07] Don_Esteban: where can we read whtch wappons are not allowed
[18.02.2023 12:35:18] 5th|Victoria.Blake: On the neural net.
[18.02.2023 12:35:32] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Anyway, now new order, drop them.
[18.02.2023 12:36:20] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Oh.
[18.02.2023 12:36:26] 5th|Antoineuhamel: Returning fire!
[18.02.2023 12:36:37] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Firing on an officer. Bad choice.
[18.02.2023 12:36:49] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Time to arrest them by force.
[18.02.2023 12:36:53] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Weapons free.
[18.02.2023 12:37:23] Death: Don_Esteban was put out of action by 5th|Antoineuhamel (Gun).
[18.02.2023 12:37:37] Death: Schmenki was put out of action by 5th|Victoria.Blake (Gun).
[18.02.2023 12:37:52] 5th|Antoineuhamel: Targets eliminated.
[18.02.2023 12:38:04] 5th|Victoria.Blake: Alright, time to continue our patrol.
Beginning Video Feed
I was on patrol with Commander Lambert in the Massachusetts earlier today. We were paused for a moment in Mannhatten orbit when I noticed a Freelancer in a Kestrel frieghter hauling a full load of Black Market Light arms. We moved to intercept and tried to talk to the freelancer multiple times, telling him to stop, but he wouldn't listen. He jumped to Colorado and we followed him. He ran in circles for a little bit then jumped back to New York, with us right behind him. He led us on a chase to Rochester. We were about to open fire, but he landed on Rochester before we could lock weapons. Recommend we keep an eye out for him in the future.