Inferno was dropped before this topic was started.
I do not use any Delibs or any other shield busters at this point.
But if I see another "talker" trying primarily to avoid firepower just to get his shield up I will cry fowl.
I am not worried about 1 vs 1.
It was to actually have some chance against a cap.
If you have not noticed almost all "pirates" now fly GB's and
JG mostly still relies on Bombers and fighters.
May be pay attention to Xeno GB's and Xeno Dreadnaughts next time.
and the shield regen rate is amazing on those and almost impossible to deal enough damage with S nova and mini Razor.
specially if they are allowed unlimited options for their caps and are mainly focusing on you.
Quote:Inferno was dropped before this topic was started.
I do not use any Delibs or any other shield busters at this point.
But if I see another "talker" trying primarily to avoid firepower just to get his shield up I will cry fowl.
I am not worried about 1 vs 1.
It was to actually have some chance against a cap.
If you have not noticed almost all "pirates" now fly GB's and
JG mostly still relies on Bombers and fighters. May be pay attention to Xeno GB's and Xeno Dreadnaughts next time.
and the shield regen rate is amazing on those and almost impossible to deal enough damage with S nova and mini Razor.
specially if they are allowed unlimited options for their caps and are mainly focusing on you.
.. Huh?
I've only ever seen one Xeno in anything bigger than a Bomber, and that was Prospector. I think he actually has an official terrorist ID aswell.
Any other Xeno flying anything other than a Fighter-class (Bomber included) would be sanctioned and/or banned immediately. I'm having trouble believing you actually saw a Xeno flying a GB, let alone a Dreadnaught, but if you did, odds are they were a noob and it was something you'll only ever see once (as they likely got sanctioned or banned for being a baboon).
You can cry and whine all you want about how much your fighter sucks against GB's and various other capitolships, but it still doesn't negate the fact that numerous factions ([LN], LSF, RM, just to name a few) continue to prove your "facts" wrong on a daily basis by absolutely slaughtering capitol ships all day long with their fighter squadrons.
Moreover, I don't really have that much experience with JG (they seem like decent peoples), but I have noticed that alot of them fly the BHG Bomber. The BHG Bomber is one of the best (if not the best) Bombers on the mod because it's so tiny and agile, if you can't kill capitol ships with it then the problem is not the ship or the weaponry, but instead the problem lies on the other side of the monitor.
.. Seriously, mate, at this point you're just arguing for the sake of arguing. Don't you find it a little odd that the majority of everyone who's posted in this thread doesn't agree with you at all?
Quote:The quad-Colada is almost as good as the Inferno on bombers, and better against fighters than the Inferno (for most people), so really the Inferno isn't the "be all and end all".
That is true, but there is a problem.
You have an inferno + 4 hull busters.
That means, it's equivalent of 4 hullbusters + 4 best shield busters, by your count.;)
And only thing you'r sacrificing is a CD.
But I don't mind that because I rarely find people who actually know to use inferno.
There are quite a few, I just rarely meet them in space.
Also, to answer to those people who say it's easier to beat a GB 1vs1 with inferno.
No, it's not. The easiest way to beat a GB in a bomber, 1vs1, is to have a CD.
Not inferno, not mini, but CD.
Unless he's just standing there, which makes you impossible to loose.
Oh, and btw, I think that mini can't strip all fighter shields in one shot.
Problem is, no one is using Brigadine shield, and that one gives you additional protection against Tachyon (Mini = Tachyon).
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
' Wrote:It was to actually have some chance against a cap.
Everyone else manages without an inferno, so should you. Heck CR manages with only minis and no bombers at all.
' Wrote:May be pay attention to Xeno GB's and Xeno Dreadnaughts next time.
Xenos aren't even allowed gunboats, what are you on about?
There are only 2 admin-approved, terrorist-IDed xeno gunboats, Prospector and XA-Adam.Greerson, but other than that there are NO xeno caps.
I don't know if this has already been said, but here goes...
The Corsairs (and their allies, if those allies are allowed to use Corsair guns) have the best, and only, unlawful shield busters in the whole game. The Outcasts (and their allies) counter this by producting anti capital, and capital class, shield busters. That's the balance.
The lawfuls may be a bit "nerfed" due to the fact that the razor and inferno systems are made by unlawfuls, but they can still use Mortars on their capital ships (although the lack of a lawful produced supernova is disturbing).
Again: Outcasts get some good anti hull fighter weapons and shield busters for use against capitals, and the Corsairs get good shield busters for their fighters and some neat anti hull weaponry for their capital ships.
Believe it or not, Cids aren't the best shield busters. I think you may not have taken a look at the power consumption of the Colada recently, but double the refire and energy consumption per shot that would make an ARCHANGEL cry is not "the best". Also, do you consider Outcasts as a lawful force? If so, then yes, the Del Cid would be the only unlawful shield buster. As it stands though, I think the Outcasts are unlawful.
The simple reason that the Inferno is considered better than Del Cids in some quarters is because you can take one shot, dodge and wait for your energy, and take another shot, repeating until your enemy's shield is down. This is the only way you can solo a gunboat in a fighter.
Others consider Deblitators better than both, due to their speed and hence ease of use.
My main disagreement comes with Outcasts using both Debilitators and Infernos, while we've been sanctioned for the use of Debilitators because we "have our own" Del Cids, which simply don't cut it on Light Fighters, due to their low damage per second and a need for a high hit ratio.
I think that the Inferno is fine for the Outcasts, as long as it stays with the Outcasts and they aren't allowed to use anything else for shield busting. Yes, maybe the Lane Hackers produce them. However, so do Samura, an ally of the AFA, who bought some and exchanged them with us ingame for some Del Cids. So, I dont see why one side gets them and the other side doesnt, really. Just seems like bias to me.
Also: what anti hull weapons do we get? Mortars? They can be used by Outcasts too if they desire; they are considered universal.