' Wrote:Still--all suggestions aside as to what commodities--using depots as role play centers is not a bad concept.
When you create an unlawful type, you blow up the depot in Manhattan. The police there should be watching that as a"high crime" area. Put stuff in the depots to make it worth the risk.
I agree with you, having something worth while in those containers will make people more likely to shoot them, thus having adverse effects on thier reps. I actually wonder if you can put equipment in those containers. A non-faction specific weapon or two are there ripe for the picking and would make extremly tasty targets.
Of course I should also mention the big counter-point; Why would anyone in thier right minds leave valuable stuff floating in space?
Donuts, sold specifically in LPI's ZOI, Rum for unlawfuls.
Keep it limited to a couple of cleverly thought out humor-commods, and make them just common enough to be noticed.
We wouldn't want a market flooded with useless commodities. At least not in a static economy like this. Freelancer was never built for online play to the scale of Discovery, it lacks a lot of little things that would give worth to ideas like this. So implement it, but keep it reasonable.
Give the liberty police donuts, the Bretonians Tea, the rheinlanders strudel or sausages or something, and the kusari Noodles or sushi or sake or something. The corsairs can have rum and the outcasts have their cardi.
Imagine the Molly's or gaians flying into Newcastle, saying "Drop that tea shipment! it was made by opressing us!" and the bretonians answering "No! we must defend the tea at all costs! for the Queen!" Hilarity and chaos ensues.