Funny Aerelm, proposing to join a faction just because of the ships it has.
Nevertheless, the ship is currently... "completed"... Though an hitbox needs to be made. Me and Korolia have no time at the moment to work on this. However, I might try to make one in may...once college is over.
' Wrote:Hitbox is complete, but the hardpoints haven't been set yet. So I cannot test the hitboxe in game atm. XD
for both, or just LSF version?
Oh also, it might be possible I have -forgotten- the thruster and mine emplacement... guess you'll have to push them within the frame of the ship itself.
As to the texture problem you mentionned before, do I still need to swap the letters, or its alright?
' Wrote:Oh also, it might be possible I have -forgotten- the thruster and mine emplacement... guess you'll have to push them within the frame of the ship itself.
External equipment should not be placed internally. This includes Shields, Mines, CMs, Thrusters, weapons. There is absolutely no reason any of them should be placed internally, as any internal equipment cannot be hit by explosive effects, and cannot be blown off, giving ships with internal equipment a significant advantage over ships with external equipment. I also doubt the devs will accept a ship with internal equipment. Jinx already yelled at me when I placed the Cutlass and Greyhound Shields internally.