' Wrote:As per things such as Tag and ID. Psypimple was correct, however I can see where it does not match the dummy post properly (http://discoverygc.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=17044) which was the initial template used when putting this together. So allow me to try and fix
Tags are as follows
Variations around the terms are listed within the Judicial Rank section of the post. We do apologize for the oversight. We thought that was made clear by the rank section.
The problem is that you need a single tag before the ships in order for both easy player recognition of your faction as well as things such as the admin's activity tracker. Having multiple tags for a single faction makes such things much harder on everyone.
' Wrote:As per diplomacy, I think the reason the concept is so difficult to understand is because we do in fact reject, the standard "Must shoot this guy, must ally this guy" system. This works within the original vanilla game because the story is rigid even if the game itself was fairly open. Zoner neutrality as a concept works really because they are providing resources to factions with in RP that need them keeping the pirates off them and the lawful governments don't truly care as long as they are not violating the laws of their space.
You have it about 2/3rds of the way with this statement. We will respect the laws of any space we are in. We will assist those in need but there are some elements that are not quite right. As has been mentioned we have helped LN and LPI on a few occasions. This has been the majority of the time in hunting an individual who attacked a civilian but we have refused to assist in operations where they are fighting simply because they ran into each other.
What happens the first time that you end up shooting say a Rheinland cruiser that is stopping traders within Liberty? Do you expect that the Rheinland government will go "Oh well its no big deal. They were simply upholding Liberty's laws"? Because, at least from my perspective, that will instantly put you at odds with their government. I believe that was one of the points that JihadJoe was trying to point out. No faction is going to allow you to shoot up their ships simply because you are upholding someone else's laws.
' Wrote:In contrast, the pirate ID states
'¢ Can demand cargo and credits from lawful and unlawful ships, and attack them if they do not comply.
'¢ Cannot use any transports with more than 3,600 cargo.
Does that mean they are not allowed to engage accept under this condition or to defend themselves?
Yes it does. Unless the pirate has made a demand or they are attacked first (or a target attempts to run from an obvious pirate attempt), a generic pirate ID'd player may not engage in combat.
' Wrote:Of all people I'd think you would know this.
Not if I disagree with your position, no. I think this stems from you failing to grasp the gist of what I am saying.
' Wrote:Accountability is held by the people, not a House Government with this world.
No... Accountability is not held by the people. The law, police and judicial system are accountable TO the people.
' Wrote:If it was, I would think there would be a much greater effort to keep "Secondary" players using an ID used by a "Primary" in check.
This is impossible. The faction rights embedded within the server rules are a joke and do not allow you to keep independant players "in check". This is something that needs to be addressed. However, considering it is not a roleplay issue but a server rules issue, it is not relevant to the post I made.
' Wrote:After a year, I have seen multiple actions by secondary ships of both house and pirate that do not reflect the RP of the house but claim they are and very rarely do I see a primary group deal with Secondary's when it becomes a problem.
See above.
' Wrote:If they are not being held accountable by their own Primary factions, who are they accountable too? In a RP perspective, if the government they are affiliated with is not dealing with them, then again, how can they claim they are part of it?
See above.
' Wrote:Your statement on the Freelancer ID is news to me. There is nothing on it that says you can only engage to defend yourself or in pursuit of a bounty.
The freelancer ID holds no inherent diplomacy, unlike faction IDs. If I were to make a freelancer ID'd ship and were to fly around saying that I am hostile to X group, and that I would shoot X group, I would be sanctioned within the week for attacking folks without employment to do so.
If you were infact able to just declare whoever you felt like as an enemy and then shoot them, the freelancer ID would pretty much be a terrorist ID, in disco terms. The "Kill whoever you feel like, whenever you feel like it" ID.
You failed to understand my post in all sorts of ways, and as a result answered in a manner which doesn't really follow the line of questioning. I'll try and rephrase it.
1. What do you actually do?
2. You are not tied to any house nor are you a part of their law enforcement/penal/legal institutions. The houses therefore will not allow you to enforce, adjudicate, punish or otherwise act on their law, except in the role of a normal citizen. Do you understand this, and if so, how do you intend on getting around this issue?
3. This faction officiality request does not actually outline what the faction's in game actions are in any way. it waffles on about justice this and blah blah that, but it's all extremely wafty as to what the in-game, in-roleplay function of the faction is. What are your goals, what methods will you use to achieve them?
#4. Crackpunch Aug 18 2012, 02:24 AM
One little group in an asteroid field built a capital fleet, while the Junkers with their massive amounts of resources, manpower, and facilities haven't managed to build a gunboat.
Seems legit.
ANS: 'One little nation without resources of any sort named Japan built a capital fleet, while China with its massive amounts of resources, manpower, and facilities haven't managed to build a gunboat.'
It seems legit to me too.
Dude, stop mixing up Sirius Disco time with "Ancient Earth's" time.
Situations in Sirius and Earth never was same.
You can't simply build whole shipline of yours.
Let me quote you one thing, how things are going on Disco, maybe you will understand.
Quote:The product of seventeen years of hard work from the greatest minds of the Hellfire Legion's R&D division, the Prosecutor-class Very Heavy Fighter represents a seamless blend of Libertonian, Borderworlds, and Lane Hacker technology. Designed to go toe to toe with any other fighter crafted in Liberty and come out alive, the Prosecutor is set to become the standard-issue strike-craft in the Legion fleet, and it is destined to play a major role in all upcoming Hellfire Legion conflicts.
Now, how many resources and men Hellfire Legion had inRP, and how much time they needed to build single Prosecutor prototype and even, later fuly flyable vessel, just an VHF.
Now imagine how much time Judicial Order should exist for building whole shipline, and I dont think that you had that much time in your mind when you've created it.
Even, I will take example, someone mentioned Junkers.
A lot of manpower, resources - they didnt even made single Gunboat.
Again, DO NOT quote stuff from 20th century to try to approve your request, it is just not like that in Sirius, time has changed.
I am also sory if someone said this like me, but I havent ed all the posts.
<"From Darkness, lead me to Light. From Ignorance, to Truth. From Death, to Immortality.">
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)