(03-29-2013, 01:58 AM)Xelon Wrote: Or just use the /dropshields command and have people spam CDs at you like madmen thinking you're going to cloak any second.
This decision is as stupid and unbalanced as the clocks and jump drives and their balancing.
I see some consistency in the idiocy towards balancing and using the said gear, congratulations.
1. drop the cost of producing the devices in half
2. Just disable the cd tracking on cloaks, make 40% chance to lose the cloak if the ships dies, balance the types making type for each class so no more underpowered fighter and gb cloak and overpowered transp cloak.
3. Add slot based torpedo that do what your new idiocy thing do- energy based on proper cooldown so it cannot be spammed and one should sacrifice torp slot in order to use it or ammo based with similar price to the cloaking ammo price , make it as cloaks in different classes, 40% chance to loose it by death, also base produced.
4. Use the conn plug-in for jumping drives so no more cargo trading and also add more type of devices for each class with 40% chance to loose the device on death. Add ammo to the said jump drive device that cost different and depletes in different rates depending on the type- buyable from all bases- no more Mox advantage for certain factions only.
5. Repeat 3. just but made to disrupt jumping sequence.
At the end you would get the magic- useful stuff for everybody- Cap users,fight users cloak users anti cloak users, crafters traders etc that is blockable as well and purpose to supply and create bases instead blocking spots and mining. Simple logic.... so much lacking in the dev and balance team... same story with base besieging balance.. then you wonder why the server have 80 people in...
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
I mean it is just idea but I does not understand the methods of work of the dev team really. They create stuff by popular demand minding the opinion of the crowd that cry lauder only or try to make meaningful stuff?
I find for instance the change for the jumping thing stupid and late- barge jumpers bug squeezed ton of bilions from the game so such change does not actually change anything now.
If something is overpowered there are rude but effective methods to fix it like bastiling all of the barges for example at the moment when it is clear that the said ships should not jump however the same people in dev team also used barges and jumps for their own base building so we go in the never ending carousel here...
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)