Signature violates 1.7, please resize:
1.7 - Pictures that exceed 700px width or signatures that exceed 700*250px*3 MB are not allowed on the forum.
this is my very first signature and i somehow ruined it. i do not know what happened to make the letters all fuzzy. i only have paint, witch is where i made it. if anyone has some free time could you see about clearing up the letters for me?
this is my very first signature and i somehow ruined it. i do not know what happened to make the letters all fuzzy. i only have paint, witch is where i made it. if anyone has some free time could you see about clearing up the letters for me?
Try saving it like a .PNG file instead of .JPEG
and why don't you download this
Hate will eat you up from the inside, so hurry up and give your heart to a girl before you get eaten up.