OK, this is not England, Great Britain, or the United Kingdom. This is Bretonia, a FICTIONAL house in a FICTIONAL galaxy. The RP does not and should not have to follow real world standards for the nations that the houses are based off of. These respected members have put a lot of work into these factions and their RP makes perfect sense. We have many players who are English who have been here for a very long time, and have absolutely no problem with our current BAF factions.
Seriously, why dont you hang out for a while and take witness to the way things work around here before you come in criticizing the RP of these well established factions. Your statements that I have read here seem a little too matter of fact for a new guy.
<span style="color:#FF0000"><strike>RETIRED</strike></span>
Those people will hardly come in and take a stand when you have shown such a volatile response to compliments and ideas which you have looked beyond the compliments and directly took the ideas as insults.
Thus creating a volatile topic which now none of them will want to add there name to now. A man cant put an idea and explain it without becoming a public enemy sad indeed.
We should live in a cyber society where people addressing a problem are credited not hated, look at it like this I care about Bretonia and just want it to be as best it can be so why does this make us opposition and a cause rift, surely it should tie us together as we seek the same cause yet you isolate me for being passionate and sink your claws in using numbers and bonds. You should welcome the new idea and consider it to show good quality intentions, why are you pushing me aside when i seek the same thing as you a better Bretonia...