Two old, old, oooold friends of mine who I had been doing a series of sci-fi roleplay encounters with, upon them learning that I was a Freelancer fan they asked me if I knew about Discovery, got me into it and got me playing with them....
Then they both quit D:
One because he thought: "There's too many new rules from when I first started playing"
And the other because she was bored without her husband XD
But me? I stayed, 'Cause I was really enjoying the roleplay encounters I was having in game and over time I made some pretty good friends here.
Me? A buddy of mine told me about it in school one day at lunch break or something, no i think it was when i arrived at school one day, well either way i started playing single player then after beating it which took almost a month xD i suck at games i never played before, anyway after a while another friend of mine showed me this mod called Void, we played that for about half a year, and after that he showed me Disco, and ever since, i left only once and these few passed weeks im "coming" back after playing WoW for a few months...
In 2004 I heard of the game, since from 2003-present day I've been hooked to StarLancer. I never cared about Freelancer though.
In 2007, I don't remember how it happened but I'm sure I've heard of it once more, saw some videos, and got the game... installed it... finished campaign... played it for a little longer... got the Crossfire mod... played it for 2 days... then I didn't play it for a while, got bored.
What happens is that in July this year I've thought "heh, maybe I should give it another try". I was nearly finishing the campaign when I couldn't get past from one point in the game (especifically because of my crappy loadout), so I gave up and looked for mods for the game. I got Discovery and started playing it on August this year. And here I am.
Wow.. I played Freelancer from begging.. (first legal game i bought in Poland *cough*) after that because off some bug (can advance in Single player more that 18lvl) I stopped.. in 2006 I came back to Fl i was in US already had nice internet connection so I start Played on-line that was a time of i believe 2.87 version.. whole Idea of Bats and Bots (damn single player was soo tough) new ships.. I even played once in restaurant in Florida where i was working and meet some older dude who was making ships for some mods. 2008 my laptop dies and due to financial matters I was with out computer. March 2010 browsing I found new legal version of freelancer for like 9$.. bought.. installed.. start looking for mods.. found Discovery.. have no life anymore;)
I used to buy every new game and try it back when Freelancer was released, so bought the vanilla and played through SP multiple times. Well, Because my copy of FL was a Not-so-Legal one, I never even tried joining the MP, cause I thought it wouldn't let me in.
A few years later, I felt like playing through SP again, so went to install the Game but noticed the Disk is not working anymore. Well, I visited a Bay of Friendly Pie-rats who gave me a new copy of FL, and I noticed it says we can play online too. So after downloading the game, I went to ModDb and searched for a nice Mod, and Disco's description and screenshots looked more interesting than others.
So yeah, I downloaded the Mod and sticked around ever since.:P
I used to play WC Privateer, and would periodically pine for it. I actually kept on waiting for Privateer Gold or otherwise to work properly, got fed up and did a random internet search for GAMES LIKE PRIVATEER. Freelancer showed up in some random review, bought the disk on amazon for less than $10 us, found Disco after SP, and here! we! go!
I initially saw my uncle playing it back in '03, when I was about 11/12. He gave it to me when he finished the game and I was just gobsmacked by it. I saved up for a year just to get a PC to play it, greatest game ever for me I think, I'll never forget those first moments.
Dream Theater - "Sabre120 and Jongleur officially win. That is all."
started with my dad when the game came out in france, I liked the game and then we played together for a few years. Later we both stopped to play WoW and in january 2008 I decided to play again and wondered if roleplay existed on freelancer.
Played freespace's demo, couldn't find it on shelves, settled for starlancer, liked it as much, found freelancer trial, glad they still had that on shelves, on and off ever since. Discovered hard light project, played the hell outta freespace, can't believe I spent 3 years wishing I had it only to have it free online, re-played with a vengence, hate singleplayer games so came back to freelancer, and oh noes theres no one left except one server so I came right here.