Posting blue messages just makes you look like a douche and a child craving attention.
It screams "HEY GUYS! LOOK AT ME! I AM SO COOL BECAUSE I KILLED THIS GUY!! YOU WISH YOU WERE AS COOL AS ME!! LOL U SUCK GUY I KILLED! LOLOL" which isn't accepted here, and actually, it makes me want to place a HUGE bounty on your character...
' Wrote:Posting blue messages just makes you look like a douche and a child craving attention.
It screams "HEY GUYS! LOOK AT ME! I AM SO COOL BECAUSE I KILLED THIS GUY!! YOU WISH YOU WERE AS COOL AS ME!! LOL U SUCK GUY I KILLED! LOLOL" which isn't accepted here, and actually, it makes me want to place a HUGE bounty on your character...
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
' Wrote:Hey you. Have you read the thread's topic and description?
Comm channel, blue messages, for ooRP reasons. Main words.
@ Hogosha Avengers
Yes. Your "MD" is interesting. You know, you could store links on google document. Or upload all blue messages to one album to have it all in one place.
how do you think that unofficial fraction member communicate between self? if we don't allowed to have our message dump so yes our activity would be posted on OUR and for OUR eyes only so its ooRP little bit to read our comm channel and mentioned that...
and yes it would be blue message until canon change a color....
so role your RP whatever you want, let others to role their, like they want to role
' Wrote:how do you think that unofficial fraction member communicate between self? I'd say by chatting. That is by letters, words, phrases, sentences. Not images of blue messages.
if we don't allowed to have our message dump so yes our activity would be posted on OUR and for OUR eyes only so its ooRP little bit to read our comm channel and mentioned that... As far as I know this discussion in not inRP, thus what you said now makes no sense.
As a player I can read all public sections and threads. As a characters, yes, I may not know it. But that is different subject, which is in no way related to this.
and yes it would be blue message until canon change a color.... Ha. At least you can make jokes
so role your RP whatever you want, let others to role their, like they want to role Um. If I don't think it's roleplay, then I can't hold it as roleplay.
' Wrote:Why not? Isn't civil discussions better than a hunt for blue message. First of these are still more rare than second one. Sadly.
No, it is merely you whining about something that can have justification because you don't like it. It is childish.
This isn't your forum. You don't get to decide what is and isn't role play. You can have your opinion. You are free to voice said opinion. I'm free to tell you that your opinion is childish.
TLDR: They can have valid in role play justification. They don't hurt you. The admins/moderators haven't moved them yet nor said they are wrong. Solution? Don't read them if you don't like them.
' Wrote:You are contradicting yourself.
It is my opinion. And I am interested in discussing it. If you are not, there is "Log Out" button for such cases.
Also, bringing insulting tone does not at all raises you opinion's credibility.
Do point out where I am contradicting myself. There was no tone and there was no insulting. Your opinion is childish. That is my opinion. If you don't like it? Tough. Just like how I think your opinion and desire to discuss the topic of this thread is pointless, but you are free to do so.
As for discussing it? You aren't really doing that. You've stated your opinion. Others have pointed out the flaw in your opinion and solutions to what it is that bothers you. You've ignored them and re stated your opinion. That isn't discussion. That is a child stamping their feet until their mother does what they want them to do.