Working on a possible Barge replacement, less useless supertransport and more mobile station. Everything is still heavily WIP and potentially not looking like the final result.
EDIT: I will continue the project based on the feedback it receives here.
I did not have a carrier at hand, so I had to paste it in, unfortunately. I used the mooring point as guidance for the size. And not even the whole barge fitted in, but that's pretty much it.
Ships can't simply be removed from the game. And it was said a hundred times before already.
Just leave them be. You don't have to fly it if you don't like it.
(10-28-2013, 03:44 AM)KAWISH-ALI Wrote: You Cant Take Trade-lanes *CHECK
You Have to Wait At least 4-5Mins For Charging Cruise *CHECK
Sucking Cruise Speed *CHECK
Hard to take Jump holes, Jump gates, Dock *CHECK
The Barge is meant to be a storage ship.
It's not supposed to use lanes.
It's not supposed to be a stationary "ship". No trading ship.
It's not supposed to be fast/mobile.
It's not supposed to travel far or to dock on stations which are 10 times smaller than itself.
It looks like a transport cuz it was meant to hold cargo, it's a movable can slowly move it to a new spot if need to but not meant to go from system to system to make stupid amounts of money...not sure why they didn't take away it's jumping capability :/