Duma looked at the Core's Guildkeeper and cleared his throat:
I do not like Corsairs, but we should not openly vow to commit genocide on entire planets. I thought you, the Core, are smart enough to think in advance before speaking such things. Especially as the people responsible for murdering Zoners and having shady deals, trading with highly dubious tech.
Then, the male looked around at the other members.
We gathered here because of BAF incursion into Omega-49. Anti-Bretonian Front, which has political views pretty much included in the name, openly disagrees with ANY Bretonian influence inside Omega-49. This does not mean I would take Gallic or even Corsair side, but I think there are people within Zoner ranks that would not hesitate to turn into guerilla warfare both in space and on the planet.
All this, all the radical perception of the problem BAF creates by their presence in Omega-49, is cause by the fact that we are not speaking about some several million tonnes of metal flying around the nothingness - which already are our own homes we try to defend at all cost as true essence of freedom and independence.
He took a longer pause, just to put stress onto the next sentences.
We are speaking about the self-efficient colony, the piece of land that people can call their own. The fertile piece of land which can feed generations for centuries. This, ladies and gentlemen, is true freedom.
Duma aimed his eyes towards the representatives of Bretonia, giving them an open challenge and taunt right into their faces.
The freedom Bretonia cowardly tries to take away, while they are slowly losing grasp onto their own freedom, day by day.
When the Core Delegate addresed Grachov, he looked back at him with a rised eyebrow.
"Our movements are not a subject of this meeting. Gran Canaria and Omega-49 are. Besides, considering how cooperative you were, I have no intent sharing them with your side. Our one and only interest is the results of this meeting being equaly profitable for everyone in the region."
His voice clearly stated that if they weren't on a neutral territory, the Core delegate would have had a bad time.
(10-13-2023, 12:51 AM)Haste Wrote: This is a feature as most Discovery players would not receive a response from women.
Alessa did some quick notes while listening with her notepad and finished a basic sheet. Standing up she started speaking loud to make sure everyone in the room can hear her. "As I already said, there is a lot emotion in this room right now. I might suggest doing a break, getting a drink and a snack. While doing this I suggest everyone who wants to speak to sign up at this simple registration.
She waved the notepad in front of the crowd. "Afterwards please let us continue the summit following this speaking order. Maybe this can decrease the current finger pointing and provocation."
Artistic representation of how the meeting looks like.
Junius rose up from his seat in order to speak. His face was saddened and stressed from all this tension and threats being made in such a short time. In fact one attendant had already left.
"Dear delegates and representatives, I may come here representing the Church of Sirius but I am Cretan, by birth. And I know how they think and feel."
The old Brother said and gestured towards the silent Corsair representative.
"The Corsairs are ready to commit genocide and mass bombing of Gran Canaria than let the Bretonians gain an inch on the ground. She may deny it but she is willing to kill you Doctor and your lovely daughter in order to protect her interests."
Junius paused for a moment to collect his thoughts and gather all ears around his speech.
"Mr Steiner has a valid claim about the status of the Zoner Confederation. But even without it just please consider their situation for a moment. Their capital planet is invaded, New London has billions of inhabitants. They need place to relocate and Gran Canaria will be their salvation. Selflessness has always been a Zoner trait.
There is no other option for them, and they will do it with our approval or not.
What we can do however is to prevent further loss of life. A partition of the system among the Bretonians and the Coalition with the Zoners acting as the third party and arbiters in case of a dispute. The combined military forces are enough to protect the citizens and expecting refugees of Gran Canaria from Corsair retaliation."
Junius finished his proposal by turning towards the Bretonian delegation.
"Senior Steiner, do you have a more specific proposal to make in regards to my recommendation?"
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Breaking silence from writing down their summary notes and observation of the ongoing summit, he replies to the Bretonian delegate,
"Ah, yes, Mr.Steiner, I am Ronan, representative of the Covenant of Auxesia, we too share bad omen when it comes to viewpoints concerning the Corsairs. If you may Hector..."
The unit that was writing down the script for the summit took a pause, stepping out from the back to stand beside Ronan, letting his hand, a holographic display emitting from his palm to show a Corsair Gunboat was seen outside of a Freeport
"Case 52-0-7 scenario occured in Omega-3 Sector. "
"The Corsairs, brutal and mighty warriors who take little consideration when it comes to foreign tradition and regulation, bullying the innocent into following their iron fist. The Omicrons have witnessed such tragedy of blood lust, such as the Zoners in Theta, Delta, Kappa. Not to mention, their forces are known to take shelter under Zoner installation, this has been evident multiple times concerning Freeport 1 and 11, where they prey on commercial traffic with bomber craft and Gunboat vessels - these were the common appearances that were recorded. "
He took a small pause and Hector backed off, resuming writing down the summits script and observations in the background - noting that Megaera and the mysterious Zoner had left the room,
"I believe it would be within fairness that all Corsair craft should be barred from the Zoner installations in Omega-49, the Corsair armada have no reason to be here, as Mr. Victor had pointed out, it was said that the Corsairs have relations with Gallia, will you allow the possibility of subterfuge, deception and sabotage? Those who exploit mercy and redemption just to twist it all and to harm the innocent? All this for a bloody conquest? Anyone can claim they're trying to lead a peaceful life.
However, it should be noted that not all of Hispanic origin participates in blood sport againsts others and wish to seek a new beginning, such as splinter groups such as "A-p-S" who bare the Corsair markings, or individuals. Blind genocide is not the answer."
The red-headed approached the table where the notepad has been left lying about. She sized it, turned it upside down, and looked at it from every angle.
Blod' then noticed the tiny secrets symbols written on the pad. She pulled out ther golden comm' and let it read for her. She thought to herself :
Paper ? whoy do doses people still be usin' dhoses antiques ?
She then took the pad with her, and walked straight to the woman that left it on the table.
As she held out the strange object to her, she started adressing her :
Oy cannae use dhis obsolete technology, tis too ol'. Oif ye want mae tae use dhat tin', ye gotta do it fer mae.
(03-31-2010, 11:48 PM)Sprolf Wrote: That is the crux of the matter.
If you aid us, and you aid them, you are the enemy.
If you do not aid them, you are worthless outside of extortion potential.
If you aid us, you will be treated with respect.
Nathan smirked at Voncloud as he belitted him. As if by signal, Nova Hawken spoke up: "I'm sorry Voncloud but you are incorrect. We did not construct Port Carthage. It was a Zoner endeavour, and, The Core merely offered to assist with a few supplies as a gesture of good-will following the peace process. We cannot be held liable for the actions of terrorists, nor yourself if you swallow their lies and propaganda. I can't believe you had the nerve to raise this, when The Core relentlessly defended Freeport 11 when it was under attack from these micreants". She shook her head.
"Thank you, Nova" Nathan slightly raised his hand, beckoning her to end her tirade. "But what she says it's true. You pin the crimes of the Order and the Corsairs against us unfairly, when they could have simply ignored it and let a Zoner matter resolve itself. They chose shotgun diplomacy. You saw the consequences of that".
Across the room, Nathan heard a man from the Anti-Bretonian Front address him. Upon hearing the word genocide, a mildly shocked expression appeared on his face. "Genocide? That's a harsh word to use. Let's not forget these people have pillaged, plundered and killed countless people. All Corsairs are the same - it's in their blood. I want to negotiate something that leads to least spilling of unecessary blood, but I am also a realist and know it's very likely that some hands may need to get dirtied. Peace sometimes demands sacrifice" Nathan then took a pause, before he burst out laughing "But please! We don't murder Zoners. We've only had to deal with ones who don't follow the esatblished law. Otherwise, our relationship with them in the Edge Worlds is cushy and the reason why I am here - to ensure they don't get screwed by criminals.".
Lastly, Nathan addressed Grachov one more time. "Equally profitable? Then explain why you are trying to use this summit to advance Coalition interests by establishing further Coalition presence in the Omega-49 system?".
//maybe this should be locked until Doc gets back to make a post order? Though personally I love the chaos of it, it's like 2014/2015 watering holes.
Ivan smashed his fist on the table so hard that his glass of water sprung into air.
Can we put our personal grudges aside for once and focus on the pressing matter at hand that is the Bretonian incursion? The very reason we are here in the first place?
Have we forgotten who is hosting this summit? You've all been talking over each other like a common sunday at the bar. Give the host a chance to say something.
The cold tone could pretty much surface Duma's approach to the Core - and Guildkeeper himself.
You claim there was no genocide? I was there - way before I chose to finally settle onto Gran Canaria - fight against both regimes of The Order and The Core as a small cog in the machine that some of you, Corelings, call as "Zoner Anarchy". You claim there were no murders, yet your organization sacked our stations in Omicrons and executed many Zoners for supposed cooperation with criminals.
Then, here you are, in Omega-49. Trying to smile and nod while your slimy kind prepare to backstab the Zoners. Again. As it was a thing many times ago. Your place should not be at this table, as representative of organization made of liars and cutthoats worse than entire Corsairdom.
After Ivan's notice, the ABF representative nodded.
That we should do. But I cannot stand the people like The Core, trying to play good guys they are not. At least Corsairs or Gallia don't pretend to be such.