Well thank you Jinx, but I only asked about what placement of turrets will be in AI cruiser. Is there going to be one, somewhere on top or bottom, or everything will be kept like in current one - one from right, one from left...
Because the only hardpoint where mortar "looks good" is number nine, and it is rear oriented
yes - i put one on a central position on top - actually there are some that are centralized ( for exactly the reason you described - i dislike it, too to have heavy weapons that disrupt the balanced look )
but i cannot tell you atm which turret functions as what turret class
So, cruisers get turret split too? Because if no, i'd honestly love Vidar to keep it's awesomeness, turret numbers and placement and all. Sure, it's a bit weaker than RM cruiser, but it's stronger than sair cruiser, and actually, shouldn't it be on par with RM C? And if yes, then it's exactly the opportunity to do it.
This is not the place for balance requests to bolster [RF] firepower:P
But yes, turret split affects cruiser too. Two levels of turret: Heavy (CCerb/LMortar/CMissile/CRazor) and everything else (Primaries, pulse, solaris). As for the AI cruiser, that model is getting replaced I believe, rendering the discussion moot.
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Quote:yes - i put one on a central position on top - actually there are some that are centralized
That was only what I wanted to know!!
(Also a hug to Jinx for awesome AI cruiser we will be having in 4.86)
Oh!! almost forgot.
Not sure about you, but I think that current Pulse weapon needs another mesh. I mean, let it at least have basic`s turret model, if there is no custom.
(Also, just throwing up an idea, not whining and not forcing anyone to do something with that. Maybe you just have somewhere better model...)
Agreed, but that'll have to wait for another day. No more new models before the beta so that we can fully focus on getting it released.
Small update. I've begun drawing up the 4.86 miningmod. Lots of changes, and making sure noone's left out is not easy. I've queried the heads of the various mining factions ingame to see about any suggestions they might have. Thus far the response has been good. Gallia is a bit troublesome but I'm sure something can be worked out, even there.
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While I know you've had the mining mod in hand for a long while (though I've never been on board with the IMG sharing the same bonus' as domestic factions for anything other than niobium due to the issues of ZOI and competition) I figured it'd be worth sharing some of the mental hoops I jumped through concerning ore and Gallia.
Or, rather, I'll cut it short. Not that my mental hoops are overlong.
Gallia's systems are somewhat weird. Gallia, while large, doesn't offer very long trade routes. Gallia internalizing its movement of commerce strikes as poor.
My plan was to maximize focus on raiding external fields to bring the loot back home. A rather long road and one which brought transports through the maximum number of systems to, hopefully, bring some incentive to the pirate food chain along the way.
The issue which has come up since then are the health of fields being implemented.
I'm not sure what Gallia has that can be reasonably moved from Gallia to other houses. I'm not sure how well the fields in Bretonia will hold up under additional strain, given their current state of depletion. But I don't think, from what I've observed and learned in the past, that the most viable solution is going to be in adding mining fields to Gallia itself.
Wasn't me that added them. The fields are there, along with the GMS mining bases and the infocards stating that they are in active use, and being mined from space. I guess that was something Igiss had in mind. Not quite sure -how- I will handle that. Basically got two options - keep the fields on, promoting activity within the Gallic core worlds (which have a huge distance to cover between them, so travel time isn't an issue). Or switch -all- those fields off and force the GMS to go hunt for Niob/Beryl in Tau 23, and Dublin for Gold. Which will create the bulk of the activity -outside- of Gallia. Pirates will likely just camp Languedoc or Orkney, seeing as it is a bottleneck you cannot avoid. Quad gunboat gives no transports a chance. GMS might want to have a Valor or two on standby to clear a path down there...
At present Gallia has no fewer then 6 spacebased commodities: Aluminum, Copper, Cobalt, Beryllium, Platinum and Niobium. The faction is also interested in acquiring gold from Dublin, which may not even be that hard. As soon as they're in Edinburgh after all, they're covered by the GRN. But with that wide a selection, their bonuses are going to be like the IMG's...
As for IMG on-par with house bonuses. Only commodity aside from Niobium that is true for is Gold, and I've submitted a change to put that to 3x BMM, 2.5x IMG and 2x Mollies weeks ago. But seeing as we're busy devving, and Cannon's plate is full too in getting jump drive, player bases and some other FLHookly goodness operational... there just hasn't been an update to that yet.
In general the bonuses should be: x3 for house corps, 3 commodities each - 4 come 4.86 due to new commodities (might vary if there's competition). IMG x2.5 (might vary if there's competition) but a much wider selection. Various unlawful factions that originated from miners should get x1.5 to x2 in their commodity. Meaning Hessians, Corsairs, Mollies. Small mining ships give a 25% extra bonus to yield - to promote teamplay. After all, you need someone with a transport with those.
Dev update: Been busy implementing the HFuel (Helium3) mining zones as prepared by Friday. Had to make a few minor tweaks but thus far no serious issues. GMG and Samura will be able to mine their gases come 4.86:)
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Finalized the HFuel/Helium 3 mining implementation. I had to make some additional changes, to both the Samura gas miner model (applied the gas mining VFXes at appropriate spots through the loadout for these - looks more finished that way) and the way the new miners are defined. The gas miners have guns, but they didn't have the AI set to actually used them. Fixed that, and gave the NPC Hegemons siriuswide an arament upgrade as well to the transport turrets players use (they aren't big enough for base guns really).
Kruger, GMG and Samura are sleighted to get a bonus to the commodity. While Kruger may be the odd one out in this, it was requested by both them and the GMG in order to create a point of conflict in the Sigmas.
I'll be working on the Rheinland region next - resources petering out in Dresden (although I'm tempted to put a weak diamond zone down there). Maybe some new resources in Omega 15 - that system is perfect for it. Recheck Omega 7 as well, it's layout and 3 field setup is a mite odd in comparison to the present situation. Thought of a diamond mining zone in Omega 41, but that'd just end up becoming a Hessian only zone... thought the Sairs would likely put a stop to it right quick. Munich will also need an expansion. Aluminium has to come from somewhere after all... and there's the new Koeln system to check.
Then Bretonia... With New Cambria and New Anglia dropped from the release, BMM won't have a fourth commodity yet. Which means that commodity has to be put somewhere else. Cobalt or Uncut Diamonds are the best bet - putting it over in Dundee should create a risky mining proposition for BMM, with both Gallia invading and Mollies having a base there.
Liberty also needs some love. DSE has been left out, which isn't right. Platinum in Penny is one way to help them out, but there are also vast areas in systems like Minnesota, Alberta and Humboldt which for the moment serve no purpose. Also pondering to give DSE a light scrap bonus so they can start cleaning Liberty up themselves. Given there's a few DSE depots in the Detroit scrapfield even in 4.85 suggests them to do so.
Kusari itself is a bit problematic. With Gallia kicking them out of the Tau region, Samura only has it's H fuel operations in Hokkaido, and platinum in Nagano. I'm not sure what to do with Kishiro - they'd not likely get into gas mining, considering their partnership with the GMG. Lorewise Kusari is rather lacking in mineral resources.
Gallia... well, planning to ensure that Gallia is pretty much isolated. It has 6 resources defined in mining fields throughout the core systems. It could probably have done with less. Luckily the sheer distance from house sellpoints will ensure they won't need to be taken into account when determining sellpoints in the rest of Sirius. I'll likely set the fields to below average yield to signify the intense mining that has been going on to build up that massive fleet of the GRN (a'la Rheinland just before the Nomad war). GMS will have no competition, only pirates to contend with. And the GRP of course.
Tau space: Don't plan to make many changes there. Niob's fine. Beryllium's fine. With Tau 44 no longer being a guard system, it is a potential site to place a commodity (Gallia/IMG presence there, BD and GC have easy access to the system) but I wouldn't know what.
Omega space: Omega 15 is ideal to create new mining spots to succeed Dresden, and provide an alternative to Omega 7. I'm considering Omega 41 for an uncut diamond site - lore suggests FP5 was once a failed IMG diamond mining operation, so there must be something out there.
Sigma space: Friday's gas mining changes are the only thing applied here. Sigmas have little in the way of mineral resources.
Independent Worlds (Liberty borders): Haven't looked at these yet. Maybe something for DSE in the Rheinland/Liberty border zone. Liberty/Bretonia is an ice cloud, although the outlying systems like Inverness and Coronado might have some potential. Liberty/Kusari is a darkmatter wasteland.
As for yields... House corporations: 2 top yield, 2 lower yield commodities. One commodity for roleplaying purpose if need be. The IMG will follow the current trend of "lower yield then house corps, but can mine just about anything". Mollies and Red Hessians will have around half the house bonus, maybe a little more.
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>Thought of a diamond mining zone in Omega 41, but that'd just end up becoming a Hessian only zone..
>I'm considering Omega 41 for an uncut diamond site - lore suggests FP5 was once a failed IMG diamond mining operation, so there must be something out there.
There was a wreck around there, about the img mining scout shot down which was prospecting diamond mining zones. Or something. I'll try to find it and screen it.
Around that failed mining scout? Makes sense. And yes, corsairs will be pouring into it, so don't think it'll be too easy. Also add the fact that no bases are in the near vicinity to run to (unless you count Freital in another system to be close, but then you need to take a look at, say, O7 and distances to bases there). So, well, yeah, that'd be fun and not imbalancing.
As for o15 mining zone, that'd be weird. Miners basing of that battleship? Or, uh, BHG base? And what happens when leipzig falls, and what about the time when dresden does?