Dark Chocolate lead the run into New Berlin, with Late.Freight and myself taking trail position. In celebration of my first run I loaded up on some good Rheinland beers as we decided to continue to Omicron for another load of ore, which we took to New Tokyo. Once there we collected up some Mining Machinery to bring home to Jakarta. All in all a good run without incident and I am looking forward to more runs like this soon.
Just filing a report on another successful mining operation. Upon meeting up with IMG|Dark.Chocolate and IMG|Maudheim[R] In Tau-23 we commenced mining Beryllium ore, After we had filled our holds we proceeded to haul the ore down to New Berlin. The journey itself was quite pleasant thankfully we encountered zero unsavoury types as we travelled to our goal. Once we had reached New Berlin we received a comm from Freistadt requesting "supplies" and not wanting to disappoint them we gathered up the requested goods and began to head out. While making the final jump to Omega 7 the engine room of my vessel reported minor power fluctuations but not wanting to delay the convoy I pressed on. Once we had finished unloading at Freistadt the other guild members and I decided to travel on to Omega 3 to conduct further mining operations. After collecting a suitable amount of Cobalt ore we started our travels back to Tau-23. Unfortunately upon jumping into New Berlin the engine on my vessel had sustained minor damage from the power fluctuations and began to malfunction. After I alerted the convoy to continue without me, My crew and I managed to get the engine back into working order. Not wanting to test our luck however we pressed forward to Narita station to deliver the ore and then proceeded to Java Station at full speed. We currently have the crew at Java looking the IMG|Late.Freight over to see if it is a simple repair job or if it will have to be moved to Singapore Shipyard for major repairs.
Till next time
Vince Icewind
¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤ End of Transmission ¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤
Just filing a report on my succesful collection of a new mining vessela Annapurna she isn't the toughest ship around but hot damn she is a good lil digger. So after winning a couple hands of poker at Java with some of the boys I ended up taking ownership of this little beauty on the terms that I had to move one of the guild hegemon back to Freistadt. No problems I thought and figured I would haul some Beryllium ore down to New Berlin while I was at it. Nothing but smooth sailing as I brought her into New Berlin I figured since the hege wasn't due in for a couple hours I would try my luck at the local pub, I may have lost the value of the credits I made on the ore deal but hey thats life huh. Anyway I got the hege to Freistadt as usual the lads were happy to see me and my Rheinbier. I took possession of the Annapurna she was in an unloved way you mining gear slightly rusted and under powered and needing some new paint but she is up to scratch now. So I'm just gonna get some rest before I earn my wage in this bad girl.
Till next time
Vince Icewind
¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤ End of Transmission ¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤
With the rushed declaration of war, or however the higher-ups and politicians prefer to call it, of Bretonia and Crayter against us, we were forced to react. Assets with a previous of economical and commercial focus had to be redistributed into security and military funds. As Defense Manager of Falster Station my new task was to improve our defense grid here in the Wilkes Ice Field. Highest priority had the upgrade of our weapon platform network from five to seven - adding two additional Type 2 Anti-Capital weapon platforms to our already existing four and the Type 3 Anti-Snub weapon platform. With the additional platforms integrated into our defense grid, we are able to increase the effective area of denial around Falster Station, ensuring the enemy is required to stay at range as otherwise the devastating turrets of our array will melt them down.
This upgrade is finished now and the platforms have been deployed successfully. Falster is not invulnerable, but should Bretonia and Crayter wish to continue their siege, they will need to pay a high price for every single inch they try to get closer to us.
This is only possible because of the cooperative attitude of our pilots, our allies and our sympathizers. We had a few troublesome days with the Red Hessian Army, however today the men and women of Generalmajor Anna Heinrich are proving in excellence that combining our strength can even make a mighty house fear us and regret their decision to wage war on us.
This graphic shows the deployment locations of our weapon platforms and other defense modules. Our SHIELD MODULE is currently operating at 100% with a damage absorption rate fluctuating between 95% to 99%.
Our ANTI SNUB PLATFORM has been slightly moved to cover the area between the Aland-Freeport 1-Lane and the Aland Hangar Bays to intercept anything approaching our defense grid using the lane connection. Should Bretonia try a Forced-Entry-Scenario with breaching pods, this platform will take care of it.
Most importantly however is our freshly upgraded network of ANTI CAPITAL PLATFORMS, perfectly arranged to not offer a single weak angle for capital warships to attack Falster Station from effective range. As it stands, the only ways they can continue the siege is by relying on inefficient artillery weaponry or by painfully taking the shots. The latter will melt them in minutes and seconds, the former allows our pilots and our allies to take down the enemy while they can't move freely within the Wilkes Ice Field. We are at great advantage here.
That would be all for now. Let's hope everything works out as intended. We managed to finish the repairs on the outer armor only two hours ago.
Hubert Adam
IMG Falster Station Defense Manager
¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤ End of Transmission ¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤
As specified in the contacts, this transmission is only open to the leadership. I will adress our options in terms of defense and survivability of Falster Station and Aland Shipyard in the following. Please consider reading this before responding to this communiqué the guild and her allies received.
Bretonia is currently at the brink of losing the war. Their actions are unreasonable, reckless and born out of frustration. They have forgotten everything about diplomatic finésse and subtle actions. The security team leaders and strategic experts under my command have had plenty of time on analysing the data of past and present, have thought through dozens of what-if scenarios and in the end we came up with a set of options available to us to react in case of this conflict going on.
Present Situation: Bretonia
From what information is available to us, Bretonia is cut off from Planet Harris in Tau-31 entirely since mid 823 A.S. - they lost their colony on Harris. This was the beginning of the economic destabilization of Bretonia, as shortly after it, Bretonia's two most important mining and refinery stations, LD-14 and Stokes, had been taken over, followed by the invasion of the ecumenopolistic Planet Leeds. While Leeds is still not 100% under control of Gallia, as keeping a multi-billion-sized population can't just get silenced or murdered that easily, Bretonia effectively lost all resource income from Tau-31 and Leeds. Not too long ago, Bretonia lost not only Birmingham Station in the Manchester system, which severely damaged the bretonian fuel supply, but has also lost their direct connection to Liberty via Magellan and Cortez since Freeport 4 was destroyed and Planet Curacao's orbit turned into a horrible battlefield between Liberty's Battlegroup Yukon and the invading Gallic Battlegroups reaching the system thanks to the surprisingly stable Leeds-Magellan-Cortez jump hole corridor, despite being engulfed by nebulae and asteroid fields. Not only is Bretonia cut off from military support from Liberty via the Cortez lane, with both Manchester's lane network being heavily damaged and Cortez being an active battlefield, but also has the trade extremely suffered from this.
Right now, Gallia is sieging the New London system with multiple battlegroups which were sent into New London by overriding the Newcastle gate from Leeds. A clever move that cut Bretonia off from all resources in the Newcastle system but also allowed to bring the so called Gallic Death March to New London. They destroyed Southampton, which is why we are at risk of losing Aland in first place - one way or the other - and the York Battlegroup lost their mothership, the wreck is still floating around there. Kensington Shipping Platform and Canterbury Station have been under heavy fire but are now reinforced by multiple fleets, as the loss of those two stations and the control over the lane node at Dover would be a catastrophe to Bretonia by removing any chance to rebuild the Manchester control again.
With the siege of New London, Bretonia also has a very hard time reaching the Dublin system, meaning any gold-related products from Graves need to break through the sieging fleet or somehow move all the way through the Omega-49 system, passing through Molly-controlled areas with minefields and patrols, to eventually reach Poole. Even with the Stirling Battlegroup in Omega-49, the Zoners are angry, the Corsairs are angry, the Mollys are angry and the closest defensive perimeter of Bretonia and her allies would be in Poole at the lanes.
That leaves Bretonia with three systems: New London, Cambridge and Poole. New London has lost most access to resources other than the planet itself can provide or anything coming from Cambridge. Whatever is produced on Kensington and Canterbury, it can't be of much significance. Cambridge was under the protection of Bretonia's most powerful, as in, not heavily weakened by the war, Battlegroup Norfolk at Ross, which controlled the system entirely, even with a very noticeable increase of Corsairs forces reported from Cardiff. Now that the Norfolk is on the move to take Aland, Cambridge is open to receive damage, should anyone decide to make a few bold steps in that direction.
The Norfolk Battlegroup is powerful. Probably multiple times more powerful than our assembled assets at Aland. Bretonia's strength are intimidating numbers and a higher level of technology. They are also trying to be intimidating at the poker table. What Bretonia is lacking are strategic finésse, resources, repair capabilities, support lines, time and allies as well as sympathy. Instead of focusing on the siege, Bretonia pulled two fleets away from their most important battlegrounds. The moment Liberty arrived with reinforcements through the Poole supergate connection, Bretonia sent the Stirling Battlegroup to Omega-49, while New London was already under siege. One could argue that the Stirling Battlegroup is old and outdated, the name of that Nessie being around almost as long as our Victoria in Dublin. The most important point of that entire assault on Canaria is the logistical effort they had to bear. The attack on Gran Canaria was everything but silent, and the Zoners used every chance to denounce Bretonia for their actions, which were quite detailed presented to the public. We know the take-over of a planet requires more than just a Battlegroup, but millions of people. Canaria's population was expected to be somewhat around a million at max, most likely much below, stretched over two major Zoner colonies, the bretonian Port Jackson and Corsair agricultural settlements. Bretonia not only had to mobilize the Stirling but also fleets of bretonian soldiers to occupy the planet. That means Bretonia has fleets of troop transports out there. Keep that in mind for later. It is likely that while the Zoners of Gran Canaria weren't said to be outright warmongering against the take-over, there have been casualties of the Bretonians during the take-over. Corsairs taking care of the Stirling, possibly intercepting troop transports. Chances are some of the rather bold Zoners shot down troop transports with the planetary defense grid established after the Corsair bombardement of Canaria more than five years ago. Reports said Zoners destroyed parts of the infrastructure to leave, partially, nothing but scorched earth for Bretonia.
While it is most likely that Bretonia has regained some level of fuel supply by taking over Deuterium refineries planetside, that take-over surely was not as easy as one would assume when thinking about the rather underorganized Zoners.
Very recently, the Red Hessian Battlegroup Kassel took out the Gwent, a target of opportunity as the result of Bretonia's attempt to take over our stations in their desperation. Battlegroup Kassel was heavily damaged during that operation and escaped barely into the Omega-5 system, which we know because of their distress call. The Guild has sent a few logistical support ships stationed in Omega-47 to support the Kassel, yet our own participation in guarding and repairing it is limited by us being required to put all resources into the defense of Falster and Aland. Thankfully, while they are not assisting us here, the Coalition has lend their support to the Kassel in her weakened state. Right now, we can only hope that the Red Hessians will pull the ship deeper into the system, bringing the Hammen Hole between the jump hole and the damaged flagship. If the Corsairs can't cross the Hammen Hole, Bretonia, which has little to no experience in fighting in that region, won't be able to do much.
Now we are facing the Norfolk, which is the last bastion of Bretonian superiority. It is heading straight for us and only slowed down by the area of denial provided by the Wilkes Ice Field, our defensive installations and our assembled fleets. If Bretonia decides to go after the Kassel, they need to take assets away from the Norfolk and sent them for an extremely suicidal mission into the depths of Omega-5. If they do, Norfolk will be weaker. Depending on how resource-starved the Norfolk right now is, this might be a critical factor, given that Bretonia needs all resources at the front.
Present Situation: Defense
Again, Bretonia is running out of time and resources. Every single day means more deaths in space and planetside. Every single day means Gallia leeches more resources off from everything they took from Bretonia so far. Every single day means Gallia can bring even more reinforcements into Bretonia, directly from Leeds, uncontested to the best of our knowledge. They have no time. They are reckless.
The most successful strategy to take over anything that is fortified is to hunger it out. Bretonia has no time. So they don't go for the most successful ways here. Most likely, Battelgroup Norfolk will directly head for Aland in the most reckless manner necessary. Luckily, we are in our element here. We should not look at the numbers and technologies alone here. The best example of a minor faction winning against an entire house would be the 80 Years war of the Gas Miners Guild and Rheinland, won by the former. GMG used their well known territory to their advantage to hit Rheinland's superior fleets exactly where it hurt with a minimum of losses in comparison to what they had and what Rheinland had. While we can't go for another 80 Years War, this time IMG against Bretonia, we surely can be as clever as the GMG was in that historical example. In our case, all we need to do is stalling the Norfolk's progress into Aland's direction. Possible ways to do that would be disabling and cutting the trade lanes. We can do that, both by attacking the lanes directly and by moving big rocks in the way. The logistical effort for us to do that would be minimal.
We can destroy the lane rings. The negative impact for us would be way less significant than the damage we would do to them with that. The damage would be effective in the short and in the long run, as Bretonia will need these rings to reach Aland with damaged ships. But this is only the beginning. While we don't need to be worried about Falster Station right now, given it is more powerfully defended than Aland with the new defense grid, rendering Falster almost impenetrable as previous battles have shown - Bretonia, Crayter and Core didn't stand a chance, let's say it and be proud about it as long as we can - Aland is considerably bigger and more difficult to cover entirely. Our defenses cover it only partially. Erecting more defenses is something that will cost us more time and effort than we likely have right now. Luckily, however, we are surrounded by large ice asteroids and rocks, and we can make use of them here as well.
The Aland Shipyard is large. Should Bretonia make any move to breach through the Wilkes Ice Field, it will be very difficult to protect all sides of it. What we can do, however, is placing rocks in their way, not figuratively but in the literal sense of the phrase. We can cover the weaked points of the hull with obstacles and walls of asteroids. We can placed asteroids in the shipyard facilities. We could block off the hangar bays with rocks the moment we leave the station. Or, in the worst case scenario, we could blow up Aland Shipyard ourselves, forcing Bretonia to lose the war, which they will do anyway. The way I see it is we can either stall their progress or make their entire effort fruitless by leaving nothing they can work with in first place. The question is whether we want that. If we continue the conflict on our end, it is most likely we will never regain Aland, Cardiff and possible other lost assets. Many men and women will die. Not only ours, but those of our allies and, even while we are at war with Bretonia, theirs as well. This decision is not up to me, and I won't voice my opinion on possible regrets. I believe we have chosen our path already, and my job as well as that of those under my command is to ensure we either win this or cause as much damage as possible, to show our allies we were worth their losses.
While I am not much of a diplomat, I certainly have spent my fair share of time on analyzing the absolutely chaotic decisions Bretonia has made as of recent, in the panic of losing New London, which is probably already a fate sealed. Their only chance would be in taking all their fleets together and try to in some way breach the siege front to overwhelm the invaders. Bretonia is still able to produce snub-sized vessels planetside, both on Cambridge and on New London, and I would bet they militarized every single factory on those worlds to do exactly that. Bretonia doesn't lack the pilots. For anything bigger, Bretonia requires a spaceborne shipyard, or the invention of optimized, mass-produce capital-sized anti-gravity technology. In Sirius, few ship-classes support that kind of technology, one for example the Libertonian Bison-class Heavy Combat Transport. One can assume this technology is expensive and eating up so much resources that this technology has not been stuffed into every single warship they found.
Bretonia is trying to take Aland, however, not to produce snub-sized vessels, but possibly anything bigger. Gunboats and destroyers most likely, as producing a battleship will take so much more time than Bretonia has anyway. The issue with this is that Bretonia won't win the war with whatever amount of gunboats and destroyers they imagine they can pump out of Aland when having taken it. Producing new assets at Aland would be something Bretonia can do only in the long run. What Bretonia is more likely to do with Aland is establishing a back-end repair facility far away from the range of Gallia. It is most likely they are trying to establish a Norfolk-secured supply line from New London down to Aland to send damaged ships for repairs, refueling and restocking. That means, if we would allow Bretonia to take Aland from us without us initiating the self-destruction, it would mean Bretonia would be required to protect the absolutely easy prey that is damaged, dry and out of ammunition vessels down to the Cambridge gate, then either down via the longest lanes of Sirius to either Cambridge or Cardiff, then to Ross, then to the asteroid-nebula-covered gate to Omega-3, where they will once again be trapped in a nebula with asteroids, over to Freeport 1, then down to Aland. The Gwent is gone. All they have is the Norfolk. And we surely won't give them Aland in a perfect state.
Let's assume Bretonia sends a share of the fleet to chase the Kassel in Omega-5, take on the defending forced of Red Hessians and the Coalition, somehow survive the Hammen Hole to finish the Kassel off, I am certain the Red Hessians would have enough motivation to have Bretonia suffer for that in the worst way. Possibly, the Red Hessians could gather their allies to from that point on launch surgical strikes on whatever moves between New London and Aland. If Bretonia manages to invade Omega-5, nothing can stop the Hessians from returning the favor. An alternative would be contacting the Corsairs, as they could make use of this weakness as well. While I am fully aware the Corsairs and the IMG haven't been on good terms with another for a long time, even they couldn't turn a blind eye on that opportunity. And I believe this is something we can mention in possible negotiations.
My proposal is to make Bretonia reconsider by giving them something that means, right now, nothing to us.
Bretonia is desperate and has become blind to opportunities they simply didn't think of. Right now, Bretonia is probably taking over what we left at Cardiff in Cambridge. Cardiff's most interesting capabilities are mining and processing of Beryllium, which we used to ship to Rheinland and Liberty. Bretonia doesn't necessarily need Beryllium, at least not in the mounts the station is optimized to produce. However, due to the special situation between the IMG and Bretonia right now, I believe we can negotiate for a compromise. We need to convince Bretonia that taking Aland is a horrible idea both in short and long run. We need to make them consider ending this conflict in the Omegas for the sake of winning the war. I believe we can do that. We can either make sure they don't get their people on Aland by blowing up our own station, or instead, we allow them to keep Cardiff. Bretonia does not benefit from a Beryllium Refinery, but from a Shipyard. If Bretonia is willing to cease hostilities and make the Norfolk leave Omega-3 to return to Cambridge, with the exception of a contingent to defend Sprague, of course, we can offer our help to turn Cardiff into a makeshift Shipyard facility. Who else knows the station better than us? Bretonia has the personnel, we have the knowledge and materials. If we combine that, we can have Cardiff produce ship components and erect a simple shipyard facility at Cardiff within weeks - especially since Bretonia has a logistical fleet they used to take Canaria. Utilizing that fleet would allow a quick deployment, material delivery and with the Norfolk not required to defend Aland, Sprague AND Cambridge, the fleet would be less vulnerable, and ships required to receive repairs, refueling and restocking would not be required to fly all the way down to Omega-3 but only to Cardiff. Two lanes and one gate instead of five lanes and two gates just to enter a system heavily raided by Hessians and Corsairs. That and it is most likely that they save time erecting a new shipyard at using Cardiff than trying to repair the lanes in the Wilkes Ice Field as well as what we leave there, if anything.
If they cease the hostilities, they wouldn't need to continue the new conflict with the Hessians. Hessians could focus on Corsairs, Corsairs couldn't focus on Bretonia. Bretonia would not only become good with the Guild again but have her two major enemies in the Omegas fight each other again. Possibly, Crayter and Core could also offer their assistance at Cardiff. With the cooperation of these involved groups on just one station to provide a shipyard, we could establish something useful within less than a month.
As an addition, you might want to remind Bretonia that ALG is on our side, and they can easily turn the Wilkes Ice Field into a radioactive nightmare should we lose.
I recommend negotiating this with Bretonia as soon as possible.
Hubert Adam
IMG Falster Station Defense Manager
¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤ End of Transmission ¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤
Aland Station's self destruction protocols have been modified for a multi-phase sequence. Theoretically, all it takes is two commanding officers to initiate the protocols. Maintenance robots will then initiate the first sabotage directly at the dry dock shield generators, which both protect the dry docks and allow the construction within the bubble. In the meantime, the human population can leave the station with the remaining shuttles.
Phase Two will be initiated ten minutes after Phase One. The energy generators and relay systems will start overcharging, disabling the station except for the life support systems. Those will remain active for the following twentyfour hours to allow every single person to leave the station, should there be delays. We've put EVA suits in case of an unplanned hull breach in critical places. The evacuation shuttles would head for our construction site in Omega-47 and for Omega-7, where we expect possible hostiles not to follow.
All it takes is the go from the leadership.
This would be all.
Hubert Adam
IMG Falster Station Defense Manager
¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤ End of Transmission ¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤
Oh man, oh man.... I am heated... Someone needs to change South Shields Codes and have a chat with their gunners as to why I didn't get any fire support with two Gaian Guard figthers and a gunboat firing on me right on top of the station...
*takes a deep breath*
Anyways the operation with the MRG went.... poorly. Not much I can say about that. Although let me add that the new Odins we acquired from the Hessians are outstanding... Although mine is going to need a lot of tender love and care. Those Gaians jumped onto me from the second I entered Newcastle
[29.03.2019 16:09:11] GG-W-Flora: Hi.
[29.03.2019 16:09:23] GG-W-Flora: Hold up for a moment.
[29.03.2019 16:09:32] IMG|Defiant: go away
[29.03.2019 16:09:37] GG-W-Flora: No.
[29.03.2019 16:09:44] GG-W-Flora: I said hold up.
[29.03.2019 16:09:53] IMG|Defiant: So you can try to kill me
[29.03.2019 16:09:58] GG-W-Flora: Yeah.
[29.03.2019 16:10:14] GG-W-Flora: Well fine.
[29.03.2019 16:12:36] GG-W-Avocado': RO: well, guess i have to step in to assist
[29.03.2019 16:12:41] GG-W-Flora: He's yours.
[29.03.2019 16:12:46] GG-W-Avocado': RO: crew prepare to fire
[29.03.2019 16:12:55] GG-W-Flora: Wait, hold up.
[29.03.2019 16:13:01] GG-W-Flora: Why on Gaia did you bring a gunboat.
[29.03.2019 16:13:30] GG-W-Avocado': RO: we were expecting heavier ships in the area
[29.03.2019 16:13:50] GG-W-Deathadder: Poor guy. Can't handle it by yourself, Flora?
[29.03.2019 16:14:03] GG-Islay.2: MB: It seems the wind of gaia has blessed you today with our presence.
[29.03.2019 16:14:28] GG-W-Deathadder: Zip it Mike, and put those Scatterguns to good use.
[29.03.2019 16:14:32] GG-Islay.2: MB: the choices that led you astray matter not you will be at peace soon.
[29.03.2019 16:14:34] GG-W-Deathadder: Go help the lady.
[29.03.2019 16:31:52] GG-W-Deathadder: You got him, Flora!
[29.03.2019 16:32:01] GG-Islay.2: MB: Allow me to recite a verse of the book of Gaia while we wait.
[29.03.2019 16:32:30] GG-Islay.2: MB: At first I was afraid.
[29.03.2019 16:32:47] IMG|Defiant: How about you leave me in peace like I wanted..
[29.03.2019 16:33:09] BAF|Ens.Hamilton.Segway: Cheerio!
[29.03.2019 16:33:11] GG-Islay.2: MB: I was petrified. Untill mother gaia created everything. The end.
[29.03.2019 16:33:31] GG-W-Deathadder: Hello.
[29.03.2019 16:33:45] GG-W-Deathadder: A bit late on the party, ensign.
[29.03.2019 16:34:12] GG-Islay.2: MB: Took the wrong road, but no matter they all lead to Gaia's embrace
[29.03.2019 16:35:14] BAF|Ens.Hamilton.Segway: Blimey, quite the brawl!
[29.03.2019 16:36:59] GG-Islay.2: MB: Pathetic aren't they. Lets just put him out of his misery
[29.03.2019 16:37:52] GG-W-Avocado': RO: enough of this, lets finish this
[29.03.2019 16:38:55] 2019-03-29 20:38:54 SMT Traffic control alert: IMG|Defiant has requested to dock
Codename: Defiant
¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤ End of Transmission ¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤
The hostilities between us and the Crayter Republic are rising as they openly attacked me in Newcastle after telling them that I will not spare their lives if they attack me. Both insisted on their intention and attacked my vessel. Both Crayterians have been taken down with zero losses, hopefully this will be a warning for future assaults.
Also, this is a sample of the comm logs:
[20.09.2019 02:04:43] =CR=|Hellfire|: Oh look at this
[20.09.2019 02:05:01] IMG|'Eisbrecher': Look at what?
[20.09.2019 02:05:20] =CR=|Hellfire|: One of the traitors
[20.09.2019 02:05:37] IMG|'Eisbrecher': Said the one who allied with Bretonia to steal our Shipyard.
[20.09.2019 02:05:40] =CR=|Hellfire|: still making friends with Gauls, now Enclave?
[20.09.2019 02:05:51] IMG|'Eisbrecher': Never were friends.
[20.09.2019 02:06:07] =CR=|Hellfire|: Say what?
[20.09.2019 02:06:07] IMG|'Eisbrecher': Listen, you should leave before you hurt yourself.
[20.09.2019 02:06:40] =CR=|Hellfire|: what was that?
[20.09.2019 02:06:46] IMG|'Eisbrecher': You heard me right.
[20.09.2019 02:06:57] =CR=|Hellfire|: Was that a threat?
[20.09.2019 02:07:07] IMG|'Eisbrecher': I say it again.
[20.09.2019 02:07:15] IMG|'Eisbrecher': Leave or you'll hurt yourself.
[20.09.2019 02:07:25] =CR=|Hellfire|: And what if I refuse?
[20.09.2019 02:07:51] IMG|'Eisbrecher': You'll see what will happen-
[20.09.2019 02:08:03] IMG|'Eisbrecher': Mostlikely the same that happend to those SIS operatives earlier.
[20.09.2019 02:08:11] =CR=|Hellfire|: Ah, now that was a threat
[20.09.2019 02:08:43] IMG|'Eisbrecher': Brought friends huh?
[20.09.2019 02:08:47] =CR=|Hellfire|: Forget it, not gonna leave, I feel fine here
[20.09.2019 02:09:04] Pierre.Tendean: always with friends, this is not MMA
[20.09.2019 02:09:09] IMG|'Eisbrecher': Good, do you want to have an stare off contest until someone leaves?
[20.09.2019 02:09:36] =CR=|Hellfire|: I was actually wondering... why don't you just surrender?
[20.09.2019 02:09:45] IMG|'Eisbrecher': Force me.
[20.09.2019 02:10:15] Pierre.Tendean: alright, prepare your guns
[20.09.2019 02:10:22] =CR=|Hellfire|: that would be like forcing the pacifier off a toddler.... so I ask nicely instead
[20.09.2019 02:10:22] IMG|'Eisbrecher': Good good.
[20.09.2019 02:10:24] Pierre.Tendean: for the republic!
[20.09.2019 02:10:31] IMG|'Eisbrecher': Time to die then.
[20.09.2019 02:10:34] IMG|'Eisbrecher': Weapons free!
[20.09.2019 02:10:43] Death: Pierre.Tendean was put out of action by IMG|'Eisbrecher' (Mine).
[20.09.2019 02:10:46] /time
[20.09.2019 02:10:46] 2019-09-20 02:10:45 SMT
[20.09.2019 02:10:52] =CR=|Hellfire|: oh well
[20.09.2019 02:11:00] IMG|'Eisbrecher': Second chance to leave.
[20.09.2019 02:11:00] =CR=|Hellfire|: let's play then
[20.09.2019 02:11:21] Death: =CR=|Hellfire| was put out of action by IMG|'Eisbrecher' (Gun).
[20.09.2019 02:11:25] /time
[20.09.2019 02:11:25] 2019-09-20 02:11:24 SMT
[20.09.2019 02:11:33] IMG|'Eisbrecher': They never learn.
[20.09.2019 02:11:39] IMG|'Eisbrecher': Pathetic.
Codename: Eisbrecher
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another day of battle has come to an end and we successfully repelled the Outcast invaders and their allies from the base. Be advised that the Outcast hired and paid a Freelancer organization wearing the tag [tCS] to lend an aiding hand in their campaign against us. All attacking vessels have been destroyed and their kills have been claimed on the bounty board.
[26.09.2019 22:21:42] [ALG]-Orkan: There's a lot of them if you're wondering.
[26.09.2019 22:21:49] IMG|Jessica.Hudson: I am aware.
[26.09.2019 22:21:59] Tip: Exploration can be very rewarding. The game world has hidden bases and wrecks that do not show up on your map. Find them and the loot is yours to claim.
[26.09.2019 22:22:41] [tCS]Priest: Now i understand.
[26.09.2019 22:22:43] [tCS]Acid: Priest, stay at a range.
[26.09.2019 22:22:52] [ALG]-Orkan: Enemy forces have arrived. Wonderful.
[26.09.2019 22:22:53] [tCS]Priest: Roger that.
[26.09.2019 22:22:59] Repairo: There some prepay, in case if I will be busy to say which indeed head I wish to see on my wall
[26.09.2019 22:23:01] IMG|Jessica.Hudson: Indeed.
[26.09.2019 22:23:09] Caliente: Enemies on radar!
[26.09.2019 22:23:12] Caliente: Get ready!
[26.09.2019 22:23:14] QC|"Madrid": Trasher still here and looking for a wreck after we burn this place out.
[26.09.2019 22:23:16] [tCS]Priest: Seems like we've got Malta's enemies on sight. Good.
[26.09.2019 22:23:26] Repairo: Well, IMG one will fit well
[26.09.2019 22:23:32] IMG|Jessica.Hudson: their snubs will go for me.
[26.09.2019 22:23:34] [tCS]Acid: Mark us our target. It will likely disappear within some few minutes.
[26.09.2019 22:23:36] [ALG]-Orkan: Well, we won't have any shortage of targets.
[26.09.2019 22:23:38] [ALG]-Orkan: Stay close
[26.09.2019 22:23:49] IMG|Jessica.Hudson: We'll see who will disappear.
[26.09.2019 22:23:51] [tCS]Priest: What do you say Acid. Is it time?
[26.09.2019 22:23:58] IMG|Jessica.Hudson: I am ready for combat.
[26.09.2019 22:24:03] Repairo: I see some IMG Jessica, you could start from it
[26.09.2019 22:24:12] QC|"Madrid": Fighters, take care about diggers and their scrappy friends.
[26.09.2019 22:24:13] Repairo: 1 mil to everybody for her head
[26.09.2019 22:24:24] IMG|Jessica.Hudson: Weapons are ready! Come here!
[26.09.2019 22:24:26] [tCS]Acid: Priest, that's mine if that's okay for you.
[26.09.2019 22:24:30] QC|"Madrid": Capital ships, formation on me.
[26.09.2019 22:24:34] [tCS]Priest: No problemo.
Signed, Jessica Hudson
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