Make this to be shoot out only from player controlled station, make the price per unit 30 000 000 and the cool-down more then 60 seconds speed should be 230 and it should have enough hull to take let say 100 cds before it goes boom, and you will have pure win.
Now some of the devs should tell us more about the player controlled stations. This could be very effective anti-everything defence weapon.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
I think Missiles are... well bad.
But A Battleship/Dreadnought foward Cannon/Weapon Which Uses Ammo. Would be very cool.
It would have no turn rate but it would be incredibly fast which is what would give it its damage.
With Similar Damage To what you were suggesting
(Kinda Like Dreadnoughts in Mass Effect).
Introducing some new forms of ships dedicated to a specific role would be awesome.
For instance.
LSC is pretty much an uber anticap weapon.
Now, wouldn't it be awesome if there was a ship that was geared toward targetting smaller ships, but failed epically at anything else.
Such as a missile platform?
Back to Anticap.
Having a batlecruiser sized ship that has about 3 standard weapons, with an almighty main weapon mounted in a fixed position.
Could create something like... lets use the LN GB for an example.
The [insert name] is a variant of the standard Gunboat employed by the Liberty navy.
There was only one purpose in mind, destroying capitals at a cheaper cost than the Liberty Siege cruiser.
Retrofitted with a single cannon to deal maximum damage, sacrificing standard turrets.
Could use pulse cannon/antimatter cannon on the slot, for different purposes?
A very powerfull engine, a damn resisting armor plating, and a lesse 10x10 cm iron cube...shoot it into any star...wait few seconds, behold the Supernova explosion, profit. And you don't even need any fancy explosive just simple physics:P