Sorry tl;dr but I can try and answer some of your questions. From what I know most of the custom models will remain. I believe the idea of the devs is to have all the import models (such as the Moldy Crow and the Talon) replaced by custom ones. I might however be wrong here. There are several custom models that I believe will be replaced with highter quallity ones. As for the variety I believe your choice is quite diverse as it is, adding more ships willl just make it more confusing.
Thanks r3vange. This gives me insight on what to expect. My views are getting to be a bit more positive now on seeing the release. I wouldn't mind the import models to be replaced, and higher quality models accepted in my case. Sorry, I'm a little hyped over 4.86 with the feature of "Player constructed and controlled bases" along with the jumpdrives. I'm fascinated by these because I never seen them implemented into the game before.
The Moldy Crow and Raven's Talen are ships from past games I have played, and I always wanted to fly those ships. I have one save where I am finally doing that. Exploring the systems, and flying in one of my most favorite ships.
thats what players want. rare unknow ships that arent in use of everyone
I most certainly agree. It almost seems like in 4.85 every faction has it's own fleet. And many ships. That's why I like 4.85 so much, I played earlier versions of Discovery, the quality of the models has improved a great deal, and I like seeing the extra versions of ships already present. Makes you feel like there is a lot of R&D going on in the stories to support their battles and what they do.
' Wrote:i want to ask about 1 something is : all the ships we know going to change?
You've picked the wrong thread to ask this; but the answer is no, for the most part.
A large number of ships will remain the same. Several are receiving a new ship model (previews can be found elsewhere on the forums), and a very tiny number of ships will be removed (I think). Additionally, the next version will introduce a swathe of brand new ships.
i saw a video talking about order planet that in the video the planet will not be for orders it will be for nomad and there are no order planet any more and the BHG and order will be friends vs nomad so im asking now is that true?
Yes it was part of 4.86 pre -events Toledo is blasted in 4.86 by the huge nomad fleet.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
' Wrote:What's going on with the gallic junkers in 4.86? Or...even now, since there's no visible community consensus as to what exactly their position is in gallic society.
I agree, information about Gallic Junkers seems to be lacking in this thread.