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To: Mr C. O'Callaghan. From: Ms J. Frances, Human Resources, Services. RE: Application.
Good day sir. Human Resources has reviewed your application and wishes to offer you a position as a provisional Trade Combine captain. We can provide you with a new crew, should your current one wish to remain unaffiliated with the main Bowex umbrella corporation.
We'll send you a contract. Once you've signed it in triplicate and returned it, your employment can be considered active. The contract will detail your contractual obligations to the Firm, as well as the perks and benefits of working with us.
Report in to your shift Trade Combine Supervisor, and they'll point you in the right direction. Your first step should be to have your ship re-registered at Scarborough. From there, you'll be contacted with further instructions and on-the-job training, as required. Best of luck to you.
Ms J. Frances
Human Resources, Services.
To: Ms J. Frances, Human Resources, Services. From: Mr C. O'Callaghan RE: RE: Application.
My lady, I gratefuly accept the position and will not dissapoint your decision. My crew will be staying with me, they go where I go.
The contract has been filled and filed as requested, and I am currently enroute to Scarborough to finish the paperwork.
**Incoming Transmission: Text Only**
**Civilian Identification: J. Brighton**
**Forwarded from: Glasgow Outpost**
**Message Subject: Borderworlds Exports Application Form - J. Brighton**
Borderworlds Exports application form 8209-2727
- What is your full name?
Johnathan Albert Brighton
- Where do you live?
Shipboard, mostly. New London is my home.
- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have?
Previously employed planetside on New London in restocking and groundside transport for the BMM. Did some freelance trade on the side for a few years to see some more of the universe but now I'm looking for a safer, steadier term of employment.
- To what division are you applying?
Looking to apply for the shipping division.
- Do you already own a ship? If so, what kind? If it is not listed above, can you afford one of the ones listed?
I don't own a proper trading ship, but I've got the capital to buy a Clydesdale scraped up and sitting in my account on the Net. Right now I'm working out of a scrap CSV with the biggest holes patched.
- If you are applying for the Shipping division, what would you name your ship? Why?
I suppose I'd name it the Caxton, after the first man to bring the printing press to the shores of the original British Isles. Not only did he do that, but he made a tidy profit using it too, and there's a lesson to be learned there.
- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports?
Truthfully it's the money first. I'd like to make a living for myself out there in the black. But besides that, I've always wanted to live out among the stars, and there's no better way to get out into the borders than with a shipping contract in your hand and a sworn duty to Queen and Country to push out towards the frontier.
-Tell us about yourselves, what are you dislikeskes etc (minimum of 100 words)
Well, I come from good Old Scottish stock. My father was a tradesman on New London and on his small wage I didn't get much schooling that I didn't give myself. Despite that, I've gotten fairly well-read over the years on my own. I love books, and space flight gives me plenty of time to catch up on my reading. I love to be behind the controls of a ship, it's a liberating feeling, but damn if I don't hate some of the people up there. The Mollies, the Corsairs, the Gaians... They drive me nuts. Always after the smallest bloke's cash when we can't even pay rent. Bullies is all they are.
**Attached: Thank you for your time, J. Brighton**
**End Transmission**
Full Name: Andy Tresher
Place I live: New London
Last place of employment : I was a bartender at Thames Outpost. From there i learned about many profitable trade routs and tips for miners and traders.
Division: I apply to the shipping division
Ship: I don't own a ship, but i intend to buy a crane.
I would name my ship Thor's_Angel.
I am interest to work for Bowex becuase I am looking for a new way to make money, to meet new people, build new relationships and explore the Universe.
As a bartender, you usually have many things to do: serve people, often wash the glasses, help people with some smart answer or just look that the bar is all right. But sometimes, I just find myself having some spare time. Than, I start talking with different space travelers who usually have grate stories to tell. From them i found out about the terrorist organisation called Order, about the wrecks in the Sirius Sector and about how hard is to deal with pirates.
But one thing i really don't like is when people get drunk and start to tell stories that shouldn't be told, which sometimes can get me many troubles, so it is a familiar think when Armed Forces knock at my door in the morning and ask me a bunch of questions.
The bartender life is easy and fun, but if you don't know to get the best from it you will find it many times boring.
::End Of Transmission::
Posts: 6,380
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Staff roles: Story Dev Economy Dev
To: Mr J. Brighton. From: Ms J. Frances, Human Resources, Services. RE: Application.
Good day to you sir. Upon reviewing your application, Human Resources and Services is happy to approve your full time contract with the Bowex corporation. We are offering you a provisional place as a Trade Combine trainee captain. After a short skills assessment to acertain your bridge leadership skills, you'll be assigned a standard Percheron class transport, and a deck crew of five. Further crew members can be hired at your own discretion and expense.
You may also elect to replace your CSV freighter with one of our newer alpha-frame Clydesdales. This will come at no expense to yourself, being one of the options included in our starter-package. For a small penalty to their overall cargo capacity, the alpha-frame is a far more combat worthy and versatile ship than the stock Clydesdale. If you have any questions relating to our Clydesdale models, enquire on Scarborough, or ask for ExSec Manager Peterson.
Your contract has been dispatched to you. Sign it in triplicate, then return it to the Bowex Services branch that is most convenient for you. Report to Scarborough and find your duty Supervisor in order to get sorted. I'm sure the transition to working for the Firm will be smooth and pleasant. Further instructions and on-the-job training will be provided.
Ms J. Frances
Human Resources, Services.
Posts: 6,380
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Staff roles: Story Dev Economy Dev
To: Mr A. Tresher. From: Ms J. Frances, Human Resources, Services. RE: Application.
We do have concerns relating to your application, mostly regarding how much flight experience a bartender might have. That said, we're happy to accept your application on the grounds that you take a piloting proficiency exam. This is simply to enable us to fully assess your skillset and allocate you the tasks best suited to your talents. We'll dispatch you a provisional Trade Combine trainee captain.
Your starter contract enables you to claim a single Percheron class transport and an alpha-frame Clydesdale class freighter. Unless you already have preferences for a crew, Services will supply you with an initial five deck staff. Further crew members may be hired at your own discretion and expense.
Your contract has been dispatched to you. Sign it in triplicate, then return it to the Bowex Services branch that is most convenient for you. Report to Scarborough and find your duty Supervisor in order to get sorted. I'm sure the transition to working for the Firm will be smooth and pleasant. Further instructions and on-the-job training will be provided.
Ms J. Frances
Human Resources, Services.
- Where do you live? I used to livei n Manhattan, but that changed when I started Cargo Hauling. Now either my Bunk in me Trans or at whatever Station or Outpost I find myself in at the end ot the day.
- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have? I am an Independant Hauler. currently I'm sitting in my Heron - CT-53 Civilian Train. As for Experience? my first Hauler was a Rhino - EL-HiL27 Liberty Freighter and i been doing Runs all around the House systems and beyond. Also, I know what the term deadhead means
- To what division are you applying? Shipping Division as my "9 to 5" and Security Division "if we're in a tight spot"
- If you are applying for the Shipping division, what would you name your ship? Why? I usually don't name me Vessel as it's just a means to an end. On the comms Link I always go by Darquies Shade or just Darq to me mates.
- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports? I haul. your all about hauling, seems like we're be a good fit.
-Tell us about yourselves, what are you dislikeskes etc (minimum of 100 words)
// I Work mon-fri in corrections. I work 2nd shift. So i'm lookin for an active group around the mornings 10 am-ish and after midnight. I believe i'm GMT -6 or -5 (CST Chicago time) and if there is combat involved, I'm hoping that we use a voice program as tryin to fight and type is just dumb. If your not active on those times, please just tell me, as I'll leave. I do Not want to play Disc. as a single player game.
Posts: 6,380
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Joined: Aug 2007
Staff roles: Story Dev Economy Dev
To: Mr D. Shade. From: Ms J. Frances, Human Resources, Services. RE: Application.
Well, you're blunt and to the point. I'll give you the same courtesy - your application seems fine, and we're certainly interested in bringing you aboard with a temporary contract. This will of course mean you're on probation as a trainee-come-intern.
Should your contract receive an upgrade after your probationary period, you'll be approved to rent accommodation on Planet Leeds. Company housing is located in one of the less sordid regions and the monthly discount you'll receive is superb. Should you wish to do so, you will eventually be able to apply for Bretonian citizenship and gain unlimited access to government initiatives such as the NHS.
When you're ready, head to Scarborough Shipyard in Newcastle. They'll be able to alter your transponder output and upgrade your ID security clearances. You'll also need to contact the Combine Shift Supervisor for briefing on your new freight duties, and an ExSec Department Manager to enquire about security moonlighting.
Welcome to the company.
Ms J. Frances
Human Resources, Services.
Most of the time? On my ship, or wherever my trade route starts and ends, the life of a true trader is out in space.
- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have?
Before I decided to ally myself with the Borderworld Exports I was an Independent trader, hauling around goods in my Mammoth, I have plans for greater things now! I am a self made man, having started with a small loan from a friend of mine I acquired a basic 500 cargo freighter and worked to pay him back, eventually acquiring the mammoth through some haggling and various deals.
- To what division are you applying?
The Shipping division.
- Do you already own a ship? If so, what kind? If it is not listed above, can you afford one of the ones listed?
I worked my way up to purchasing a Series "DL" Border Worlds Transport then progressed further towards my goal of large, well armed and protected shipments with my Shire-class Bretonia Container Transport.
- If you are applying for the Shipping division, what would you name your ship? Why?
I have always used my first name, Astartes, as my call sign. (But if I had to give my ship a name I'd use the nickname that came with it, example: 'Shire' )
- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports?
Exporting goods to distant, exotic and dangerous locations has always been a passion of mine, I enjoy the long travels and the thrill of traversing dangerous and unknown space, avoiding bandits or even destroying them if the need arises. Oh and of-course the money, and good trader looks for the best profits.
-Tell us about yourselves, what are you dislikeskes etc (minimum of 100 words)
Well let's see, I dislike the way traders are harassed and robbed so often in this day by pirates, smugglers and sometimes even corrupt police. I plan on putting myself forwards as a force to be reckoned with, my shire is more than a simple trader, it is a flying fortress, and I won't hesitate to help a friend in need. I am not sure if I will upgrade again, but if I do I will certainly miss the firepower. I like having company, traveling through space with friends, exploring, being part of something big, something that is making a difference. True these are the reasons I want to join up with Bowex, but it just shows how it is the perfect job for me.
Thank you for your time, I wish to hear from Bowex soon.
A short person walks into the room. He seems to be mad about something with no reason. He gets his application form and goes into the corner to fill it up.
Borderworlds Exports application form 8209-2727
- What is your full name? Bob Nahuya Smith
- Where do you live? In New London. Small apartment near docking bays.
- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have? I use to be a hired transport. Carrying all kinds of stuff. After that I decided that big smelly cargo ships aren't my thing and I got myself a Charon. I was escorting merchants and hunting pirates latly. To be perfectly honest Me hates those stupid annoying pirates - what they do for their living - NOTHING - just pay me pay me - BOOHOO ... ( he stops for a second looks on what he is filling up - " well they should know what I think about it right? " - he thought ). So ye I am a good fighter pilot.
- To what division are you applying? <strike>SecxEx</strike> <strike>SexEc</strike> Ex/Sec The Exploration and Security Division
- Do you already own a ship? If so, what kind? If it is not listed above, can you afford one of the ones listed? Well I do have my good old Charon but I can afford getting other one.
- If you are applying for the Shipping division, what would you name your ship? Why? I am not. Stinky cargo bays - no no.
- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports? I need money...I need health insurance...I need to work for my retirement oh oh I want to help developing the main Bretonia company so Bretonia will grow stronger! Yeah that.
-Tell us about yourselves, what are you dislikeskes etc (minimum of 100 words) I dislike:
Colors: Blue, Yellow, Green and Brown.
Things: Hammers - I always aim at my fingers.
Ships: Big old smelly cargo bays.
Names: Kusarian ones...I hate my second name...but my father was Half Libertonian/Half Kusarian/Half Bretonia that's probably why my mother true Bretonian lawyer couldn't ressist. I hate lawyers.
I also hate - pirates, terrorist, sky, too bright yellow or white sun, asteroid fields, glue, cats, dogs, birds, pigs....animals...they are smelly and make a lot of mess - I hate mess, I hate water, I hate food rations, I hate getting shot at, I hate when my escorted transports are being shot at...well that's most likely half of things I hate including this pencil I am using now. I don't remember the rest. I hate corsairs too.
I like - myself, working long, getting paid, girls, whisky and a good food at the restaurant. I like Bretonia - I like Red and Orange and DARK colors. I also like meeting new long as they are quiet and they are friendly. I also like when people give me things. OH I like flying a lot.
About myself: I am Half Kusarian/2 Halfs Bretonian/Half Libertonian/ that explains why I got these eye on me and I am short and I am nervous a little. I live in New London in my flat. It's close to docking bays...they are so freaking noisy I swear sometimes I would love to get some eggs and start throw them on the upcomming ships! GOD do they really need to put everything so loudly " HEY JOSH PUT THAT THERE NOW GOD DAMMIT " Why he needs to shout it for the love of...So yeah I always lived on New London, my parrent left to Gran Canaria and have a little house there. They wanted to spend rest of their lifes in quiet place. I am after West Point flight school and I also passed all exams in Bretonia to have all needed papers to fly nearly everything that will be avaible. I am quiet, solid partner, I follow orders, I don't complain. All I need is money and work. I can't stand these ships comming and going out I want to get out and fly at last...I was unemployed for some time's hard to get job in Bretonia with my...looks. I hope you will give me a chance to prove myself. My spoken english is a little ... worse then written(//in RP - I don't have trouble in either of those) one but I understand what people tell me and I can communicate preety well. No troubles there. So basicly...I wasn't ever stopped or wanted...nor I have ever broken any law. I am a good Bretonian and I love my country. All hail the Queen.
So yes preety please give a chance to work with you and won't regret it.