Well i woke up this morning and a random idea popped in my head. New York Lotto is a company in new york state ( where i live) that does the lottery, i was thinking of implementing that into New york system. Example on how it would work
Lotto tickets sold for 10 mil ( a post will be made and once you paid 10 mil you can reply with 5 numbers 1-30)
I will randomly draw numbers from a bucket or something and the winning numbers will be posted.
People with hmm lets say 2 or more out of the 5 numbers will be given some of the money. Ex. 150 mil person with 2 numbers right get.. 20-25 mil. Person(s) who got all 5 numbers correct will receive 150 mil or whatever it is.
Remember that there aren't so many New Yorks that have 10mill to gamble away and 5 Numbers 1 - 30.. What are the odds in that?
I would suggest something more like 2 Numbers 0 - 9 that way there is still a massive 1 in 100 chance of winning..
(Odds taken from quick note. Don't quote me on this:P)
___ New Avatar.. Needs a Bit of cleaning (Damn, I forgot the transparent Background again) The Crateria is Unhappy. From now on if you think you can carry on trading after you've faced Death you SHALL Face him again, and again until it Sinks in! Come on, Traders need to Follow the 4 Hours Cool down after death.. So your dead, Whats that? Your going to get me with a Big Bad Cruiser? As long as it is NOT piloted by yourself let it come...
Yea, well like i said just an idea:Pmaybe 1-10? and anyone in Sirius could do it, the drawing would just be held in new york as well as ticket purchasing
"War. War never changes. Since the dawn of human kind, when our ancestors first discovered the killing power of rock and bone, blood has been spilled in the name of everything, from God to justice to simple, psychotic rage."
Well, pipboy had a great idea for Hogosha, it's the same as yours, just a lot before you.
He even made a Casino ship.
But i haven't seen him online for a long time:(
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
I would rather see my money in the hands a a trusty player like sdssn!p3r. Who is online allot of the time so you can yell at him if he does a runner:P
(No offense meant)
And I am sure the Net worth of the LSF covers any losses that could be Made XD!!!
Quote:Dont devide it... do you think that NYL devides the money that is left over. You keep it, make the pay-off higher for the next round.
I'm with you on this one. Make the payout higher. Imagine... 199bill just waiting to be won... *Sigh*
Oh and one more thing. You aren't wanting any "Fee's" Now are you?
___ New Avatar.. Needs a Bit of cleaning (Damn, I forgot the transparent Background again) The Crateria is Unhappy. From now on if you think you can carry on trading after you've faced Death you SHALL Face him again, and again until it Sinks in! Come on, Traders need to Follow the 4 Hours Cool down after death.. So your dead, Whats that? Your going to get me with a Big Bad Cruiser? As long as it is NOT piloted by yourself let it come...
Hmm looks to me more like server lottery, then New York lottery....
Anyway here are statistics on 2 numbers out of 10
You want to calculate your odds at winning the lottery given:
* You must choose a sequence of 2 numbers correctly to win.
* The lowest number you can choose is 1
* The highest number you can choose is 9
* A given number can only be chosen once per try (per lottery ticket, etc.)
When you select your 1st number, you have 9 numbers to choose from, and a 1 in 9 chance of picking the right one.
(Mathematically, 1 in 9 is represented by the numerical fraction 1/9 or 0.111111 %)
When you select your 2nd number, you have 8 numbers to choose from, and a 1 in 8 chance of picking the right one.
(Mathematically, 1 in 8 is represented by the numerical fraction 1/8 or 0.125000 %)
So by that numbers if more then 36 players would choose difrent numbers one would win for sure or player has chance of 1/36 to win