Can you provide an approximate date for when you will have the funds available? My client can settle with a smaller loan too, in the vicinity of 200-400 SC, if that will speed up the process.
Please accept this loan application on behalf of myself. An extremely lucrative buisness opportunity has arisen and it behooves me to upgrade my ship to handle orders.
Name: RickJames Faction: Trader Loan Amount: 25,000,000 Expected Repay Time: One Week Purpose of Loan: Ship Upgrade Ship Callsign to Receive Credits: RickJames I have read and agree to the terms provided: Y
Dear Bankers, as discussed in private comms a few days ago, I require a rather large, mid term loan. I will then be distributing the credits between my friends. Regardless of whether they pay me back, I will repay the loan in full plus interest in a moderately short timeframe. However, rather than 600million, I now require 1 billion between us (if not, then 600 is better than none).
Name: Akaza
Faction: Zoners (independent)
Loan Amount: 1 billion
Expected Repay Time: worst case scenario 4 weeks, most likely 2
Purpose of Loan: corporate assets, starting mini-corp
Ship Callsign to Receive Credits: LeafyVegetable
I have read and agree to the terms provided: Yes
I also agree to have all my assets seized should I fail to repay within the maximum alloted time period.
Thank you.
[Transmission Lost]
Thank you for your loan of 1 billion credits. This loan was taken on the 1st of June, and therefore would fall under the 'repaid in 0-2 weeks' category. A total of credits has been sent to the credit account of SIB(Alpha.Bank
Name: Commander George Smith Faction: Liberty Police, Inc. Guard Loan Amount: 500,000,000 Expected Repay Time: One (1) week, but to be safe four (4) weeks Purpose of Loan: Construction of a Liberty Assault Battlecruiser - more than is necessary but the extra principle due is not a problem. Ship Callsign to Receive Credits: LPI~Guadalcanal I have read and agree to the terms provided: YES
[font=Courier New]... end of transmission code detected
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Quote:*Incoming Transmission*
Name: Bob Vakarian
Faction: Corintan Brothers Limited (based in Liberty)
Loan Amount: 100, 000, 000 SC (or 150 000 000 if acquired at the time of reading this)
Expected Repay Time: 0-2 weeks
Purpose of Loan: Mastodon Purchase, Way to acquire more wealth in shorter time and help set up the [CBL] base
Ship Callsign To Receive Credits: [CBL]-Topman
I Have Read And Agree To The Terms Provided: Yes
Here's the dough, now bake us a cake hehehe
Do tell if I messed something up, I really tend to
Can you provide an approximate date for when you will have the funds available? My client can settle with a smaller loan too, in the vicinity of 200-400 SC, if that will speed up the process.
Warm regards,
Helmuth Finkel
Mr. Finkel,
The necessary funds to fulfill your original request of 800 million SC have been recovered.
If you are still interested in taking out such a loan for your company, simply indicate so here - you need not fill out another request form unless information has been changed from the original.
' Wrote:Name: RickJames Faction: Trader Loan Amount: 25,000,000 Expected Repay Time: One Week Purpose of Loan: Ship Upgrade Ship Callsign to Receive Credits: RickJames I have read and agree to the terms provided: Y
Thank you for your time.
Mr. James,
Your request for a loan of 25,000,000 (25 million) SC has been approved.
The credits have been wired to the vessel RickJames.
Your expected return amount in 1 week is 26.4 million SC, however feel free to take more or less time as needed given it is complete within the 10 week period for small loans.
' Wrote:Name: Commander George Smith Faction: Liberty Police, Inc. Guard Loan Amount: 500,000,000 Expected Repay Time: One (1) week, but to be safe four (4) weeks Purpose of Loan: Construction of a Liberty Assault Battlecruiser - more than is necessary but the extra principle due is not a problem. Ship Callsign to Receive Credits: LPI~Guadalcanal I have read and agree to the terms provided: YES
Mr. Smith,
I'm afraid we'll have to wait to process your request until we can confirm whether or not Mr. Finkel is still interested in his request for a loan of 800 million SC, as we are unable to fill both yours and his simultaneously.
Apologies for my late reply. If possible, I would like to take up a more modest loan of 200 million credits, if that could be arranged? The recipient would be <$>Crumpet.