PRIORITY: [color=#FFFFFF]Confidential ENCRYPTION:HIGH IDENTIFICATION: Flieger Gabriel Engel SOURCE: Planet Stuttgart SUBJECT: Re:Patrol report 3
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
Some of you might be wondering why I am wearing with this stange looking Headgear. What you see is my latest invention.
Introducing: The Magog-Class-Sentinel Headgear (M.C.S.)
A brief explanation: Lateley I have been performing experiments with the scanner arrays, in order to boost
range and efficiency. Replacing the built in scanners of the Wraith turned out messie, because parts of the HUD blanked out.
Fuel and Oxigene meters suddenly were giving false information. The alterations had to be removed, due to incompatibly.
Motivated by this initial failure, I spend several nights after my shift in the engineering bay and the labs.
Who thougth that a human beeing could get along quite well without sleep for some time? All blessings to the inventor of the coffee machine, at this point.
I finally suceeded to get better results with the onboard sensor arrays by using an old trick. In fact, an experiment with one on my profs back from my days on the S.I.T. was inspiration for the final solution.
The trick was increasing the surface of the recieving unit, by using the shields as a kind of Resonanzkörper, or antennae if you are familiar with that ancient term.
As a result my Scanners are now flooded with additional Information - an pleasant side effect: the sensors can now operate efficiently even in the Infrared and Ultraviolett spectrum. In order to filter this vast amount of data, a CPU had to be programmed, designed to cut out excess information.
Parts of computer had to be connected directly with my neural interface. Although it's still in a test phase the Magog has prooven itself as usefull:
Beeing able to get a visual feed of a Capitans face in infrared allows me to tell me whether the subject is telling the trouth with an accuracy of 97.9%.
That will teach those treacherous embargo runners...
Let's hope the M.C.S. will also improve my combat rating, so that I can proove myself more usefull on the battlefield.
For now I can include this beautifull Magogcamshots, I took when I was out in the field with my pack.
Make sure to forward those to the Reichs-Propagandaministerium! They will love them for sure.
"You better watch out, you better watch out!"
Now for some Patrol news. Admiral Rall directed an interrogation of two RNC Battleships which suspectively gone Rogue. Lately there have benn many complaints of pirmary fleet members of RNCs flying out of the ZOI instead of supporting our troops in warzones. It seems as if their crews, espcially the towergunnes, consists of unreliable morons.
We questioned the [color=#FFFFFF]"RNC-Hansa" and the RNC-Lutzov
Indeed the two Kapitans of the Ships in question were foul mothed, disrespectfull and ignored the Admirals orders. Given the choice to fly to VIerlande for a closer inspection or destruction, they both remained uncooperative, so the Admiral gave the command to attack. Soon the air was filled with anitmatter...
But without a second thought, those ships backed off and docked. As it seems, they were not stupid enough to dare and let their guns speak against the Admiral.
Today I patroled ze areas New Berlin and Frankfurt, so it was a little patrol. I started at ze Battleship Moselle, Braunschweig and moved to ze Dortmund Station, New Berlin. Ze area around ze Station was clear and so I moved to ze Bonn Station, New Berlin and to ze Brandenburg Border Station, New Berlin. Even there was nobody and so I continued my patrol around ze Planet New Berlin, New Berlin. Everything was quiet there and so I decided to take a look at ze area Frankfurt. A word and a blow! I moved to Frankfurt and had a look around ze Mannheim Station, Frankfurt and ze Mainz Storage Facility. Frankfurt was also pretty empty today and so I wanted to go to Muinch. I took ze Lane and in front of ze Muinch Gate I met these two transports.
Cargo Hold:
both were empty.
They had no problems in Muinch and so I decided to go back to New Berlin. I repassed ze Mainz Storage Facility, Frankfurt and ze Mannheim Station, Frankfurt. I moved trough ze New Berlin Gate and repassed ze Planet New Berlin. There I met ze two transport who I scanned earlier.
Cargo Hold:
Everything was fine and so I went back to ze Dortmund Station, New Berlin and moved to ze Battleship Moselle, Braunschweig again.
Ze Vaterland seems to be clear from any unrestes at my working hours!
On my regular patrol through New Berlin, I encountered a Deep Space Engineering vessel carrying a hefty load of Copper. Aware that as a Liberty corporation, Deep Space Engineering ships are banned from the Fatherland, I ordered him to turn around. Although he was uncooperative, he eventually resigned and left the system. The ship was identified as "*{Novekron-\", I recommend harsher mesures if he is again spotted in Rheinland space. Enclosed in this message are the log records, in addition to my ship's clock.
IDENTIFICATION:[color=#33FF33] Flieger Natalia Wolfer
SOURCE: Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: Patrol #0001 "Stuttgart und New Berlin"
After my break on Planet Suttgart, I have been contacted by a trader, "S-52-Neuss", zhat was sitting right outside zhe planet. He requested if I may escort him from Planet Stuttgart towards zhe New Berlin Jump Gate and Bonn Station. I have agreed and took zhe trader to New Berlin Jump Gate, I have proceeded first to make sure zhe other side is clear, but it was not. Two targets have been sigthed and identified as zhe Rorry's Renegades, one Rorry himself and another friend of his. While trying to warn zhe trader not to jump I have accidently spoken into zhe local channels, unfortunatly due to my systems, I could not record much with zhe guncam but I was able to record zhe conversation, uploading right now.
[RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: Nein! Do not jump!
[RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: Stay at zhe planet!
[RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: Uh, zhat was a wrong chat.
Rip.Red.Rorry|RR: Of course it was, I suspect you wanrned your little friend about us
Rip.Red.Rorry|RR: For that the penalty is severe
[RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: Oh really?
Rip.Red.Rorry|RR: Leave now if you wish to leave
Rip.Red.Rorry|RR: Live...
[RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: You know I will return.
Rip.Red.Rorry|RR: Well of course Screenshot
Zhey have fired upon me a couple of shots just to scramble me away and zhey jumped into Stuttgart, I have immediately called for backup where Flieger Barent Adalbert, Flieger Karl Schmidt and [FL]Vigilance have responded. We regrouped and continued the pursue. We ended up again back to New Berlin where [FL]Vigilance has been attacked by a Freelancer, "DragonsCoils", currently we do not know if he is one of Rorry's or not. Unfortunatly my Guncams did not record zhe Freelancer's transponder or indentification card. Herr Schmidt has called for backup stating zhat he spotted zhe enemy, we have moved to his location but we only ended up flying after zhem for a long time. Eventually we have managed to catch Rorry and engaged him but unfortunatly [FL]Vigilance was too far away from our location and our firepower was not sufficient to put an end to him. We were forced to retreat.
For zhe future, I promisse zhat, zhe guncams will work at zheir full efficiency!
Auf Wiedersehen,
Natalia Wolfer.
// The pictures can be found in this album, please request the password via P.M.
I have received a distress call from Flieger Hanzel Heath zhat zhere was a Rot Hesse fleet in Dresden preparing for something. I have set zhe waypoints to Dresden to assist herr Hanzel. Once zhere I have immediatly begun bombing runs! Zhe hostile fleet was formed by one Hesse Gunboat, one Hesse Cruiser and one Figther. Zhe Gunboat has been destroyed in zhe third or fourth bombing run. RNC-Konisgberg has arrived at zhe battle and engaged zhe cruiser destroying it. After zhe destruction of zhe cruiser a second one has come destroying RNC-Konigsberg. Luckily zhis got one rogue ship off our lists, but we had to deal with zhat cruise aswell now. It wasn't hard at all, torpedos hit tons of times exploding zhe weapons, shield generator and thruster off, quite some nice fireworks. Eventually we have put an end to it but unfortuantly one of our figthers has been caught within zhe explosion. Zhe escape pod has been taken and herr Klaus is checked right now for any injuries at Battleship Strausberg in New Berlin.
Auf Wiedersehen,
Natalia Wolfer.
// The pictures can be found in this album, please request the password via P.M.
Greetings, Herr. Enclosed is the report for my most recent patrol, quite busy truth be told.
While on patrol through New Berlin, I came upon a DSE trader by the name of Demon.Pilot. After repeatedly warning him to halt, I engage him, only for him to dock upon the Brandenburg. Despite the aid of my fellows, we were unable to aprehend him. I recommend a heavy fine and the confiscation of his cargo upon his next sighting.
Following this, I was warned that two Hessians were attacking a trade lane, and with Martin Stamek and Otto Liman's help, both aligned with the Rheinland Military, the Hessians were persued and destroyed.
We then received word that our allies were attacking a Hessian outpost in Dresden, and we departed with all haste. We arrived to find our wingmen engaged in a battle agains one fighter, two gunboats, and a cruiser, all Hessians. The exact amount of foes it perhaps incorrect, I was more focused on destroying the scum that counting them. The battle proceeded well, and our forces fought bravely. The Konigsberg, which I was informed to be a traitor vessel, arrived and began aiding us, though it left in the heat of battle. We persued and destroyed the cruiser into the cloud.
Following this, our group disbanded. However, while on route back to New Berlin, I was ambushed by two Unionners, who after a short chase, disabled my weakened ship. Although I was rescued and brought to medical attention at Brandenburg Station, my ship's logs were fried, so I am unable to provide proofs to the event. I only hope my injuries are testimony enough.
This patrol started, when I recieved an emergency call from Feldwebel Erwin Helge, from Hamburg. He was figthing a Liberty Navy Dread. Unfortunately, he died before we arrived there [Screen]. Anyhow, when Gabriel Engel and I, have been near Westfalen, the funny Dread pilot threatened us [Screen], and because of our proudness, we had no other choice than attacking him. Soon, we'd even got helped by some "mightful" Turtle support [Screen]. But it came, that a lonesome Vidar from the Arbeitergewerkschaft, noticed our little brawl with the Navy, whereupon he started shooting our "immortal" Turtle. Nevertheless, we nearly had that Dread making his last dance move [Screen], when our "legendary" Turtle got cut into two or three pieces. And just a few seconds later, when the Liberty Navy reeinforcements arrived, they destroyed the Flieger who was flying on my side [Screen]. And another few breathing rates later, the grown Navy fleet perforated my shiny ship aswell.
A few hours later, I've got informed about some Coalitions having fun in Omega-7. I jumped in like a dog in the manger, and played games with them [Screen]. Some of them survived, some didn't.
After that party, I went back to Stuttgart, where I'd meet some AGS, who found it funny to rape the trade lanes. Kindly as I am, I asked them for their papers and stuff. But they prefered to show me their shooting skills. "I'm still not impressed!" [Screen]. And the Arbeiter pilot seemed to share the same thought as I did. So he tried to escape after a long fight [Screen]. But since his back, didn't impressed me aswell, I burned his a- *coughs* pretty well, with a well-placed Nuke [Screen].
IDENTIFICATION:[color=#33FF33] Flieger Natalia Wolfer
SOURCE: Battleship Moselle
SUBJECT: Patrol #0003 "New Berlin and Hamburg"
Zhe patrol begun when herr Admiral Gunther Rall ordered me to search for Erika Montez, after some flying I have found her between zhe Bonn and Dortmund lane. We have pursued her until we reached Dresden Jump Gate where she finally stoped. From zhere we have taken her into custody until zhe Admiral arives.
[color=#FFFFFF]Uploading zhe conversation right now:
[RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: Zhere she is!
[25.12.2011 19:14:59] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: She is above zhe lanes.
[25.12.2011 19:15:14] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: Zhere.
[25.12.2011 19:15:17] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: Admiral, we found her
[25.12.2011 19:15:20] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: Location D5 [25.12.2011 19:15:28] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: Tag Erika, again, bitte halt. [25.12.2011 19:15:39] [RM]Adm.Gunther.Rall: Err... [25.12.2011 19:16:09] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: Admira, she is heading to zhe lanes for Bonn > Brandenburg
[25.12.2011 19:17:26] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: Admiral, she is heading to Dresden.
[25.12.2011 19:17:36] [RM]Adm.Gunther.Rall: Stamek with you still?
[25.12.2011 19:17:44] [RM]Adm.Gunther.Rall: If so pursue, if not let her go
[25.12.2011 19:17:46] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: Nein, he dropped off zhe lanes, I have no idea why. [25.12.2011 19:17:51] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: Now, why cannot you sotp?
[25.12.2011 19:18:01] Erika.Montez: You didn't ask. [25.12.2011 19:18:02] [RM]Fl.Martin.Stamek: heading to dresden
[25.12.2011 19:18:03] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: I got her! [25.12.2011 19:18:07] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: Jawohl, I have.
[25.12.2011 19:18:11] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: Check your records. [25.12.2011 19:18:12] [RM]Fl.Martin.Stamek: im right on your back
[25.12.2011 19:18:15] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: Head to Dresden gate! [25.12.2011 19:18:30] Erika.Montez: Ah... [25.12.2011 19:18:32] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: Estimated time, Admiral? [25.12.2011 19:18:36] Erika.Montez: Just caught the hello, my apologies.
[25.12.2011 19:18:42] Erika.Montez: Can I help you? [25.12.2011 19:19:04] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: Admiral? [25.12.2011 19:19:13] Erika.Montez: I'm listening.
[25.12.2011 19:19:26] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: Well, for now you are under zhe custody of zhe Militar.
[25.12.2011 19:19:37] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: You are to remain here until further orders. [25.12.2011 19:19:54] [RM]Adm.Gunther.Rall: And if she did, you'd be dead anyway. [25.12.2011 19:20:39] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: Zhere.
[25.12.2011 19:20:40] Erika.Montez: That's interesting.
[25.12.2011 19:21:06] Erika.Montez: Good to see you again, Gunther.
[25.12.2011 19:21:21] [RM]Adm.Gunther.Rall: Can't say the same. [25.12.2011 19:21:37] [RM]Fl.Martin.Stamek: Herr admiral, you will keep position there? [25.12.2011 19:21:38] Erika.Montez: These must be the new kids.
[25.12.2011 19:22:04] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: Kids?
[25.12.2011 19:22:34] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: Do you want to be taxed for insulting an officer?
[25.12.2011 19:22:34] [RM]Fl.Martin.Stamek: If you are 60 years old, then consider me kid
[25.12.2011 19:22:52] [RM]Fl.Martin.Stamek: If no....
[25.12.2011 19:23:00] [RM]Fl.Martin.Stamek: I got the point
[25.12.2011 19:23:06] Erika.Montez: Taxes...
[25.12.2011 19:23:08] Erika.Montez: That's cute.
[25.12.2011 19:23:23] [RM]Adm.Gunther.Rall: What do you want? [25.12.2011 19:23:38] [RM]Adm.Gunther.Rall: I'll keep position here, yes.
[25.12.2011 19:23:43] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: Herr Admiral, why are you so far away?
[25.12.2011 19:23:50] [RM]Adm.Gunther.Rall: Assessing the situation.
[25.12.2011 19:23:56] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: Very well. [25.12.2011 19:24:07] Erika.Montez: A simple talk.
[25.12.2011 19:24:12] Erika.Montez: Do I look like I came in force?
[25.12.2011 19:24:37] [RM]Fl.Martin.Stamek: BHG
[25.12.2011 19:24:38] [RM]Adm.Gunther.Rall: Generally speaking, you're enough on your own.
[25.12.2011 19:24:49] [RM]Adm.Gunther.Rall: Hunter, move along.
[25.12.2011 19:25:20] Erika.Montez: You two should really stop aiming at me, I might get nervous.
[25.12.2011 19:25:30] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: Who said I was aiming?
[25.12.2011 19:25:40] [RM]Fl.Martin.Stamek: Im just standing here
[25.12.2011 19:25:41] Erika.Montez: The air just seems a bit tense.
[25.12.2011 19:25:57] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: Well, if it helps you I will disable my weapons... for now. [25.12.2011 19:26:24] [RM]Adm.Gunther.Rall: Both of you get some distance towards the lane.
[25.12.2011 19:26:29] [RM]Adm.Gunther.Rall: The lane behind this one. [25.12.2011 19:26:30] [RM]Fl.Martin.Stamek: Hunter, you been told to move along [25.12.2011 19:26:35] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: Jawohl. [25.12.2011 19:27:07] Erika.Montez: Heh, I guess they are the new blood.
[25.12.2011 19:27:15] Erika.Montez: Gunther to the rescue just like the good old days, no?
[25.12.2011 19:27:50] [RM]Adm.Gunther.Rall: Sure you don't just want to talk about recruits.
[25.12.2011 19:28:03] [RM]Adm.Gunther.Rall: Mind cutting to the chase?
[25.12.2011 19:29:20] Erika.Montez: Hm...
[25.12.2011 19:29:23] Erika.Montez: Stamek?
[25.12.2011 19:29:40] [RM]Fl.Martin.Stamek: ya?
[25.12.2011 19:30:46] Erika.Montez: How well do you know dear Admiral Rall?
[25.12.2011 19:32:08] Erika.Montez: Too scared to answer the question?
[25.12.2011 19:32:19] [RM]Fl.Martin.Stamek: Im a bit buisy right now
[25.12.2011 19:33:08] Erika.Montez: Of course... that's why you're here looking at me.
[25.12.2011 19:33:12] Erika.Montez: What about you, Wolfer?
[25.12.2011 19:33:35] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: I know herr Admiral pretty well, why are you asking zhis?
[25.12.2011 19:33:54] Erika.Montez: Simply curious.
[25.12.2011 19:34:18] Erika.Montez: Though, I'm sure you don't know him as well as you think you do.
[25.12.2011 19:34:31] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: What do you mean?
[25.12.2011 19:34:59] [RM]Fl.Martin.Stamek: She might been atacking even other traders, but BS crew havent seen it
[25.12.2011 19:35:09] Erika.Montez: Don't worry, I dont have any dirty secrets.
[25.12.2011 19:35:15] Erika.Montez: Sadly, he's as clean as a whistle.
[25.12.2011 19:35:36] [RM]Adm.Gunther.Rall: Why don't you get to the point and tell us what you want?
[25.12.2011 19:35:48] [RM]Fl.Martin.Stamek: Well, I don't know personally herr Rail.... but I cant tell anything negative about him
[25.12.2011 19:35:56] [RM]Fl.Martin.Stamek: Rall*
[25.12.2011 19:36:43] Erika.Montez: Well, I guess you can give me Wolfer, alone.
[25.12.2011 19:36:52] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: Vas?
[25.12.2011 19:36:54] [RM]Fl.Martin.Stamek: But what the point of asking us about it?
[25.12.2011 19:36:57] [RM]Adm.Gunther.Rall: For what?
[25.12.2011 19:37:21] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: I ain't gonna help you, no matter what you ask.
[25.12.2011 19:37:59] Erika.Montez: You wouldn't be helping me.
[25.12.2011 19:38:09] Erika.Montez: But I'd just like to have a bit of girl talk, Admiral.
[25.12.2011 19:38:11] Erika.Montez: Nothing more.
[25.12.2011 19:38:26] Erika.Montez: If I was going to do something to your precious recruits, I found them alone in Stuttgart earlier. [25.12.2011 19:38:54] [RM]Adm.Gunther.Rall: It's your choice, Wolfer.
[25.12.2011 19:39:02] [RM]Adm.Gunther.Rall: Where is it located, Dermen?
[25.12.2011 19:39:02] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: Uh.
[25.12.2011 19:39:07] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: Very well.
[25.12.2011 19:39:09] [RM]Fl.Martin.Stamek: I'll stay near if....
[25.12.2011 19:39:10] [RM]Fw.Alois.Dermen: Bonn now. [25.12.2011 19:39:12] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: Alright ,we can have zhis talk. [25.12.2011 19:39:13] [RM]Adm.Gunther.Rall: Granted.
[25.12.2011 19:39:18] [RM]Adm.Gunther.Rall: You can intercept.
[25.12.2011 19:39:27] [RM]Adm.Gunther.Rall: Very well.
[25.12.2011 19:39:35] [RM]Fl.Martin.Stamek: Admiral, should I stay with Wolfer?
[25.12.2011 19:39:41] [RM]Adm.Gunther.Rall: She said alone...
[25.12.2011 19:39:45] [RM]Adm.Gunther.Rall: We'll be close by just in case. ---error---
Unfortunatley zhe recorded ends here due to zhe combat zhat followed in Hamburg against three Unioners. After few minutes of fighting, herr Dermen has been shot down. After zhis we had to scramble away because we were slowly outgunned.
Auf Wiedersehen,
Natalia Wolfer.
// The pictures can be found in this album, please request the password via P.M.
PRIORITY: [color=#FFFFFF]Confidential ENCRYPTION:HIGH IDENTIFICATION: Gefreiter Gabriel Engel SOURCE: Planet Stuttgart SUBJECT: Re:Patrol report 4 Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
firstly, let me express my gratitude to the Highcommand of the Rheinwehr for my Promotion! When my family heard about the great news, their hearts were filled with pride. Thankfully, they always have supported my devotion to science and - more recently - for military research and my duties in combat.
In the meantime, I've mady myself a reputation with my strange appearance wearing the Magog. A negligible downside, compared to the benefits of the device.
On one of the more recent Patrols, I encountered a few "Bundschuh" tagged vessels, right at the beginning. Shortly after taking the Lane to the Stuttgart gate, my ship got knocked out again. Apparently one of the trio sabotaged the energy current of the transit coils.
The hotshots were called:
[26.12.2011 19:39:23] Balbazak: indeed
[26.12.2011 19:39:23] Hermann_Hummler: Just floating through our wonderfull space
[26.12.2011 19:39:34] [RM]Ge.Gabriel.Engel: Next to a disabled tradelane?
[26.12.2011 19:39:37] Balbazak: without the intension to do something bad, or wrong
[26.12.2011 19:39:51] [RM]Ge.Gabriel.Engel: Balbazak look at me.
[26.12.2011 19:39:53] Hermann_Hummler: Well you should spend more money to keep them online
[26.12.2011 19:39:53] Balbazak: hm...maybe a asteroid shower disabled the lane?
[26.12.2011 19:39:57] Balbazak: i do
[26.12.2011 19:40:00] [RM]Ge.Gabriel.Engel: Did you guys disabled the lane, answer me.
[color=#FF6600][Magog performing scan]
[26.12.2011 19:40:11] Balbazak: I didnt disable it!
[26.12.2011 19:40:16] Balbazak: Sir [Subject Vital signs: elavation of pulse beat by 12%]
[26.12.2011 19:40:37] Hermann_Hummler: What is he doing?
[26.12.2011 19:40:40] [RM]Ge.Gabriel.Engel: Did anybody outta your group disabled the line?
[26.12.2011 19:40:47] Balbazak: Me, I am just a "normal" citizen of Rheinland [Subject Vital signs: Temparature of peripheral skin elelvated by 1.53K] [Truth Estimation based on vital signs / microemotions: 0.0142 %]
[26.12.2011 19:40:55] [RM]Ge.Gabriel.Engel: You are telling the truth.
[26.12.2011 19:41:00] [RM]Ge.Gabriel.Engel: ....By 0.01%
[26.12.2011 19:41:00] Hermann_Hummler: We all are
[26.12.2011 19:41:10] Balbazak: cause i didnt observe what my comrades are doing here
[26.12.2011 19:41:11] Balbazak: Sir
[26.12.2011 19:41:11] [RM]Ge.Gabriel.Engel: Yes, of course...
[26.12.2011 19:41:42] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: Gefreiter Gabriel, zhose Bundschuh have attacked a Kruger Mineral with few days ago and zhan engaged me.
[26.12.2011 19:41:54] [RM]Ge.Gabriel.Engel: Ahh thats why they re so nervous.
[26.12.2011 19:41:57] Balbazak: whoot? nah u must mistaken! [Scanning.... background noises from "Balbazak" received, boosting amplitude:
*flatulence resembling sound*
Save? Delete? Abort?]
[26.12.2011 19:41:58] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: I remember zheir ships.
[26.12.2011 19:42:11] [RM]Ge.Gabriel.Engel: Send my some pictures wolfer.
[26.12.2011 19:42:17] Hermann_Hummler: I dont know what she is talking about
[26.12.2011 19:42:18] Balbazak: Ms. Natalia might be wrong - perhaps she is drunk? [Magog detecting: Alcohol level 0.00 Promille]
[26.12.2011 19:42:21] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: Ja... I will have to dig zhem.
[26.12.2011 19:42:23] [RM]Ge.Gabriel.Engel: Receivering...
[26.12.2011 19:42:25] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: Fortunately to find zhem.
[26.12.2011 19:42:29] [RM]Ge.Gabriel.Engel: Proof received.
[26.12.2011 19:42:40] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: Zhere.
[26.12.2011 19:42:46] Hermann_Hummler: Why dont we all be friends?
[26.12.2011 19:42:49] [RM]Ge.Gabriel.Engel: Bundies:
[26.12.2011 19:42:53] [RM]Ge.Gabriel.Engel: I give you one chance.
[26.12.2011 19:43:04] Balbazak: i hear?
[26.12.2011 19:43:11] [RM]Ge.Gabriel.Engel: Hand yourself to the authoroties on Vierlande.
[26.12.2011 19:43:14] [RM]Ge.Gabriel.Engel: Or:
[26.12.2011 19:43:21] [RM]Ge.Gabriel.Engel: We shall bring you there in our pods.
[26.12.2011 19:43:29] Balbazak: Vierlande...dont know what ur talking about ...Sir [Magog scan indicating elevated levels of hostility] [Target Locked] [26.12.2011 19:43:42] Balbazak: but...i dont have the intention to give u Anything!
[26.12.2011 19:43:46] Hermann_Hummler: Why dont you join our thing?
[26.12.2011 19:43:55] [RM]Ge.Gabriel.Engel: I can discern a lie from truth
[26.12.2011 19:44:01] [RM]Ge.Gabriel.Engel: You lied.
[26.12.2011 19:44:03] Hermann_Hummler: always good to have skilled pilots
[26.12.2011 19:44:17] Balbazak: ur corrupt Government has tortured our people long enough - time to end this!
[26.12.2011 19:44:26] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: Really?
[26.12.2011 19:44:26] [RM]Ge.Gabriel.Engel: Well i do not think the Rheinwehr will employ pirates.
[26.12.2011 19:44:45] Hermann_Hummler: nono, you missunderstood... you might join us
[26.12.2011 19:44:50] Balbazak: Pirates? just ur view of things
[26.12.2011 19:45:21] [RM]Ge.Gabriel.Engel: Time to remove them, Wolfer, attack at will!
[26.12.2011 19:45:25] [RM]Fl.NataIia.Wolfer: Jawohl!
[26.12.2011 19:45:28] Balbazak: die!
[x2012e#.11 !9:A5:..... FILE CORRUPT...]
Now judge for yourself about the effectiveness.
The rest of the story is pretty gory... As forseeable some of them were going to die. Frau Wolfer got a great shot of one of the unfortunate Pirates, as you will see in her report.
>>>>( [color=#FFCC00]Incoming Transmission )<<<< >>>>(Link Established )<<<<
Source:Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin System Encryption:Moderate Submitter:Feldwebel Alois Dermen Recipient:Rheinland Military Subject: Patrol Report 017
Hail Mein Kameraden!
As usual I was patrolling the Berlin system of any hostile contacts that could be lurking about. I found alone LWB vessel pirating on the Lanes. I gave him mercy to peacefully leave. He did not; and for his Arrogance he payed the price. Death. After that I took command of two Local Gefreiter Soldiers named Engel, and Muller. We set up a checkpoint near Bonn and happen to catch a Freelance Copper Smuggler trying to make his way to Liberty. Unfortunately the trader could only speak Russain and not English nor German. But Surprisingly enough he complied and dropped his cargo; but he did not want to pay the fine for breaking the law. We had an ... argument ... sadly the fool choose his own live over 4 million credits. As to why I do not know, but he did pay the price in the end, with a bodybag. With the trader dealt with we moved to the Hamburg system to look into reports of a Liberty pilot in the area. Of course we found him near the Westfalen. We had a nice cit chat time with the pilot, but in the end I decided to give my two Gefreiters bit of target practice. When the battle was almost over the Coward Liberty Pilot flew back to the Westfalen for Protection! And both my soldiers were gunned down by the auto turrets but thankfully I was able to recover their life pods before Liberty did. Bah! Weak Pathetic Liberty Pilots! Always playing Dirty and running home to mommy for "Protection". Argh! I Spit on the 36th Squadron! Weak Cowards all of them! We will have our Day ... Im sure of it! But as for my Kameraden, I dropped them off at City-17 Planetside of Hamburg, there I requested 2 Brand New and well Cleaned Class 90-ARKM-N45 Wraiths . Im sure both Gefreiters will be happy with their new Craft. As this is coming out of my pay check... hm.. Thats all.