... kindly direct the "is it out now" comments to Flood.
Still working on the new IDs. Couple of things I can let slip: Corporate IDs will be allowed gunboats - should even the odds with the unlawfuls a bit that, and Guard IDs will be dropped (with the exception of BHG Core, which is a seperate faction from BHG, and Keepers).
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.
and why exactly do they need gb's? Corporate escort job is to keep pirate busy while trans runing.. not to kill all pirates I see in om7/dublin/other mining system.
' Wrote:and why exactly do they need gb's? Corporate escort job is to keep pirate busy while trans runing.. not to kill all pirates I see in om7/dublin/other mining system.
to stay alive as much as possible? to attract as many as possible pirates to gb, and let trader flee
' Wrote:to stay alive as much as possible? to attract as many as possible pirates to gb, and let trader flee
oh yeah... forgot about it:lol:Even startracker with TCD can prevent pirates from pirating.. no need for gb. You can do all what you want in police/navy gb... and not in samura/kruger/bmm gb... which will be using their respective military factions GBs.
' Wrote:oh yeah... forgot about it:lol:Even startracker with TCD can prevent pirates from pirating.. no need for gb. You can do all what you want in police/navy gb... and not in samura/kruger/bmm gb... which will be using their respective military factions GBs.
bigger prey - more attention :unsure:
Edit: about second - corporates supply military forces all over around, I think according to some instructions corporates may use those big shippies to escort big and serious traders.
Idea: restrict GBs only to official factions? Like Convoy?