' Wrote:...is still in Kusari trying to figure out what the hell to do after this radical change of government which has brought -nothing- to the Kusari unlawful side of the fence.
Fran, it brought them more angry soldiers that now blame BD for the failure in the war. Oh wait...
' Wrote:Hey Zelot. A while back in this thread, someone said the Ronin should be looking for international support, etc. I was just browsing the new Exiles rumours and came up with these. Thought you might like them on record. I personally quite like the idea of Liberty being the restraining influence that encourages Bretonia to accept the Emperor's treaty proposal, like Uns suggested. It just seems neat, and would tie nicely into the international RP aspect of things. Still, that would depend on your and the Lib Gov's opinion too.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TEXT>In the end, we know we cannot defeat Gallia with the ships we have, but, we must buy time for the Emperor to gain allies and support from the other Houses. Liberty and Rheinland must be persuaded to enter the war on our side, and once Gallia is defeated, we will return the Emperor to the throne, where he belongs.</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>
It's interesting, I actually had kinda an opposite idea in regards to Liberty. Many people have asked why the Exile Kusari forces couldn't just return to Kusari via Liberty. It's a good question, the answer I came up with is that there was enough bad blood between the Kogen government and the Liberty government that Liberty didnt want to risk Kogen getting back on the throne, so they chose to give Kogen's forces permission to pass through Liberty space.
That is not to say that Kogen will not be trying to improve relations with Liberty, but I see it take quite a bit of time. Liberty does not like Kogen.
' Wrote:To be more accurate, those are the remnants of Yamakazi's Dragon Tooth (now -47- tagged) who swore to kill Kogen, while the main force (Which is more than glad to see a Samura-backed Emperor dead) is still in Kusari trying to figure out what the hell to do after this radical change of government which has brought -nothing- to the Kusari unlawful side of the fence.
i have followed most of that thread... and after a while - i just wondered about one thing
if that had been a genuine faction "proposal" - from any other playerfaction - with all the back and forth arguing. - what would the chances be to become official?
also - a faction proposal is kind of an advertising. - the point of it is to present oneself and to gain "approval" from the community.
when the community comes up with too many concerns - such proposals are usually denied or forced to change fundamentally.
so i wonder - if is a proposal/suggestion? - or is it a statement of facts.
in general:
the factions background and storyline is OK. - not thought out completely and inconsistent in the end. - but good enough i guess. - the concerns and critizism is MASSIVE - which is for one - surprising and for another sad ( in general ).
it is sad that the storyline is met with so much antipathy .. and it is also sad that there appeared to be little room to actually reach a compromise.
the faction is crucial for the storyline of 4.86 ..... its start in that thread is .... in one word : abysmal
i can but hope that this is not a prediction for that significant part of the storyline to get abandoned in bickering.
' Wrote:i have followed most of that thread... and after a while - i just wondered about one thing
if that had been a genuine faction "proposal" - from any other playerfaction - with all the back and forth arguing. - what would the chances be to become official?
also - a faction proposal is kind of an advertising. - the point of it is to present oneself and to gain "approval" from the community.
when the community comes up with too many concerns - such proposals are usually denied or forced to change fundamentally.
so i wonder - if is a proposal/suggestion? - or is it a statement of facts.
in general:
the factions background and storyline is OK. - not thought out completely and inconsistent in the end. - but good enough i guess. - the concerns and critizism is MASSIVE - which is for one - surprising and for another sad ( in general ).
it is sad that the storyline is met with so much antipathy .. and it is also sad that there appeared to be little room to actually reach a compromise.
the faction is crucial for the storyline of 4.86 ..... its start in that thread is .... in one word : abysmal
i can but hope that this is not a prediction for that significant part of the storyline to get abandoned in bickering.
I dont know Jinx, in all these pages, there only seems to be one criticism leveled. And I am and have been working to reach a compromise on that. Fact is, compromise is not just one side giving in to all the demands of the other side, but instead both sides coming together to reach an understanding that works well for both sides. This is what I am trying to do.
Edit: I will also add that back and forth fighting has unfortunately become the hallmark of almost every faction proposal. How much was in the Reavers? Or the Mollies? Or any of the factions that have become official recently? This is unfortunately the way the game is played here.
[indent][indent][color=#CC0000][font=Brush Script MT][size=6]Information[/size][/font][/color][/indent][/indent]
[color=#C0C0C0][size=3][font=Arial Narrow]Men, it is my responsibility to brief you today on the events of the last few weeks.
Every nation is measured by how it reacts to the dark days, and these are dark days for Kusari, and how we react will show future generations how the noble Kusari nation deals with adversity. We, here in the cloud in Newcastle, and those still loyal to us, we are the last vestiges of the true Kusari government. In the days to come our struggle will get harder, not easier. But out there, in our future, there is a return to Kusari, and a return to Kusari noble and honored past and future.
Things have happened quickly over the last few weeks, and we have found our situation dramatically changed. When the Gallic forced moved into Tau 31 and cut us off from the main body of the KNF in the Taus, politicians in Kishiros pocket, launched a political coup in the Council of the Rising Suns, using my absence to push through a change of government. These villains will have their time, but they cannot hold out against the true honor of Kusari, and the Kusari people will soon see that and demand change.
After a Gallic attack on my very own ship, the Satsuma in Leeds, and a fierce battle to help defend the Leeds Jumpgate, we were forced to withdraw, pulling back into the clouds on Newcastle, where we can safely launch operations, and maintain our supply lines, if needed through the Gaian base Skye.
The first thing this new farce of a government did was to make peace with Gallia, and the Bretonia. They have shown themselves to be weak, and the Kusari people will never accept a weak government for long. We could easily attack these forces, but it is not the pilots of the KNF who are weak, nor the soldiers who are evil, but instead the Kishro leadership that is at fault. We know though, that a direct confrontation will serve little purpose and only create ill will toward us from our people. We have seen how futile the Blood Dragons have been in over 400 years. We will not make this mistake.
We have had to make a hard choice, as we cannot maintain our fight against both the Gallic invaders and the Bretonian forces. The Bretonians have been honest enemies, as opposed to the Gallics, sending in spies, and bringing overtures of friendship while massing their forces. We have made an agreement with the Bretonians, who will help us with supplies, while we focus on our main goal, which is the defeat of the Gallic Navy.
So here we find ourselves, in a cloud in Newcastle, or in orbit of Harris, exiled from our home, until such time as we have redeemed ourselves to our people. We are not totally alone, we have true friends both here and in Kusari. The honorable pilots of the Farmers Alliance have remained loyal, even at the cost of their own status in Kusari, and their facilities in Tau 42, as well as their voice in Kusari will serve our struggle well.
Close to us, we have our old friends the Gaians, who have stood by us in our campaign versus the Bretonians. They have also been ousted from their home by the Gallic Navy, and we hope to continue our mutual support in planning and carrying out attacks.
From our headquarters, here in the Newcastle cloud, we shall begin to launch attacks against the GRN In Tau 31 and Leeds. Our ultimate goal of course is the destructions of the GRN, which will bring about our redemption in Kusari.[/font][/size][/color]
[indent][indent][color=#CC0000][font=Brush Script MT][size=6]Goals[/size][/font][/color][/indent][/indent]
[color=#C0C0C0][size=3][font=Arial Narrow]
[img]http://discoverygc.com/wiki/images/thumb/7/76/Flag-kusari.png/19px-Flag-kusari.png[/img] [color=#FFFFFF][b]1)[/b][/color] Strikes against Gallic Forces in Tau 31 and Tau 29.
[img]http://discoverygc.com/wiki/images/thumb/7/76/Flag-kusari.png/19px-Flag-kusari.png[/img] [color=#FFFFFF][b]2)[/b][/color] Harassment of Gallic shipping in the Taus and outer Gallia, and the seizure of their cargo for our own uses.
[img]http://discoverygc.com/wiki/images/thumb/7/76/Flag-kusari.png/19px-Flag-kusari.png[/img] [color=#FFFFFF][b]3)[/b][/color] Cooperate with the Gaian movement in gathering intelligence of Gallic movements.
[img]http://discoverygc.com/wiki/images/thumb/7/76/Flag-kusari.png/19px-Flag-kusari.png[/img] [color=#FFFFFF][b]4)[/b][/color] Assist Bretonian Forces in defense of House Bretonia.[/font][/size][/color]
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' Wrote:It's interesting, I actually had kinda an opposite idea in regards to Liberty. Many people have asked why the Exile Kusari forces couldn't just return to Kusari via Liberty. It's a good question, the answer I came up with is that there was enough bad blood between the Kogen government and the Liberty government that Liberty didnt want to risk Kogen getting back on the throne, so they chose to give Kogen's forces permission to pass through Liberty space.
That is not to say that Kogen will not be trying to improve relations with Liberty, but I see it take quite a bit of time. Liberty does not like Kogen.
I was under the impression that the barriers were political, not geographic;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TEXT>When the true Emperor returns to Kusari, I expect there to be a cleansing of the government. The treacherous fools who have betrayed Kusari must be dealt with so harshly that no one ever contemplates such treason ever again.</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TEXT>What a fine kettle of fish we're in now! We've gone from being in the front lines to being behind enemy lines almost overnight, and the enemy is now supposedly just our peace-loving neighbors who are at war with our other peace-loving neighbors from Gallia. Wait, I forgot, Gallia is only your peace-loving neighbor if you're back in Kusari. Out here they're the treacherous allies of those usurping traitors. I don't know how the politicians keep all this straight, all I know is that I can't shoot at Bretonians anymore without being courtmartialed by the Admirals on this ship, and I can't go home without being courtmartialed by the Admirals in Kusari. So much for the glory we were promised.</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TEXT>Long live the Emperor! As much as I longed to serve in the Naval Forces for the glory of Kusari, now I long to end these wars so we can return home and remove those traitors from the government.</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TEXT>The false government in Kusari has cut off our resources and access, so we have to make do with what we had at the front when the Emperor was betrayed. It has been challenging to secure contracts for shipping, but without money flowing in we would be forced to purchase our supplies on credit.</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TEXT>Interspace Commerce is being obstinate and dishonorable in their dealings with us. They claim we are independent and no longer part of Samura because we cannot access Kusari, so they want to charge us exhorbitant premiums to insure our shipping. When the Emperor returns to the throne, these gaijin will be reckoned with.</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>
KNF Exiles BS Yamaguchi
nickname = Bw1004_knavy_003_f
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><RDL><PUSH/><TEXT> If we ever get home,I'm going to give Kishiro the death they deserve. Using the death of our comrades in the Taus to take over the government was unforgiveable.</TEXT><PARA/><POP/></RDL>
Jinx, check the last sentence here and do tell, whether it makes sense. You know, a storyline where KuExiles cooperate with Brets just to reclaim T31 and "finish what has been started" (i.e. the interrupted war) (and say it openly) :).
Looking at this, some amount of feedback wasn't ignored :-).
consider a sort of code of conduct/rules of engagement for the members to be in the initial post. Of similar nature to those displayed here (right at the beginning). Because it doesn't say that much about expected behaviour of the Ronin.
/Update: Removed what shall not be there in order to contribute to general peace and love. And clarified.
A bit dictionary/language fail on my side. Should have used "yet" in that removed sentence. My apologises.
Feel free to PM me regarding any grammar/spelling/other language mistakes I have made in my posts.
' Wrote:Jinx, check the last sentence here and do tell, whether it makes sense. You know, a storyline where KuExiles cooperate with Brets just to reclaim T31 and "finish what has been started" (i.e. the interrupted war) (and say it openly):).
Looking at this, some amount of feedback wasn't ignored :-).
while lacking the deal with Bretonia, consider a sort of code of conduct/rules of engagement for the members. Of similar nature to those displayed here (right at the beginning).
Alright, the next person that mentions that treaty will be shown the closest door where my leg could meet his behind and give it a nice kick.
Seriously, you have been told over and over and over by both Ronin players and Bretonian players that this is being sorted out. That a treaty is being written.
So why, please explain me WHY, people need to shoot the same issue over and over (for more than 12 pages) then revive it using witch-craft only to shoot it again and repeat. WHY?!