I do not see what you arguing here about. Unaffiliated trader? So I cannot RP my own way of trader? I can haul WHATEVER I WANT, WHEREVER AND WHENEVER! Hell I have also 15 capships but merely for nostalgic reasons. You sound like you get whooped and need to reduce the capspam numbers. Sell your own, do some good.
Without traders 90% of server is dead even more. Itll all come down to PVP in few systems and thats it. Your suggestions over the pages are in no way about to improve anything, nerfing does not help, just makes people go more Q_Q as they need to waste more time on it.
Also giving advantage to house traders? That desperate? FORCING people to join? LOLNO!
Looks like none of you understand the idea properly and just talking bul****s all about.. im not discussuing about how many caps someone have (i know how many you have reptile, if you dont understand the point then why posting on out of topic things).
From the first what im trying to say is nothing new, just what devs planted in tech use i assume it in commodities. Like if you are using incompitability massage and reduced effectiveness for tech mismatch, i say higher profit for mach and reduced profit for non matching commodities.
However it doesnt look like it is acceptable for anyone else so dropping the idea.
The therm "powertrader" is only a fiction. Perhaps lets call them successful traders instead?
When you are on your trading ship to make money, of course you hurry a bit, to make good profit. What do you expect, and what do you, when you are on your own trader?
"Powertrading" is more an urban legend than a fact.
Cargo missions is what we need.
HHC had those. I liked it.
They weren't ingame base but connected via a webplatform as far as I can remember.
That would really help with the "powertrading" and iRP stuff. You make a deal for transporting good with someone and then add a mission for him (paying with YOUR money for it, of course) and he can trade.
Bring good to base x and you will receive y credits for every unit.
Bring goods from base x to base y, pays z credits per unit.
But there should be also some "admin-sponsored" missions (events, like bring "goods from base x to base y, pays z credits per unit").
Quote:Bring goods from base x to base y, pays z credits per unit.
We have had such. Once there was an event for bringing water to the FP in Yukon. 2 years ago, if i am right. It was mentioned in game at the news in the bar.
It was planned, to have more of such events, but i never saw more.
I'd put CDs back on NPCs, remove the NPCs that are useless annoying, and make the most lucrative trade runs go to places that are highly protected by NPCs, so that a tranport can not reach hte place without escort.