' Wrote:Personally, I boil it down to basically 1 thing: Although everyone can outwardly agree that "It's just a game" Inwardly, some treat it as more than 'just a game' & pin their self-worth on it. They don't admit it outwardly because they don't wanna be "that guy" that admits it & leave themself wide open to face the ridicule of the others that didn't fess up to the same.
all the back & forth territorial bitchings are just byproducts of that imho
I don't. It's bitter and discouraging. You shouldn't shove that into everyone's faces, because after all, this mod would be nothing without its community. The mod was made by the community, the server is being run by members of this community and there should be more respect in that regard.
You might say I'm a hypocrite, because I bash quite a few people around here, including developers and administrator, but that's because I want a better mod, and a better administration.
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people are angry, because they cant make 10 billion credits in a week without being pirated once....
people are angry because certain admins do not sit down and discuss a problem, but troll their way around the topic
people are angry because their angry by nature
people are angry because they didnt get their blu msg
people are angry because their gear got nerfed and their enemies buffed
people are angry because they dont understand why their punished
SOME PEOPLE, are angry simply because their too stupid to see their own mistakes
' Wrote:people are angry, because they cant make 10 billion credits in a week without being pirated once....
people are angry because certain admins do not sit down and discuss a problem, but troll their way around the topic
people are angry because their angry by nature
people are angry because they didnt get their blu msg
people are angry because their gear got nerfed and their enemies buffed
people are angry because they dont understand why their punished
SOME PEOPLE, are angry simply because their too stupid to see their own mistakes
So why are you angry? Because you get killed ingame? Because you think people are hunting you? Because you think they hate you and they wanna run you out of here? You're complaining how other people get special treatment when you can write 15 swear words in each of your posts and no one minds. Why? Because you are mentally unstable? I dont care if you are, this community isnt here to listen to your personal problems.
Please, look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself the following question: "Maybe its not the World, maybe its me?"
You shouldnt be angry/raging, you should be ashamed of yourself instead.
' Wrote:So why are you angry? Because you get killed ingame? Because you think people are hunting you? Because you think they hate you and they wanna run you out of here? You're complaining how other people get special treatment when you can write 15 swear words in each of your posts and no one minds. Why? Because you are mentally unstable? I dont care if you are, this community isnt here to listen to your personal problems.
Please, look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself the following question: "Maybe its not the World, maybe its me?"
You shouldnt be angry/raging, you should be ashamed of yourself instead.
Dude, back off....
This isn't a place for you to attack me. Compose yourself.