Ok so Brigands,
Maquis? apart of that they don't care about Outcasts?
Council bases - ?? trust has nothing to do with bussines
Gallic Junkers work just like normal Junkers? I mean they don't care who docks as long as it doesn't bring trouble to their base.??
About the lawful bases - I won't even try...I bet it's impossible both inRP and OORP.
Lawful forces - That should be obvious
Brigands - Probably, I think
Council - No
Junkers - Dunno about the stance of Gallic Junkers towards Outcasts, probably neutral, so yes
Maquis - Most likely not
Unione Corse - Since they have no official factions, I have no idea. Two dominating groups are different. If [UC] was official, probably yes, if LaBrise, lolno. But since they don't have anyone to represent UC NPC faction, I have no idea.
Gallic Junkers are being intimidated by the Outcasts and are forced to cooperate with them.
This is how the Outcasts got their base in Lorraine- Bribing them. Those they couldn't bribe? Threats and intimidation until they cooperated.
As for La Brise, we're attempting to stop the Cardamine trade as it is an outside influence which profits to another group than the Corse itself. In the case of artifacts, we gain the largest part of the pie within Gallia. Outcast policies on Cardamine would actually lessen the Corse's influence and harm their actually strenious relationship with the Royals, and lessen any trust the Council may have towards them. The Corse may not like anybody, but they need to be in good stance with as many people as they can to live.
There actually is a Corse-Council anti-Outcast alliance, as well.
The Maquis are neutral/unfriendly to Outcasts. They're not as interested with the operations of the Gallic Black Market like the Corse and Brigands are - they just utilise it to fund their endeavours.
Maquis won't import Cardamine, but they won't go out of their way to blow up Cardamine transports either.
' Wrote:The Maquis are neutral/unfriendly to Outcasts. They're not as interested with the operations of the Gallic Black Market like the Corse and Brigands are - they just utilise it to fund their endeavours.
Maquis won't import Cardamine, but they won't go out of their way to blow up Cardamine transports either.
I'm not sure, but I think OCs are rephacked red to the Maquis. At least Maquis NPCs attack Torino base and most missions there are against the Maquis. So I wouldn't say the diplomatic status is 'neutral'.
Is there an official Gallic Junker faction? I'm having a hard time figuring this lot out, and what their relationship is to "normal" junkers and everyone else in general? And their relationship to GRN as well? I'd like to spend some money and get some smugglers (preferably Gallics) to spread the cardamine across Gallia, but where to go? Which bases could be seen as destinations within reason, if I plan on setting up a contract for smugglers to haul cardi from Torino?
The way I experience it, Gallia is way too contained within itself. There's no real options for OC-Gallic diplomacy, as everyone despises Cardamine and the OC in general, more than they apparently need help to fight their cause. The Council and friends can safely rely on the OC fighting the GRN anyways, and the GRN seems hellbent on just pwning everything possible, which doesn't really permit any diplomacy with them.
That's one thing I sometimes dislike about this game: Everything often pans out to be either totally black or white. If ppl play a lawful character, they are lawful to the point of stupidity - for instance on my smuggler character I had a long debate with some GRN's about how I was actually to some extent doing them a favor by hauling slaves out of Liberty and corrupting Liberty with cardamine, how I travel all across Sirius and see a lot of things and could supply them with vital information and how I was open to doing business with The Crown/GRN/GRP, but the only reaction I got was slaves=bad, you=dead - no response on how I could be an asset to their overall cause, albeit an unlawful one. It's fair enough that they dislike smugglers taking part in the OC economy, but the fact that nothing else but the random destruction of a transport not even heading for Gallic space is a priority is a little bit "meh" (especially when joining up with IMG, which in my world is a direct competitor to GMS, to fight smugglers not heading for Gallia).
It isn't even worth it for the credits. RP-wise, sure. But not credits. Torino is your best bet, and you can be assured safety by The 81 Syndicate or any other OC faction willing to escort.
' Wrote:It isn't even worth it for the credits. RP-wise, sure. But not credits. Torino is your best bet, and you can be assured safety by The 81 Syndicate or any other OC faction willing to escort.
But if say, I want to spread my family's cardamine all across Gallia from Torino, what should the destinations be? What factions are open/not paying any attention to Cardamine? Gallic Junkers?
' Wrote:But if say, I want to spread my family's cardamine all across Gallia from Torino, what should the destinations be? What factions are open/not paying any attention to Cardamine? Gallic Junkers?
Hmm.. Well, to be honest I have no idea how the Gallic Junkers stand on Cardimine. Though, I would imagine they value it at least 'somewhat.' Since, they've always had close ties with the drug and the OC. But I don't really know exactly their whole stance on cardi..
Destination wise, I think it's safe to say Torino is your best bet. UNLESS you have some sort of a specific deal going on with the +LE+ and they allow you to bring it to one of their bases (for less profit, mind you). Or if if you're in it for the extreme thrill and RP of it, and want to make a daring move to give the finger to the GRN, just directly dock on Planet New Paris with your hold full o' cardi! :crazy:
And the others explained nicely how the UC and Maquis feel about cardi. I'm pretty sure it's a, "Carrying cardi? You're dead!" sort of ordeal going on there.
' Wrote:Is there an official Gallic Junker faction? I'm having a hard time figuring this lot out, and what their relationship is to "normal" junkers and everyone else in general? And their relationship to GRN as well? I'd like to spend some money and get some smugglers (preferably Gallics) to spread the cardamine across Gallia, but where to go? Which bases could be seen as destinations within reason, if I plan on setting up a contract for smugglers to haul cardi from Torino?
The way I experience it, Gallia is way too contained within itself. There's no real options for OC-Gallic diplomacy, as everyone despises Cardamine and the OC in general, more than they apparently need help to fight their cause. The Council and friends can safely rely on the OC fighting the GRN anyways, and the GRN seems hellbent on just pwning everything possible, which doesn't really permit any diplomacy with them.
That's one thing I sometimes dislike about this game: Everything often pans out to be either totally black or white. If ppl play a lawful character, they are lawful to the point of stupidity - for instance on my smuggler character I had a long debate with some GRN's about how I was actually to some extent doing them a favor by hauling slaves out of Liberty and corrupting Liberty with cardamine, how I travel all across Sirius and see a lot of things and could supply them with vital information and how I was open to doing business with The Crown/GRN/GRP, but the only reaction I got was slaves=bad, you=dead - no response on how I could be an asset to their overall cause, albeit an unlawful one. It's fair enough that they dislike smugglers taking part in the OC economy, but the fact that nothing else but the random destruction of a transport not even heading for Gallic space is a priority is a little bit "meh" (especially when joining up with IMG, which in my world is a direct competitor to GMS, to fight smugglers not heading for Gallia).
The Gallics are out in Sirius on what they qualify as a pacifying mission: Imposing a Pax Gallium on all of Sirius is one of their goals. For such reasons, they do not tolerate any kinds of crimes already banished within Gallia's space: to act otherwise would be hypocritical and harmful to their image, and they wish to prove they are professional and efficient. To do such and not lose credibility, though, they need to impose their laws equally on everybody, everywhere. They certainly do not need the help of a Freelancer smuggler when they believe they can gain Public Relations and trust within Sirius' population, therefore more willing partisans within Sirius, therefore gaining more supporters willing to either peacefully surrender or even fight on their side in the case of an invasion, all in the name of Global Pacification, by blowing up the same smuggler.