Nope. Work for cloak, i'm tired to see factions beggin for high tech to slack in game. Make nomad transports with 5k cargo, more nomadic bases hidden and make them trade.
Oh and for the score...
There isn't a nomadic faction(k'hara) as far as i know
' Wrote:Nope. Work for cloak, i'm tired to see factions beggin for high tech to slack in game. Make nomad transports with 5k cargo, more nomadic bases hidden and make them trade.
Oh and for the score...
There isn't a nomadic faction(k'hara) as far as i know
Please re-read the thread. This wasn't suggested by a nomad player, and has a lot of non-nomad player support.
K'Hara is the official Nomad faction so I don't know what you mean by that last statement.
Nomad transports don't make much sense as what would they haul? Human cargo? That doesn't make much sense.
' Wrote:Please re-read the thread. This wasn't suggested by a nomad player, and has a lot of non-nomad player support.
K'Hara is the official Nomad faction so I don't know what you mean by that last statement.
Nomad transports don't make much sense as what would they haul? Human cargo? That doesn't make much sense.
Except i'm wrong, K'hara isn't anymore, it was disbanded long time ago.
Nomad transports should transport nomad stuff 8-|, they might be organic but worth...
Quote:Nope. Work for cloak, i'm tired to see factions beggin for high tech to slack in game. Make nomad transports with 5k cargo, more nomadic bases hidden and make them trade.
Oh and for the score...
There isn't a nomadic faction(k'hara) as far as i know
' Wrote:I 100% support free cloaks to any nomad official player.
Same. Without permission to transfer those to any other ship.
It'd even be good to have a Nomad Cloak (MkI, MkII, MK3.A), that takes slightly less space, and will prevent players from transfering those to other chars, by being clearly distinguishable from Sirius Cloaks.
' Wrote:Nope. Work for cloak, i'm tired to see factions beggin for high tech to slack in game. Make nomad transports with 5k cargo, more nomadic bases hidden and make them trade.
I'd agree with your post with we were talking about the liberty navy (No offense, fellas.).
Closed faction, great role players, low numbers, make'em do something that has nothing to do with the faction just 'cause players feel they should power trade as well?
As been stated, this became a thread about "how I hate nomads 'cause I can't buy a Marduk without going through the trouble of writing proper rp."
Quote:I'd agree with your post with we were talking about the liberty navy (No offense, fellas.).
Closed faction, great role players, low numbers, make'em do something that has nothing to do with the faction just 'cause players feel they should power trade as well?
As been stated, this became a thread about "how I hate nomads 'cause I can't buy a Marduk without going through the trouble of writing proper rp."
See, but its really not.
We're just trying to make people work for their equipment.
Oh, we agree their RP is fantastic.
However, if you want to get your special equipment you must grind as well.
No free lunches 'round here I'm afraid.
Equality is needed, wether or not your faction is invite only/overpowered/trying to get away with doing nothing for new technology that everyone else has to work to get
' Wrote:As been stated, this became a thread about "how I hate nomads 'cause I can't buy a Marduk without going through the trouble of writing proper rp."
The funny thing is; people think that as soon as they're in, they can buy a marduk. They're wrong. Inside the faction, we have strict rules that regulate powerflow. There are ZERO personal marduks. All 5 are shared. If you just join, you can't even fly a gunboat, let alone an irra.
For lack of a better word.. 'Promotion' is based on how you RP, and on how much you understand about noms.
Generally, after a month or so, you can get a GB.
But yea. Just join the faction. (That's mainly aimed at Cam. I want him in the K'Hara xD)
Quote:But yea. Just join the faction. (That's mainly aimed at Cam. I want him in the K'Hara xD)
Lol, I wouldn't want a Marduk, They're ugly and clunky as hael I'd stick with a GB or Dildo most likely if I ever did join such a faction.
Quote:There are ZERO personal marduks. All 5 are shared
Not to mention that would never work for me.
Quote:EDIT: Cammy-spammy.. We're not invite only..
Perhaps not but the Nomads/Keepers/K'Hara whatever have always been heavily biased to the point of invite-onlyness. The only faction I've ever gotten in (or wanted to be in, for that matter) was the Junker Congress and that's because they asked me...
And it was fun. For a while.
But I digress.
While I'd love to join the K'Haraeepers,
apparently prettier version of Shaun White...
I've got a base to upkeep, working my f3 key to the plunger...
Where's yours?
Oh, you want everything for free? No Grind? Not gonna happen, dear.
I dun look like Shaun White ):< He's got bad teeth...
You may think it's invite only because we turn down many morphs. But we do this based on their RP abilities.
If you try to get through recruitment, you'll see me at the final stage of it.
And about the marduks.
The duck drivers have to pass a parking exam. Can't dock at Derp-Shurwecan? No drivers license.