::Hack&Slash wave encypt "Check"::
::DoubleBack protection filter "Check"::
::Vulgarity protection filter "Check"::
::Active protection level 12 of 12::
::Searching for link to: "James Barnes"
::Connected:: *the monitor turns on and Kiriko smiles* Konbanwa Barnes-sama! we took care of the.. *she whispers* secret mission.. *smiling, she continues normally* Me and Cly mapped out the entire sector, just in case we needed to be somewhere or escape somehow. Cly set a basic ziggy zaggy search pattern and we followed it until we arrived back at the battleship like you said. Cly can show you.. Cly?
::Displaying images::
::Scout Patrol Pattern 1::
::Rousillion Sector, Completed Chart::
::Circle marks indicate mine field placement, extreme caution recommended::
*the screen flicks back to Kiriko whom is looking up to a monitor on the roof of the cockpit, she looks down for a moment and smiles checking the monitor above one more time* all done Cly?*a thumbs up was displayed* ::Yes, images successfully encrypted and transfered::*Kiriko nods* Ok! *she looks back to the monitor to her left* Barnes-sama, we are all done now, we met a council ship there too, *kiriko looks back up to the monitor above her* Cly show the logs please
::Displaying speech log::
Quote:[C]-Pierre.LaFlamme: Bonsoir, cut your engines, s'il vous plait.
Bowex)Kiriko.Hidamari: hai?
*long pause*
Bowex)Kiriko.Hidamari: *shuffles uncomfortably*
Bowex)Kiriko.Hidamari: mm.. is everything ok?
[C]-Pierre.LaFlamme: I don't recall anything like the Council granting permission to access this system.
[C]-Pierre.LaFlamme: Neither being requested to do so.
Bowex)Kiriko.Hidamari: We were told that we were supposed to come here.
Bowex)Kiriko.Hidamari: we came as.. the Envoy.. for bowex, to meet Gustav Mazuret-san
Bowex)Kiriko.Hidamari: on the battleship just there.
[C]-Pierre.LaFlamme: Bon, Mon General assured me that all is right. You can proceed to CLN Pamiers.
Bowex)Kiriko.Hidamari: *she deflated in relief* hai! arigato..
Traffic control alert: [C]-Pierre.LaFlamme has requested to dock
Traffic control alert: Bowex)Kiriko.Hidamari has requested to dock
::No further Messages::
*Kiriko looked back to the monitor with curiosity* What should we do next Barnes-sama? let me and Cly know ok? um.. thats everything for now. Bye bye.. *Kiriko waves into the monitor with a bright smile before it turns off*
***Connection from Scarborough Station bridged***
***Audio link connected***
***Video Link connected***
To: Bowex Director of Trade
Subject: Elementium Corporation
I was recently contacted by a ship belonging to the Elementium Corporation that was named "Displaced".
The pilot informed me that they had a business proposal for Bowex and hadn't been able to contact yourself or another supervisor.
However down to the details.
Elementium Corporation, and in particular their Research and Development department who I have been informed is called Escartes Elementium R and D, own and operate a ore refinery by the name of Brimstone Refinery in the Tau 23 system. I did some digging and contacting my contacts and they hear that it is beyond the Gallic controlled lanes of Tau 31 and beyond a Gallic controlled Jump Gate. My contacts also tell me they believe that this base is near the IMG base Java.
Any way they are offering to charge us only 4000 credits per ton of Niobium Ore that we pick up and have kindly informed us that at present ore merchants on Planet Denver are willing to purchase the ore from us for 9989 credits a ton.
They said that the quantity we transport is entirely up to us.
-- Stew Wolfe
***Video connection closed***
***Audio connection closed***
***Connection to Scarborough Station Closed***
To: Stew Wolfe
From: James Barnes, Supervisor Shipping Division, Bowex.
Cc: Andrew Peterson, Bowex; Simon Webber, Bowex, Jack Porter, BMM
Re: Elementium Corporation
Good morning Mr Wolfe,
Thank you for bringing this to our attention, however I do not think we will be pursing a haulage contract with Elementium at this time; I will explain below:
The Tau's are considered a war zone and we do not enter that area unless specifically asked to do so by the BAF or Merchant Navy to assist in supplying Planet Harris.
During the Kusari war we did venture to Tau-23 to supply the BMM base there and take Ore; it was dangerous work and as with Planet Harris we would only ever go there in Convoys.
Since the invasion of Gallia, BMM have had to withdraw from Tau-23, fortunately surveyors found a rich new Beryllium field in Cambridge and with Kusari being defeated we got back the Niobium field in Leeds.
This brings me to my next point; Brimstone Refinery in the Tau 23 system is more than likely an IMG base (since you mention the IMG base Java), BMM do not like IMG much and since BMM are our sister company in the Crown Services I would not want to enter into a contract that would be detrimental to our BMM brothers.
I am also concerned about the price; 4,000 Sirian Credits seems a little low considering the conditions they have to work under, they are either swindling the miners or this a Gallic plot to catch Bowex ships in the Tau's and therefore harm Bretonia's economy and her ability to fight the war.
::Incoming Transmission::
::ID: Andy Tresher::
::From: King's Cross Station::
Evenin' lads. Today I've started off by buying some silver ore from the Oberhausen Ore Storage, a new base built just outside the Stuttgart jump gate in omega 7. The price was quite low, only 3300 sirius credits/unit, so I did 2 runs. When I was coming back from Planet Harris, I was grabbing ship hull panels at Stokes and hauling them to King's Cross in order to update the core structure. Between this 2 silver ore runs, I've also bought some beryllium ore from our base and sold it on Planet Pitsburgh. Luckily, I've encountered no pirates.
Later on I've meet in space with Stirling and Gladstone to supply the base with even more ship hull panels. Ando Rodriguez and Andrew Husker ensured that no pirates will trouble our way. In order to earn a little more money and also aid the BMM with materials they need on Stokes, we were buying basic alloy from Planet New London. In total, we've managed to haul 18750 units of hull panels. Here's a more specific list:
- Bowex)Gray 3 X 2205 = 6615
- Bowex)Stirling 3 X 2045 = 6135
- Bowex)Gladstone 3 X 2000 = 6000
After this, we've taken 12500 units of beryllium ore and set off for Pitsburgh. To our surprise, none got on our way and our escorts did a great job .
Posts: 6,381
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Joined: Aug 2007
Staff roles: Story Dev Economy Dev
To: All assets. From: Andrew Peterson, Trade Manager. RE: Updates.
Congratulations are in store for the participants of our latest foray into Liberty space. You chaps are flying the flag and duly impressing our stalwart central allies. The convoy went off without a hitch, with one pirate bomber actually vacating his bowels and moving on as eight Shire class transports and 96 turrets turned their gaze upon him. A wise man indeed.
Furthermore, I have two new announcements to make.
1) From this day onwards, management has deemed it appropriate to introduce various morale-boosting phrases and actions. The term "HUZZAH!" was considered appropriate, and has thus been adopted as the company's field battlecry/rallying call alongside "Rule Bretonia" and "Yaargh, y'bastards!". Should a Supervisor, Manager or Director drop a "HUZZAH!" into system communications, the rest of the convoy's members are considered honourbound respond in kind. You may of course freely choose not to, but it's all rather poor form, y'know? Not sporting at all.
2) Sir Richard Farbridge, current ExSec Division Director, is standing down after a great many years of tireless work and exemplary service. Mr Farbridge will be retaining a position as an ExSec Manager in order to assist and advise the new ExSec Director, Kiriko Hidamari. Sincere thanks to Richard, and heartfelt congratulations to Kiriko.
That all for now, chaps. Very well done, all of you.
To: All assets. From: Sir James Cromwell, DO. RE: Promotions.
Good day to you all, ladies and gentlemen. Today, it is with pleasure that the duty of issuing hard earned promotions falls to me. This financial quarter has seen hardship of the like never seen before, but also courage - courage, determination and comradeship from all levels of Bretonian society. We stand fast as a ward against the aggressions of the Gauls and the tyrannies of piracy and terrorism. The BAF may plan in tactics, but we strive forth in logistics - and it is logistics that wins wars! Without further ado, congratulations to the below;
Ayla Savard: For professional conduct, your contract has been confirmed. Your probationary contract is to receive an immediate promotion to full Employee. Continue your good work within the Trade Combine and you shall go far.
Heather Houghton: For professional conduct, your contract has been confirmed. Your probationary contract is to receive an immediate promotion to full Employee. Continue your good work within the Trade Combine and you shall go far.
Jack Harding: For professional conduct, your contract has been confirmed. Your probationary contract is to receive an immediate promotion to full Employee. Continue your good work within the Trade Combine and you shall go far.
Luke Duke: For professional conduct, your contract has been confirmed. Your probationary contract is to receive an immediate promotion to full ExSec Pilot. Continue your good work within ExSec and you shall go far.
Mark Wolfe: For professional conduct, your contract has been confirmed. Your probationary contract is to receive an immediate promotion to full Employee. Continue your good work within the Trade Combine and you shall go far.
Nigel Wellington For professional conduct, your contract has been confirmed. Your probationary contract is to receive an immediate promotion to full Employee. Continue your good work within the Trade Combine and you shall go far.
Toby Cumberbatch : For professional conduct, your contract has been confirmed. Your probationary contract is to receive an immediate promotion to full Employee. Continue your good work within the Trade Combine and you shall go far.
Andy Tresher: For exemplary service during trying and testing times, you receive an immediate promotion to Senior Employee. Continue your good work within the Trade Combine and you shall go far.
Carlton White: For exemplary service during trying and testing times, you receive an immediate promotion to Senior Employee. Continue your good work within the Trade Combine and you shall go far.
Mark Sanders: For exemplary service during trying and testing times, you receive an immediate promotion to Senior Employee. Continue your good work within the Trade Combine and you shall go far.
Vincent Erlheim: For exemplary service during trying and testing times, you receive an immediate promotion to Senior Employee. Continue your good work within the Trade Combine and you shall go far.
Jan Peters: For outstanding performance across the board, you receive an immediate promotion to Supervisor. Be aware that with this step into junior-management comes great responsibility, including but not limited to; convoy management, and station supervisory control. You will find your security clearance has been upgraded, and your passcards now give you access to the manager's lounges on Lancaster Trade Station and King's Cross.
Stew Wolfe: For outstanding performance across the board, you receive an immediate promotion to Supervisor. Be aware that with this step into junior-management comes great responsibility, including but not limited to; convoy management, and station supervisory control. You will find your security clearance has been upgraded, and your passcards now give you access to the manager's lounges on Lancaster Trade Station and King's Cross.
James Barnes: In light of consistent, comprehensive and exemplary professional conduct, you are to receive an immediate contract upgrade to Trade Combine Department Manager. Your conduct and performance should be an inspiration to our more junior employees, and a standard to adhere to for your fellow managers. Well done indeed, a thoroughly deserved promotion. You will find your security clearance has been upgraded, and your passcards now give you access to the manager's lounges on Lancaster Trade Station and King's Cross.
Kiriko Hidamari: With the recent retirement of the previous ExSec Division Director, Sir Richard Farbridge, it is my pleasure to elevate Ms Kiriko Hidamari in his stead. This is an official confirmation of an existing promotion, which was previously announced here.
With these accolades in the forefront of your mind, remember that Bowex rewards the hard working, the loyal and the brave. Continue to work with your current pitch and fever, and you can all expect to go far - not to mention giving the 'Frogs a damn good beating! Congratulations to you all - carry on with the good fight! Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!
Posts: 6,381
Threads: 335
Joined: Aug 2007
Staff roles: Story Dev Economy Dev
To: Trade Combine, captains and bridge crew; ExSec, pilots and support crew. From: Andrew Peterson, Trade Manager. RE: Convoy report templates.
Good day to you all, ladies and gentlemen! Management has a request to make of our frontline employees - for those who are wondering what that is, it is you and your fellow co-workers. The government is looking for increased transparency in our operations, which will require greater access to our paperwork. They wish to scrutinise our operations to ensure we are working efficiently and correctly.
Due to this, it is my own and DO Cromwell's express wish that convoy reports are to be filed for each gathering of four or more vessels. Of course, it is not merely government paper-pushers who'll be paying careful attention to your submissions - management will be monitoring your reports to track the activity and actions of individual ship captains and crews. This is of course invaluable for your promotion prospects.
In addition to this, time used for InfoNet submissions can be claimed for as a bonus expense, as detailed in point #1 of the corporate bonus brochure. See below for further details:
' Wrote:#1 - InfoNet Reports: The InfoNet is the core structure by which we can notify each other of our actions and bond as a communal work-group. Consequently, an employee who makes frequent and thorough use of this facility will find their pay-cheque amply boosted. The further you progress up the corporate ladder, the higher this 'InfoNet bonus' will be - an additional incentive to add a senior rank to your portfolio. Amusing or otherwise well written and structured reports may receive a bonus in addition to this stock bonus.
Trainees - $1,000,000.
Employees - $1,500,000.
Senior Employees - $2,000,000.
Supervisors - $2,500,000.
With this abundantly clear, a unified convoy reporting template is to be provided, to allow captains to present the facts of the event in as clear and informative a manner as possible. The use of this template is of course down to your own discretion, but still highly recommended.
[font=Agency FB][size=4]Convoy Incidents:[/size][/font]
[Notable encounters, piracy and other disruptions or incidents.]
[font=Agency FB][size=4]Other Notes:[/size][/font]
[An additional section which may be filled out with additional information.][/indent]
Here is an example of the template fully filled out:
Convoy Participants:
BES Johnson, Shire.
BES Sassoon, Shire.
BES Gladstone, Shire.
BES Whitecliff, Shire.
Convoy Information:
Moved Beryllium Ore to Planet Pittsburgh. Shipped Boron from Pittsburgh back to Scarborough Shipyard. Moved Super Alloy from Scarborough to Planet New London. Moved Basic Alloy from Planet New London to King's Cross station.
Convoy Incidents:
We encountered a Liberty Rogue Barghest called Silly.Pirate on the New York/Mojave lane in California. It demanded "99 billion credits, or all our cheese." We destroyed it after a short firefight. No other incidents of note.
Other Notes:
Bellock forgot his medicine, and hallucinated that his first mate was a Zoner who was attempting to sodomise him. The duty orderly is going to try and extract the toilet plunger from Davis as soon as she is able - recommending Bellock's dose be tripled.
I trust the above is sufficiently clear? Splendid! I expect to see some cracking reports being produced within the next few days. Be aware that the above is the bare bones of a good report. With a little imagination and creative flair, InfoNet reports can be transformed into a veritable art form! And remember, if you can turn the drudgery of paper-pushing into an enjoyable past-time for the management, you'll earn an additional bonus. <strike>Lie and exaggerate</strike> Write accordingly!
Convoy Information:
We shifted Gold and Beryllium Ore from King's Cross Station. Took it to Planet Pittsburg in the New York System, via the Cortez System. We then loaded up with Boron and returned to Scarborough Station in the Newcastle System.
Convoy Incidents:
Prior to our deployment from New London, we encountered an IDF Train, which we swiftly gave a good run for his money before he ran from the system. On another note, Gateway took exception to our choice of RV, when we decided to park ourselves away from the flight path of anything important or worthwhile. Nothing to be concerned about.
Other Notes:
We hired a Bounty Hunters Guild pilot, by the name of Reno Zerinatus, whom we payed upon completion of our route to Pittsburg. All outstanding debts were cleared and dealt with.
We should probably RV near Canterbury Station more. It's a more centralised point, closer to the Manchester Jumpgate. Besides, the chaps over at Kensington love to look out their bay doors at our beautiful Shires.
ExSec Pilot Kiriko Hidamari, (ended run at New York) Light Fighter
ExSec Pilot Andrew Husker, VHF
Convoy Information:
We set out from King's Cross with beryllium, and took the route through Cortez in order to get to Pittsburgh. For our return trip, we all loaded up with Boron and took the Magellan route back to Scarborough Station in Newcastle, where our convoy ended.
Convoy Incidents:
In one of the California lanes we were held up by two vessels - a gunboat and a fighter - claiming to be LNS, transferring the right security codes as they held us up for a scan, but on further inspection I did not recognize their ship makes, and their conduct was decidedly non-standard.
Then a dreadnought of all things show up, its captain screaming something about the Order, and opened fire on the other two. Perplexed, we left the silly Libertonians to their infighting and skedaddled on to the Pitt.
No further incidents.
Other Notes:
Due to us collectively getting into an argument about our ships' naming conventions, culminating in my declaration that the captains of the Keynes and Whitecliff are strange, silly people, we all somehow managed to miss Mr. Husker's "all clear" messages at at least two occasions.
The fact that all ninnying and inane chatter be kept to local was duly stressed.