' Wrote:Technically these girls arent doing proper parkour. Parkour is all about getting from point A to point B as quickly and efficiently as possible, emphasis on efficiently. Using dangerous acrobatics (flips and whatnot) when they arent necessary presents a higher risk of injury, and thus goes against the purpose of parkour. You cant move quickly or efficiently if you bust your face or a break a leg. They're also clearly not travelling from point A to point B, but rather just hopping around in circles trying to show off fancy acrobatics.
Someone said that was the difference between parkour and free running; but I always thought they were the same thing.
' Wrote:...
On a semirelated note, if you want motivation to exercise, have sex. 15 minutes of sex is the equivalent of running something like 2 miles. Masturbation doesnt count.
Yeah, for us. For them - its a lazy form of doing nothing.
We (males) may be handicapped in having to work hard while doing you-know-what and satisfying not one, but two persons, BUT....we can have kids even at the age of 256. Women - they cant. They have a limited number of you-know-what and cant birth a child after 40-60 years of age.
That dude's name is Li Chinyun or something. Its documented - the guy lived 256 years and had sex (oops, I said it) during his whole life.
Coolest dude ever.
EDIT: I also personally know a guy (whom I met at our family vegetable garden, we invited him over to share the secrets of BIO gardening), who has over 200 children (and hes not sure exactly how many they are). He lived in Afrika for some time....and he was busy doing something.
Special promotion on cloaks. Made In Donesia. *We claim no responsibility for any kind of damage or sudden explosion that might occur from proper use of this product.
Also, use google translator next time. Or else (nothing).
Special promotion on cloaks. Made In Donesia. *We claim no responsibility for any kind of damage or sudden explosion that might occur from proper use of this product.
lots of sports related injuries though. which is annoying as hell. But overall it's epicness to boot.
and Im not talking about boxing or kick boxing. those 2 are too crude, imho. im talking proper spectaculair stuff like karate, jiu jitsu or what I do meself: Tae kwon do
I've done fitness, atlethics, distance running and soccer. Nothing else comes close to tkd though.
Ive tried Aikido and Karate (Kyokushin) but there were a lot of police people...or soon-to-become policemen.
Stuff really hurts and things go on even in the dressing rooms.
Special promotion on cloaks. Made In Donesia. *We claim no responsibility for any kind of damage or sudden explosion that might occur from proper use of this product.
' Wrote:On a semirelated note, if you want motivation to exercise, have sex.
You're posting on an internet forum where people pretend to be other people, I very much doubt this is a viable alternative for a vast majority of the community.
Ignoring the fact that a majority of the community is likely underage.