Mining can gross 50 mil per leg, but you will either pay 15 mill to a miner for each load, or you will spend 15 minutes mining your own load, or worst of all you pay 15 mill and wait 15 min for a miner to get the ore. Minng cap is about 75 million per hour.
Trading commodities with a 5k nets about 30-45 million per hour if you are good and nothing goes wrong. That is three legs at 20 min each, at 15 million profit per leg.
Jumper does each leg in 10 minutes without even trying, allowing for 6 legs per hour, at 15 million profit per leg that is flat 90 million per hour. Oh wait you said 5 minutes. That's 180 million per hour.
for some reason i feel this is exaggerated, but im kinda going to agree that nerfing it wont help, its a fun feature and should be played around on, but what other use was it gonna serve? jumping to a playerbase with OMFG 10 BS and then destroying it?
Im inclined to think that its found a good purpose and in my opinion be kept as it is
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Ok I am going to wade in again with ANOTHER lol****yumptrading!
Because I am one of the small factions rectum invaded by this.
I would seriously like to point out that with FEW 5k'ers jump trading earns you LESS than Mining.
I know... I run a faction where I NEED to jump to supply my base, I also have the entire of my faction refuse to jump trade with me because with only 4 whales and 1 jump ship they earn LESS than they earn mining silver...
This nerf was due to jumping Barges and HUGE groups of 5kers...
You all need to stop saying "jumping 5k'ers" and start saying "HUGE GROUPS of 5kers"...
Because your all fuelling inaccuracies...
As the nerf stands I can still supply my base, but it takes some serious extra time...
Can our SMALL group make a profit anymore? Lolno.
Also I would like to point out Cloaks... People abused cloak on a barge, what happened? Cloak got removed from the barge... Jump drives got abused on a Barge... and they mess up Jump drives...
Just make it so the AREA a Type 4 effects is so damn small you can't jump a barge, at the same time you will make it impossible to jump more than 5-6 whales... There you go, you have your fix...
Caps the profit by capping the number of players and the size of the ships that can be jumped and doesn't mess it up for small groups of players trying to just supply their bases...
BTW, Maths for anyone who cares...
1 Whale jumping earns about 10 mil per jump... 1 Jump takes ~5 mins (with perfect coordinates at the station)
With 4 whales, you earn 120mil per hour if all jumps are perfect, per whale. That is then divided by 4/5 for the jumper and fuel is taken out of it. So about 70-90 mil each per hour depending on fuel prices.
These prices are based on a 2 min turn around (landing selling and dropping more fuel) normally with my small group we run on a 5 min turn around (so 7-8 mins total to jump)... Thats a 60 mil profit... minus fuel... so 55mil profit...
Jump trading isnt imballanced, large groups doing it and barges doing it is.
' Wrote:If the a timer is implemented,Jump-Mining will be the new Jump-Trading.
Shall we nerf the yield drop again and boost the prices next?
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
' Wrote:LoL. Please. Even with a 5min cool down between jumps, jump trading is still more profitable than either mining or regular trading. We're not even getting into how much less risk it involves compared to those two.
LoL! Please!
I make 120-150m an hour just hauling ores.
Whats jump trading profits per hour now? like 40m/60m max?
Looks like you need to send all the mining fields 100k off plane or into a sun.
Way to nullify surveying. Way to Nerf an already hard system to even achieve.
To even start thinking about Jump trading you need several bil, not to mention 95% of the players that can afford this "toy" probably have no use for the abundance of money anyway, and use it to help new players who join the server...
If people have a barge they basically have 5billion credits... 5 Billion credits... What can't you afford with 5 billion credits? You nerf the people who already have enough credits to buy anything/everything, there is no reason to nerf people who are already rich enough to do everything. All you are really saying is "New people who want to play disco, DON'T BOTHER setting any goals. We already made it so the first way to make money in the server (mining) is the only thing you will ever do. Don't look forward to awesome barges, YOU CAN'T EVER HAVE ONE. Don't look forward to jump drives, THEY DON'T HAVE ANY USE. Your better off just sitting in your mining ship forever. Hmmm lets even take the challenge away from earning a mining ship //restart miner oh look! nothing else to achieve since mining = win.
' Wrote:LoL! Please!
I make 120-150m an hour just hauling ores.
Whats jump trading profits per hour now? like 40m/60m max?
Looks like you need to send all the mining fields 100k off plane or into a sun.
Way to nullify surveying. Way to Nerf an already hard system to even achieve.
To even start thinking about Jump trading you need several bil, not to mention 95% of the players that can afford this "toy" probably have no use for the abundance of money anyway, and use it to help new players who join the server...
If people have a barge they basically have 5billion credits... 5 Billion credits... What can't you afford with 5 billion credits? You nerf the people who already have enough credits to buy anything/everything, there is no reason to nerf people who are already rich enough to do everything. All you are really saying is "New people who want to play disco, DON'T BOTHER setting any goals. We already made it so the first way to make money in the server (mining) is the only thing you will ever do. Don't look forward to awesome barges, YOU CAN'T EVER HAVE ONE. Don't look forward to jump drives, THEY DON'T HAVE ANY USE. Your better off just sitting in your mining ship forever. Hmmm lets even take the challenge away from earning a mining ship //restart miner oh look! nothing else to achieve since mining = win.
11 days here, and whining. i love it.
Before you start freaking. Learn the game/mod. Can earn money trading/mining/missions, or wreck hunting. Jump trading is just the newest, and most exploitable way to earn cash on Disco.
' Wrote:11 days here, and whining. i love it.
Before you start freaking. Learn the game/mod. Can earn money trading/mining/missions, or wreck hunting. Jump trading is just the newest, and most exploitable way to earn cash on Disco.
LoL! Please!
I make 120-150m an hour just hauling ores.
and is just as exploitable as jump trading.
Maybe you should read before you whine mr long time whine.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
' Wrote:I make 120-150m an hour just hauling ores.
Whats jump trading profits per hour now? like 40m/60m max?
Looks like you need to send all the mining fields 100k off plane or into a sun.
There are two flavors of jump trading. 5k jumpers and barge jumpers. Let's run some numbers shall we? Since you think you know what you're talking about when you don't.
Barge Trading first (pre Cannon ninja nerf)
A: Deut from Lanz in O49 to Furyoku in Okinawa - 1936 profit per unit
B: Plut from Furyoku in Okinawa to Lanz in O49 - 2171 profit per unit
Number of Jumps in Route: 2
Time per Jump: 5 min Total Route time: 10 min
Fuel Used: Deuterium
Total Fuel Usage: 6800 Fuel Cost: 4,760,000
Leg A
Cargo Bought at Lanz: 40,000
Cost at Lanz: 28,000,000
Cargo Sold to Furyoku: 33,200
Gross Profit from Leg A: 64,275,200 Net Profit from Leg A: 36,275,200
Leg B
Cargo Bought at Furyoku: 36,600
Cost at Furyoku: 18,300,000
Cargo Sold to Lanz: 36,600
Gross Profit from Leg A: 79,458,600 Net Profit from Leg A: 61,158,600
Combined Profits: 97,433,800
After Fuel Cost: 92,673,800 Total Profit for Route: 92,673,800
Route takes 10 minutes, thus we can run it 6 times in one hour. Meaning your total hourly earnings per hour is:
Now, I will say that a 5 min jump with a barge is a very quick jump. In my experience it usually takes longer. I'll say 10 min per jump; so a 20 min route. That still leaves you with a profit per hour of:
Which pretty much crushes your 150m ore hauling per hour, wouldn't you say? Yep, this is why the nerf (balance) was done. Jumping a barge is crazy profits.
Now, I don't need to run the numbers for jump trading how the Jumping Zoners do it because from what I can tell they usually have around 5-8 members online when they jump. Which means they typically make the same haul that a single barge can make per jump. Dividing the profits up each player would make 62 million credits per hour. Not as much as your ore hauling claims (Which I highly doubt), but still greater than regular trading.
This is merely the profit side of the table. We've not gotten into the fact that jump trading removes almost all possibility for piracy (before you try to say I am wrong, please note the word in red). The possibility for a pirate to hit a jump trading convoy is much, much smaller than the possibility for the same pirate to hit a regular trading convoy or a mining operation.
Don't try to tell me a jump trading convoy is boned if they do get caught either. So is a mining operation that doesn't have security around and so is a regular trading convoy that doesn't employ scouts and escorts.
' Wrote:If people have a barge they basically have 5billion credits... 5 Billion credits... What can't you afford with 5 billion credits?
So ignorant to the truth.
OSI has two barges. OSI's bank has less than 1 billion on it. We got one of the barges via SRP way back in the day. We paid 500m for it I think. The second barge we got from the now dead GMS (the owner converted it, yo). I'd wager he paid 500m for it too as the GMS got it back when it was free to buy via a forum post.
1 billion invested. Where is the other 9 billion? I'd like it back if you have it.
Jump trading wasn't balanced to begin with. Especially barge jumping. All Cannon is doing is attempting to balance it. We're his test subjects. :D
@ Snak
Even with a 1.5 billion credit set up cost; if everyone agrees to let all profits go to the person who covered the set up until the set up cost is covered; it'll take 22 jumps using the route from above. Four or five hours of jumping. Big whoop.
' Wrote:With 4 whales, you earn 120mil per hour if all jumps are perfect, per whale. That is then divided by 4/5 for the jumper and fuel is taken out of it. So about 70-90 mil each per hour depending on fuel prices.
These prices are based on a 2 min turn around (landing selling and dropping more fuel) normally with my small group we run on a 5 min turn around (so 7-8 mins total to jump)... Thats a 60 mil profit... minus fuel... so 55mil profit...
Jump trading isnt imballanced, large groups doing it and barges doing it is.
The economy is balanced so that you can make around 40 to 50m per hour, not 70 to 90; thus jump trading is unbalanced in comparison to the rest of the economy.