It's not that... I found out that I do better in caps... waaaaay better. But in dog fights, no matter what I'm flying, I die... fast. Flying a LF would probably make me survive by dodging like crazy but I would barely land any shots on the opponents. Same thing goes for duels. My snub skills are outdated and I didn't manage to learn the new ones.
Problem is I want to join a faction but no one will give me a capital ship in a faction so I study the VHF market to see what's the best and then I develop my RP so that it includes that ship. Stop posting LFs or HFs or caps. I'm not interested in those.
' Wrote:It's not that... I found out that I do better in caps... waaaaay better. But in dog fights, no matter what I'm flying, I die... fast. Flying a LF would probably make me survive by dodging like crazy but I would barely land any shots on the opponents. Same thing goes for duels. My snub skills are outdated and I didn't manage to learn the new ones.
Get an LF and Pick Your Fights. If the enemy has a heavy bomber then you can fight and win because he will never hit you (just watch for the nuke mine spam). If they bring something faster then play a support role--add your firepower to another fight, or if you become target start evading until they pick somebody else to shoot at. Know your limits and play accordingly, you'll start getting better and can be more aggressive against faster ships.