' Wrote:Swallow, DartStriker, gentelmen, you are awesome. As I see things, models you've created totally fit junkers shipline. Looking forward for them ingame, sent little donation to congress bank.
Sorry about that, I haven't forgotten yet. Haha, I've just been really busy. Next time I have access to skype I'll add your name. You can look for mine as well, it is Dart_striker or Dart.Striker not sure which.
(10-06-2012, 10:23 PM)Swallow Wrote: How is it going?
I sent the models to Aet a while ago. Just sent him a PM asking if they're going to be ingame. Been really busy with uni lately. Will be able to devote more time to it in three weeks (summer, booyah!).
Interesting. Either he made a mistake, or does not plan to include Dart's HF model. Probably due to it not fitting the bulldog style.
I think, that's a mistake or rather mistyping, cause Junkers VHF is a Collector. It has totally junkerish look, stats and big as a barn, no need to replace. Gitano (LF) and Bulldog (HF) have borrowed models, so I bet for mistyping.