I don't know if its because we fly light fighters or... what, but i've really enjoyed my time in liberty flying on my [75th], hunters and stuff included. though we try to put ourselves in a favourable position most of the time and (like how i think pirates should be) never attack if there is a posibility of losing a squad mate.
again, also in RP I don't think hunters (like nomads) would honestly say anything before they shot at your ship being as you are hostile and im always telling my guys to be careful so we can assess whats going on before doing anything dangerous.
though the "<faction> guys need to learn to RP" thing has been going on for years it happens on every side every day.. pirates charging 10 millions or die and then insta shooting, it just happens so often you have to rise above it.
as a pirate in liberty we find that some people do just constantly try to run away which leaves you little time to actually role play with the said person, yes we are going to be taking your money but thats part of our jobs as pirates, so sometimes its not surprising peoples saying 10milordie*PEWPEWPEW*
you just have to not expect anything from anyone until they have shown otherwise that they are capable of acting a little more within the spirit of RP on the server, at least thats what I do personally.
As a former EDGE hunter, I can say one thing - delay is death.
All 4 times I was "RPing" with rogues past normal /l1 /l2 /l3 and, maybe, a message or two inbetween those, I've got outnumbered and killed by their reinforcements. It's a year old info, though (2011)