I don't like it. The other one was far more clean, usable, stylish and fit with the new styling of things.
It doesn't look bad or anything.
so I recently started exploring Coronado. I must say you're all doing a wonderful job.
so I recently started exploring Koeln. I must say you're all doing an amazing job.
some time ago I explored Rousillon. Impressive. Particularly the music on the planet that was a nice surprise.
so I recently started exploring Omega-55. LOL... NOMADS. LOTS AND LOTS OF NOMADS. SHOOTING THINGS. I GOT THE HELL OUT OF THERE. (and I was thinking, jeez I can't remember what that one was from the news. I hope I don't run into a nomad system)
recently started exploring Omega-41. what did you guys do to the star? that new effect there, that's impressive.
(12-03-2012, 10:14 PM)Hidamari Wrote: I dont really like the way the colours of the text on the forum goes white blue white blue, its very disorientating..
I thought white text meant i had been in that thread before, but now i dunno whats goin on.
Yeah, link colours are a bit of a mess right now - unvisited links (a) are turquoise, visited links (a:visited) are white, "active" (clicked links, a:active - the link changes to this colour the moment you click it) and links that you have your mouse over (a:hover) are both the same turquoise/blue-green colour as unvisited links, but with underlining.
(12-04-2012, 06:04 PM)Hidamari Wrote: I made these to replace the current ones, what do you think?
no new posts
New posts
Those look like great replacements, in my opinion; they fit a lot better with the current theme (<- link) than the old icons. The sharp edges (and colours) on the "pillow" icons don't really work very well at all.
(12-04-2012, 06:17 PM)Jim.Solo Wrote: Oh I just looked at the Edit / Reply / Report Buttons, Oh I don't like them!
Out of curiousity; what don't you like about them?