Hi I wonder if any body could help, I have heard of a Gunboat called Scorpian, but it exists with THE WILD, does anyone have a suggestion on how to get one, do I have to be friendly with the wild and who do I have to kill to do that!
Also I would like anyones opinion on which is the best gunboat to buy, with some good Manoeuvrability, I found the Bretonian Gunboat very sluggish. So any insights would be more than helpful, thanks.
<span style="font-family:Verdana">From whence we came, we must always return, for we are the Heavens, we are Starstuff.</span>
Captain Stormblade serving the ALG
LR-Kiss.This.Then-D serving with the Rogues, DPL Faction (Also known as Wolfen)
"Lightning does strike twice", Captain Stormblade.
How about picking a ship that goes with your roleplay, and not just the one perceived to be the best in
it's particular class. Thats what its about here funnily enough ...
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
' Wrote:I honestly do not see why anyone would want to WILLINGLY fly the Scorpion. Creepy as hell..
I'd love to. Simply because they look unique as hell. Well..at least for the roughly 5 seconds I was able to see one before being blown out of space.:)