Circumstances:Me again. Well i got that rogue fast, she was just flying around being ugly and then meet me, now she is still ugly and have to buy new ship. About that reaver, wasn't easy at all, i used to think all reavers are dead, but i was wrong. I got both ov them in California.
Circumstances:This guy was headed to provide anti-capital cover to his buddies.
Not on my watch.
A few EMP Bursts and a Supernova later,his ship was toast
Circumstances:Big fight at Cali, managed to get rid ov some scum there, then back to New York for some more fun. I got that corsair last, in Magellan, he tryed to run to Leeds, and then back to Magellan and so on, was fun geting him *smile*
Kills:One Outcast gunship and an Universal Shipping transport full of cardamine
Circumstances:Was chasing a pair of smugglers from California jump gate to some 30k above Manhattan where I finaly caught up with one of them and destroyed his ship while the other one, who appear's on the scanner in my guncam footage, got away. As for the gunship, ain't much of a story about that one.