what remains is the question - how long should a cloak remain active / take to activate for each shipclass?
right now - fighters are only allowed to "blink" - so they can make a quick ambush - disappearing right outside the detection range .. and reappear a bit closer. - which works better in nebulas, cause the detection range is halfed.
capital ships are allowed a long time to cloak, because they are meant to have significantly larger and more capable powerplants.
transports are of course a sort of an oddity - but the idea was a tradeoff. - it takes away their primary focus to be able to cloak ( cargospace ) - as if a fighter had to trade weapons to be able to cloak.
now - back to the original question
how long do you think is a reasonable time for each shipclass to cloak
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I'd personally prefer cloaks changing to more of an ambushing weapon, rather than a run-away-and-avoid-a-blue-message tool. Long cloak timers, longer charge times that leave you open to being killed as you have no shields while trying to activate them.. That kind of thing.
It'd be smart to make it cost all weapons energy to cloak, as well, so even if you use it to ambush, you can't insta people as you uncloak on top of them.
out of curiosity - why would you cloak and sneak up to someone when you had to hang at point blank range for seconds - or almost minutes if you are in a capital warship.
wouldn t that make the cloak not even useless but utterly harmful?
Quote:Is it possbile to use the "ammunition" type of commodity to fuel up a cloak instead of "cargo" type?
We have a max amount of ammo of one type set to 70 so thus all ships will have the same amout of fuel for the cloack and just have a different "ammo" consumption, like fighter cloak consume 1 unit of fuel in 2 seconds, cruiser cloak consumes 1 unit of fuel in 4 and battleship cloak consumes 1 unit in 8 seconds.
Making some "Fusion Cell" ammo woudn't be hard I think. So cloaking will be sort of balanced with all ships having 70 Fusion Cells to charge cloaks. Also those cells will be auto refilling at base which is useful.
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(02-02-2013, 02:53 PM)Jinx Wrote: out of curiosity - why would you cloak and sneak up to someone when you had to hang at point blank range for seconds - or almost minutes if you are in a capital warship.
wouldn t that make the cloak not even useless but utterly harmful?
I suppose you're right. However, I can't say it's fun to get insta'd by a capital either, and an ambush system would kind of promote such behavior.
Perhaps there's some middle ground.
Also, I do think that cloaks should never be a no-brainer. If someone had infinite cash, it shouldn't be the "obvious choice" to get cloak on everything.
Right now cloaks are pretty much the only way for Battleships to escape a brawl. Countermeasures are a joke, you cannot outrun anyone second someone with a CD jumps into the fight, even if its only a fight of battleships, the side with the CD suddenly has a massive advantage, being able to allow thier Allies to flee or get closer to the enemy or even keep a better distance between the 2 of them to hold the advantage.
(02-02-2013, 09:47 AM)Vrabcek Wrote: I would be happy for every change towards the cloaks.
Currently, capital ships with a cloaking device are simply unbeatable...
(02-02-2013, 10:06 AM)hades durin Wrote: yesterday the rheinlander fleet nearly destroy one cloaked liberty carrier with anti matter cannon ....
so to beat it was not that impossible
Just took 3 nova bombers their entire Nova payloads to waste it. Long as hell but he went poof as he was jumping on the other side of the gate.. just took 15 seconds.
Any adjustment to this would be wonderful.
A player who does not use a single cloak
-"If we do not learn at least one thing a day....Our minds turn to stupor"- Kyle Sparrgrove -2005
Equipment for the cloaks abit better but can limit the cloak for other servers if they want to use differnt goods than the main server.
Plus cloaks more for ambushing or recon or sneaking by not really for running away as at that point the ship with cloak has no shield.
Ive done testing with the cloaks on another server theres alot that can be done to improve them and maybe a newer cloak effect would be nice
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