It requires 0 skill to use, and you can do so at a comfortable 3-4K range.
Cut 50% of the range or damage of the Nova and perhaps bombers will become somewhat fun and challenging to pilot again, while at the same time giving pilots reason to mount an Incapacitator.
I am not one that looks much to the stats, but do read the fluff of guns a lot. Guided by this, I mounted an incapacitator and snac on a brand new bomber i had set up to try the torp. Luckily, I was told out of my misery before any fight popped out. If it hadn't been for the people who warned me of it's uselessness, I'd have brought this junk into battle.
My two cents to anti-powergaming, give those who go by the lore and not the juicing of the stats the chance to pick a right loadout by making descriptions match stats
(02-16-2013, 03:53 AM)Felix_Wannamaker_III Wrote: The Nova is just fine: if youre too big to doge it, you need escorts or you get bombered to death, as it should be.
You will get bombered to death no matter what, if you really want stop bomber in way you call effective, you would need ~3 fighters for each bomber, and thats quite a lot, Im not sure if even gb spam would help as escort
(02-16-2013, 05:27 AM)Gypsie Wrote: I am not one that looks much to the stats, but do read the fluff of guns a lot. Guided by this, I mounted an incapacitator and snac on a brand new bomber i had set up to try the torp. Luckily, I was told out of my misery before any fight popped out. If it hadn't been for the people who warned me of it's uselessness, I'd have brought this junk into battle.
My two cents to anti-powergaming, give those who go by the lore and not the juicing of the stats the chance to pick a right loadout by making descriptions match stats
All im saying Gypsie is that the weapon for the game is useless and it would be nice if they actually buff it to FIT into the RP of what wiki said the torp is for.
(02-16-2013, 03:53 AM)Felix_Wannamaker_III Wrote: The Nova is just fine: if youre too big to doge it, you need escorts or you get bombered to death, as it should be.
Yeah, no...
It's not so much facing them, as it is flying them. Extreme ez-mode ships just aren't challenging to pilot, and thus not rewarding at all. You can't be bad at launching novas, just like you can't be good at it.
(02-16-2013, 05:27 AM)Gypsie Wrote: I am not one that looks much to the stats, but do read the fluff of guns a lot. Guided by this, I mounted an incapacitator and snac on a brand new bomber i had set up to try the torp. Luckily, I was told out of my misery before any fight popped out. If it hadn't been for the people who warned me of it's uselessness, I'd have brought this junk into battle.
My two cents to anti-powergaming, give those who go by the lore and not the juicing of the stats the chance to pick a right loadout by making descriptions match stats
All im saying Gypsie is that the weapon for the game is useless and it would be nice if they actually buff it to FIT into the RP of what wiki said the torp is for.