My name is Cole Collins, I was born on Freeport in Bering. I am 27 years old, my mother and father both work on Planet Houston, my mother as a teacher on Freeport, and my father as a mechanic. I was raised and trained in flight acedemy there, and I got a job as Bar Tender, and I earned enough money for a transport. I later then became a independent hauler, and was earning money to help my mother and father. One day I was going from New York to Texas, I use dthe Jump Hole in the badlands, on my way to Planet Houston, I was going threw asteroids and hit a rock and my ship was damaged. I got a base signal on my radar, which was Beaumont station. I docked there, and a nice Junker mechanic fixed my ship. I later undocked from Beaumont and headed to Freeport to my parents. ON the way home, I was thinking of Junkers, and of who they were. When I got home, I asked my parents who they were and my father said that my grand grand grand father was a Junker. Later that night, I told my parents that I wanted to follow my grand grand grand fathers footsteps and ask Junkers to join them.
My name is Milen and I request permission to be granted membership in the great Junker Congress.
My ship is highly active in sigmas and omicrons and i am well known in the teritoties of the corsairs, outcast and zoners. As their main supplier of premium scrap, prisoners, optronics, gold an iridium, i am highly respected.
I belive my skils should be used for the purpouse of the faction i belong, so you may contact me any time when i am needed for the needs of the congress.
From now on, to be at your service, will be my highest priority.
I've been working for the Congress for a very long time. Many of you probably already know me, and I believe that my official application is long overdue. It's about darn time I join you officially.
So here I am, I suppose I'll go over my qualifications.
I don't know where I was born, but I grew up spending most of my time in Liberty and Bretonia. When I got to working, I spent most of my time in Puerto Rico, Humboldt, the Omegas, and the Taus. I don't fly into the sigmas, omicrons, Kusari, or Rheinland so much, but I can if I have to.
I've collected at least $6,000,000,000 worth of cargo for the Junkers, a third of which was only in two nights of work. So there you have it, I'm a hard worker and I don't ask for much of a payment in return.
In all the time I've had this Salvager, I've never once had to buy a new one. I've never had to be beamed up into someone else's cargo hold and brought back to the base. What does this mean? I'm a good fighter. Not only will I mine scrap, not only will I haul cargo, but I will fight for the Congress with all that I can.
As well, I suppose my political alignment is important. I'll say now that I am against Gallia with all of my heart. If there are any Gallic Junkers that intend to join the Congress, they'd best shred their papers and join the Congress quick, because I've had too many bad encounters with the Gallic Junkers, and I will treat them as enemies. As for Kusari, I hate those folks almost as much, too many times I've had to fight Hogosha off my back. Rheinland is just another place to me, the people there are no different, neither friends nor foes. As for Bretonia and Liberty, I've got some ties to those houses. None above my loyalty to the Congress, but all the same I do care about some of the people in Bretonia and Liberty.
Hello again Deminer Enfurnoh!
We have worked together several times now and your always willing to help us when we need it.
Everything from mining metal to base supply runs you have done and has been very much appreciated.
With everything you've done so far and continue to do it seems the time has come.
So I am approving you for probationary membership.
Stop by any station and paint our tag on your ship immediately.
Welcome aboard!
I humbly stand before you, a junker, brought low by time and circumstance. Once I was a leader of the Junker faction known as the Collectors. We had our own fleet, a varied business profile, and an extensive network of business and diplomatic contacts. Now, the collectors are scattered to the four corners of the sector, those contacts and business concerns have lapsed, and all of our assets were lost to war and recession.
Brothers, I humbly petition the Congress for admission. I wish to put my skills and talents to use furthering the aims of the congress, and assuring the safety of junkers across Sirius.
My resources are quite limited relative to what they used to be; but I've maintained some of my old contacts, and in addition to my personal vessel, I have several transports chartered in various places allowing my to anonymously move goods and materiel.
Greetings Tegumiril.
While we have spoken and I've only known you a short time you seem to be the just the type of Junker were looking for.
I know your history even more than what your application listed.
Long ago I made an offer to our mutual friend and it still stands.
So with that in mind plus the help you've been offering I am accepting your application.
It is my pleasure to welcome you into the Congress.
(02-24-2013, 05:46 AM).Flash. Wrote:
>>> Incoming Transmission <<<
Name: Cole Collins
Subject: Admission
Greetings dear Junkers,
My name is Cole Collins, I was born on Freeport in Bering. I am 27 years old, my mother and father both work on Planet Houston, my mother as a teacher on Freeport, and my father as a mechanic. I was raised and trained in flight acedemy there, and I got a job as Bar Tender, and I earned enough money for a transport. I later then became a independent hauler, and was earning money to help my mother and father. One day I was going from New York to Texas, I use dthe Jump Hole in the badlands, on my way to Planet Houston, I was going threw asteroids and hit a rock and my ship was damaged. I got a base signal on my radar, which was Beaumont station. I docked there, and a nice Junker mechanic fixed my ship. I later undocked from Beaumont and headed to Freeport to my parents. ON the way home, I was thinking of Junkers, and of who they were. When I got home, I asked my parents who they were and my father said that my grand grand grand father was a Junker. Later that night, I told my parents that I wanted to follow my grand grand grand fathers footsteps and ask Junkers to join them.
Cole Collins
>>> Transmission Lost <<<
Howdy Cole Collins.
A pleasure to meet you sir.
Seems that one of our prospects speaks of you highly.
Since I approved his membership based on his recommendation I am also approving yours.
So find a port and tag up your ship.
Welcome aboard!!
Source_ID: Elena Gibi
Ship_name: Brave.Elena
Location: New York system, Rochester base
Recipient: :j:. Junker Congress
Subject: joining
Greetings Junkers!
My name is Elena Gibi, i'm 22 year old.
I was born at planet Manhetten,for a very welthy family.My family ensist that i will get good education in the art of flying, trading and diplomacy.
My father Alexander Adams work at IC , he is Boss of one their departments called "Fast and Safe transportation", and all Sirius knows that this is best departament, which can bring any cargo at anywhere, with incredible speed, and it will be in safety.
My mother Julia Gibi works at Planet Manhetten, but she is manager in one of Liberty Banks.
When i ended my education, my parents wanted that i work with them, in peaceful manner, but after all the stories i heard from the old pilot that my father hired for me i couldn't live in a boring life on the planet, and I ran away from home and began to wander in space, with only 10. 000 credits and the ship that I stole in the end of my studies.
I've been flying around, and did not know where to go and what to do.I couldn't return home.Due to my education i knew how to earn a money, but at the same time i stayed lonely.
(2 years later)
And at last, my dreams have come true.
At that time I earned some money by helping supply bases and trading Ore. With that money I finally coud afford myself a good ship,a hardly bitted Firefly which I bought from one of my old friends (and he assured me that the ship is in a good shape * Smiles *)
And once again I hited the road. I steered in Magellan, where I was to deliver water to Freeport 4. On my way to Freeport I was stopped by pirates, threatening me by death if i won't pay them all that i have, I agreed to pay them, and suddenly, aside my ship appeared Junker fregat , after a while he started a conversation with this pirates, and in a few moments later the pirates left without touching me.
I was very grateful for my salvation to the Junker. He offered to escort me to my destination.
When we successfully arrive to Freeport, Junker offered me a drink in the bar for my salvation.
After some time, when I finished all my business with the goods, we met me in a bar, and we sat for a long time and speak about life, I told him the story of my life, and suddenly, after he heard my story, he suggest me to join him and his brothers.To which I replied "It will be a honor for me"
I am interested in joining the Junker Congress, and believe i can contribute in more ways than one.
Mainly, i value 5 simple ethics: Respect, Freedom, Loyalty, Profits and Reliability - take the bad with the good, and i'm not afraid to keep going strong the next day, no matter how battered be my ships.
Whether its supplying bases, making profit, responding to attacks/defence, or menial tasks such as inventory management, logistics, or cleaning up scraps and rubbish aboard the stations.
I'll start with some history.
I am a third generation Junker, and have some souvenirs to show for it. My Family moved to Pittsburg just before i was born, and my life started soon after.
I remember my father taking off in his CSF to collect scrap metal, and thought, i'll have one of those oneday....But it wasn't to happen via my own plans
I first tried Pittsburg Organic and Scrap Recycling Facility (POSRF), saving up for a ship is not a walk through the holodeck eh!? I started picking up rubbish at 7, and eventually worked my way up to managing Scrap inventory, and productivity of organic recycling.
By this time my father had made considerable profit, and my family announced it was time to choose between Pittsburg, and and following them to be with the Junkers. I was so far away from even a CSV. I was lost, but space was to irresistable, Pittsburg looking like a dump anyway, i could not forgo this and we were off.
By this time i was 19. I remember flying into Puerto Rico to visit my grandfather, and his mighty Salvager, this was before he passed away. There were so many stories he used to tell me about his ventures in Sirus - Seeing the Salvager undock and venture out from Vieques Shipyard was a nostalgic memory of my fathers CSF, and i knew one day that i would board such an exemplary trustworthy vessle.
This is when i decided to fly for myself, in my brand new StarBlazer, and set out to explore, whislt my Father and Mother Boarded the Salvager to join my grandfather (yes i am an only child)
Now i'm 22, and i've gone from Starblazer, to several ships and dealings - even taking part on my grandfathers Salvager.
I've worked with DSE in Logistics, heck, i joined the most corrupt force out there - Liberty Navy, and witnessed the worst atrocities in my life.
Then i went under ALG in mining and waste disposal, before working for myself.
I wish to return to my roots. I have explored almost all of Sirus albeit absent in Galliac sectors, have worked my way from picking up rubbish to flying my own ships, through thick and thin, hauling and escorting, to defence.
I wish to be more than just a regular Junker - one who helped advance and protect our beliefs/ideoloy throughout Sirus.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As an end note, with my fathers and his fathers' knowledge, i beleive through the Congress, we can make an easier, more prosperous life for all Junkers, and a hard life for any terroists or Xenos, that wish to upset these beliefs.
I will fly on the front line - as well as the debris fields!!
Thank you for all your time:
Mr. String Skarsle -
Heavy Transport Hauler* Skarsle*
I'm Hunk.not sure where i got the name,i just kinda picked it up along the way.i'm from Buffalo Base.i'm good at smuggling though.that and supply one,and i mean NO ONE touches the supplies i'm running.100% delivery rate,Guaranteed.Same with mining.I always deliver.I'm submitting this application because you are a family,and you protect your own.That's a good guarantee.I want in on that guarantee more than anything else in Sirius.That is all.
The names Slainte, hold on, got a pic somewhere...........
There, hmmm....i look a bit grumpy in that one but maybe its because its the morning after the night before, if you know what i mean.
Anyhoo, the reason i am sending this comm is because i have an urge to join you fine fellows.
Let me explain why.....
Originaly i hail from Inverness. Born and raised on Invergordon with an urge to explore and find things. "What things?" i hear you say, well anything really that can bring coin or info. Hence the name of one of my ships...The.Finder.
During some of the travels i have had the misfortune to find things that dont like me very much. Strange blue coloured ships that dont speak proparly and most recently some of these lads from that new system that was found, Gallia is it?
Folks dont seem to speak right there either and are actually quite rude. Caused some damage to my Pilgrim they did! In Texas of all places!
I havn't had the pleasure of speaking to any of you lads yet but my Pilgrim, Glencoe, is at Rochester, New York, getting patched up, again, so if i see anyone around i'll be sure to say hello. I do realise that i would need a reference from a Congressman to proceed.
Well anyways, i have taken up enough of your time already so i'll sign off now.
Stay safe and fly true
Yours aye
Comm Channel: Closed
Comm Channel: Open
Further to my last comm,
The Glencoe has now been fully repaired and has made its way home to Bretonia.
Currently docked at Trafalgar.
Greetings everyone!
I apologize for the lateness of this response.
Times are always changing and so are we.
After years of leading the Congress our distinguished Arbiter Jack Crow is stepping down.
This means that as Deputy Arbiter it is now my time to take the reigns.
So effective immediately I am now Arbiter for the Junker Congress.
My first act as Arbiter will be to approve all new applicants wanting to join.
[***Transmission Incoming***]
Sender ID: stang
Location: Puerto Rico,Culebra Smelter
Caption of the stang_pilgrim_liner
Subject Admissions
Again it is an honer to be addressing The Junkers Congress
I will begin buy giving you a little back ground on my current and past operations.I agreed to open a junk business to carry on when my father left off.He told me of profits in New York system,so i set way. Arriving at Rochester base i set up operations there,profits were good but local law and pirates were taking a toll on my operations.The crew and i decided to move out,an find a more quiet place to set up,and may be make more profit.We were welcomed at the base in Texas,Beaumont base very nice accommodations there.After spending quit some time there,a turn of events soon unfolded. LNS was striking the base there quit frequently. Fearing for my crew an there family's we were forced to take safe harbor in the guard system Puerto Rico.The Culebra smelter has given us the security that we seek.
After being in Puerto Rico for some time now,my crew and i have grown accustom to the locals there,worm welcomes and a great bunch of help from all in Puerto Rico have led me to relies its the perfect place to stay.
Puerto Rico led me to the Junkers Congress.This faction Junkers Congress go out of there way to help my business grow and prosper.Time to give some help back.
So i come here to the Junker Congress to say it would be honer to ware the Junker Congress colors and help out in any way possible,wile still maintaining my business ventures.
Thank you for your time on this matter i hope to hear from you all soon.
That all for now feel free to catch me in local com anytime.