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(03-12-2013, 09:33 PM)Cris Wrote: So, in rough numbers, how much would be needed?
Judging from what Cannon told me when I asked pretty much this, you're looking at several thousand dollars per year ("on top" of current costs) for a DDoS-proof server setup.
Quote:Those that donate $$$ do it simply for the love of the game & desire to help keep it going financially when they can. While donations are always gratefully accepted, to elevate donators with forum shiny things above others simply because they shelled out money, it debases others who elevate the server and community with their own non-monetary contributions across the entire spectrum.
Money is good, but time & effort is worth more overall
It is not said that there is no 'thank you' gimmick that can't be granted for RP improvement or anything like that. We 'just' need to find and agree for the circumstances requiered to make the give out of those fair ...
(I am just doing a bit of philosophy on this toppic. I don't need a shiny but useless gimmick to help an puplic project I like to carry on.)
Jammi wrote:
Quote:It's also against the spirit of Microsoft's legal team, to the best of my knowledge.
Yeah, they can never give anything away. Just having $-signs were others have eyes ... *grml*
Cris wrote:
Quote:So, in rough numbers, how much would be needed?
Thats the question if we can make it at all. Wikimedia needs to ask for donations just one week a year. And I guess they need much more money than a 'litte gaming server'. But there are many many more wiki users than freelancer fans ...
Cris wrote:
Quote:Judging from what Cannon told me when I asked pretty much this, you're looking at several thousand dollars per year ("on top" of current costs) for a DDoS-proof server setup.
That sounds pritty expansive. But I have another idear:
Do we have any hackers (old school hackers I mean - those who have improving software and internet in mind, no lolwut kiddies just thinking about how to destroy anything) and lawers in the comunity?
Those hackers who are able to track an ID probably even around a proxy (I am not sure if thats possible at all) and those lawers who can, after the hackers got the bad guys IP, get that one rightfully hanged (metaphorical speaking) for his crime?
To the stars!
Pavel prompted:We are the money making company! And Hartmann added later while discussing that with me:The DHC way to solve problems? - Throw mony at it, until it diiieees!
~ because you can't spell SLAUGHTER without LAUGHTER ~
True, but as big that the community may be, when it's going to start costing thousands upon thousands, pretty much give up on the idea for a free to play game.
Although if i could i would support the game.
The idea in itself is a good one though however other measures must be availible that cost less, ive not really looked into the topic however i do think such Anti-DDOS exist, more reasonably priced ones i meant.
(03-12-2013, 09:34 PM)Anaximander Wrote: Mmkay, allow me to be blunt: How's your and my time and effort gonna get us a better hosting service, free of DDOS attacks?
imho, more of an effort to ask for donations when needed should be enough. Those that can afford and want to donate monetarily will do it and be perfectly fine with a simple 'thank you'
gimmicks aren't really needed. if someone donates based solely on recognition, they are doing it for the wrong reason
I see how it can take away some of the "innocence" of the server and community, but on the other hand most of us are brought up in consumer societies with no taboos in relation to the (voluntary) exchange of money for services.
On that note, many of us also have a practical approach to money and donations - that it's not really about the reason why people spend the way they do, but rather what they spend it on. Any (legal) money is good money.
I think gimmicks could help raise donations, the question is if it would be enough, and if it would be worth it in terms of loss of innocence. Probably not, considering the valid objections made so far.
Quote:imho, more of an effort to ask for donations when needed should be enough. Those that can afford and want to donate monetarily will do it and be perfectly fine with a simple 'thank you'
gimmicks aren't really needed. if someone donates based solely on recognition, they are doing it for the wrong reason
To refer to that browser game, that might be because besides some old folk (I am considering to be somewhere in between now) it is mostly played by children. I have estimated the average age of players there to be thirteen once. However activity has decreased and loyal player have grown up. So that figure needs a correction now.
If it works without spamming gimmicks around I'd be glad. That would be a finer. But to collect thousands of dollars per year? Possibly donated mostly by a few? ... There might be freelancer entusiastics who might be able to do this. On the other hand side I doupt there are so potent freelancer fans that they can do it without notice. So perhaps they will start to do so. But a few month later they will stop again. And then? ... Back to beeing attacked? Or shall we not surch for another sulution?
Anaximander wrote:
Quote:I see how it can take away some of the "innocence" of the server and community, but on the other hand most of us are brought up in consumer societies with no taboos in relation to the (voluntary) exchange of money for services.
On that note, many of us also have a practical approach to money and donations - that it's not really about the reason why people spend the way they do, but rather what they spend it on. Any (legal) money is good money.
I think gimmicks could help raise donations, the question is if it would be enough, and if it would be worth it in terms of loss of innocence. Probably not, considering the valid objections made so far.
There are other methods to get some money.
For example I know a greater german speaking multy gaming clan who has raised a clup to be able to give out donation receipts and to get the Headadministrator out of personal responsebility.
A club is also able to get donations from comapnies and foundations. Let's say for maintaning and improving internet culture.
There are some projects raising who gives away a thirten amount of money per month for non commercial software or internet culture projects. The project must be registered there and the amount that this project gets is masured by the popularity it has in comparision to the other projects registered. That means the project with the most klicks in a thirten time, gets most.
That has a spacial name too, but I don't remember it at the moment. Please add it, if you know it!
Participating in someting like that every member of the comunity can financially help the server in - let's say - regularly visiting the forum, what most of us do anyway.
To the stars!
Pavel prompted:We are the money making company! And Hartmann added later while discussing that with me:The DHC way to solve problems? - Throw mony at it, until it diiieees!
~ because you can't spell SLAUGHTER without LAUGHTER ~
I have experienced these crappy DDos attacks a few times since starting multiplayer, but never has the server been down this long, I hope these guys are out down by the Server and..just Blocked OUT forever