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[color=#FFCC00][font=Verdana]Source: Cape Wrath
Destination: Belfast Production Facility
ID: Rey Vasques
Hello again, I'd like to inform you that we have managed to secure a Pirate Transport from a different source, though if it is already prepared for pick-up, we will take it. Our interest in the Pirate Trains remains as it was.
For the record, we will not mind receiving the trains in "one at a time" fashion.
Exact Name: Aleph Starsunder Affiliation: IMG| Why do you want this: The deteriorating situation in the Taus has led me to seek better armament. I believe there is a need to invest in more equipment to better protect our personnel and our customers. Seems to be that some aliens are taking an interest to tearing up ships in the Taus. The terrain there seems to be best suited for cruiser-class vessels. Since our shipyards are fully engaged in building replacement mining ships at the moment, I would like to acquire a Scylla from you. It doesn't have to be brand new, an older one would do just fine. I hope to be roasting some 'seafood' in the near future. Reputation with Mollys/Hessians: Friendly Your donation: I can provide credits, cargo, or mining services. Let me know what is needed.
'T Council has reviewed yer request, and ye have been approved for a Scyllia Destroyer, on t' condition tha' t' Mollys may come back t' ya 'n request on of yer own Battlecruiser Class Vessels. 'T Scyllia will be on Foyle Shipyard for ye t' pick up. It be 'n old Rogue Vessel we have tha' we in our drydock's , 'n old Rogue left 't here with us, 't has no guns ye'll need those, but 't rest works just fine for ye' use.
The name's Eric Pearce, I currently run things on Dounby and lead some of the Defence operations up in the Taus. Apologies for barging in here, just didn't realise how serious Aleph was when he mentioned getting a Destroyer. As much as we appreciate you lot down in Dublin, having some of our capital ships in each other's hands isn't going to look all that great. I'll see if we can get him something a bit more suitable, Singapore isn't that over-tasked with the commercial construction...
I am afraid I do not have the right to authorise any IMG vessels not already being sold on the open market. Furthermore, unlike the case with the old Rogue vessel you have, IMG has no ships lying around in drydock. From my understanding of the situation, there isn't any spare shipbuilding capacity for any combat craft larger than a gunboat at the moment. Then again, maybe Eric knows something I don't.
Is there anything else you'd take in exchange for that old Scylla? I really don't think it is possible at all for me to get you a Sagarmatha.
Makin 't Scyllia available t' ye is not a very big problem, 'n ye can pick 't up whenever ye be ready. Our counter proposition was not a immediate request for 't Sagarmatha, but indeed 't was simply a notion of saying t' we might come back 't ye n ask for one , but 't is not a Requirement , nor a necessity. I hope 't cleared things up a little. We've also had 't crew clean 't Old Scyllia a bit for ye' 'n removed any 'ol Rogue Novelties. 'T be ready whenever ye' arrive.