*The channel closes,She,apparently has no time for courtesy*
*you quickly skim through the form,retreive your laser pen from your drawer,and start writing.*
Chosen Vocation:
Ski-p ID:
Favorite Ship:
//please fill out the form and post it here.We will answer at our earliest possible time.
It's so nice to see a faction with potential. haha
My name is is Solomon J. Brig
I was raised in Liberty space as a slave but not an ordinary slave but one bred for battle. After being sold to LR rogue's i was put to work as a pirate i made a lot of money slept with many wemon and drank what i wanted, But one day the group i was working with got double crossed by a fellow member who it turns out was apart of the Liberty Navy. The rest of my friends and comrades were slaughtered, Angry and distressed i got away they saved me, So why did they die?
Later i carefully stalked the traitor i waited until he came to a bar when he got good and drunk he came out of the bar staggering barely able to stand up. I grabbed him put a cloth to his mouth which was laced with cloraform. When the shit woke up i tortured him until he died of blood loss.
After that i became a trader, i was many types of traders, A smuggler, An acquirer of many goods, Haha even a legal trader i joined up with Gateway shipping. Shitty little group that was.
Vocation: An acquirer of goods
Ski-p ID: Haha you should know it partner (The Man Grin's)
Favorite ship: Haha What a stupid question, I take what ever gets the job done.
It's a kill or be killed world. Corruption is not a word but an entity in everyone no one is clean, No one is rightous, We are all filthy so let us rejoice with the pleasure of War. We will kill everyone or we will die not killing anyone in some self rightous act saying it is wrong. Well you will see you were wrong when you could have decided to kill us to provent everyone else from dying.
So give in to your desires and worry not i will hold you, I will cradle you, I will make sure you enjoy yourself to the fullest. Let yourself go to the infinite pleasures of war.