Unfortunately, I won't be able to decorate the database with more explosions this time. I had just finished a patrol in Cortez and Coronado and was heading for yet another patrol to the Taus, which was when I came across a Samarran Raider near the Bafffin hole, after some trash talk I engaged and he jumped to Baffin where I continued the engagement. As a side note I think TAZ Command should be notified of the incident as the combat took place around Malaclypse Freeport as he was hugging the damn thing. Just when I was about to tear him apart he jumped back to Tau 29 and when I went after him, for some reason, he didn't make it through the hole. An unfortunate but deserved end for the bastard, hopefully he's stuck somewhere in the void between systems and will die by the time he gets anywhere close to anything.
I stood at the hole for a few minutes, perhaps he might have arrived later due to some jump hole anomaly yet instead of the Raider, I got an XTF Transport that jumped in, carrying several thousand bio-signatures on board, obviously slaves. I engaged however my Nyx doesn't have the firepower to blow through that thing's armor quick enough, by that time he moored with Freeport 6, I alerted the Freeport but considering their diplomacy, I doubt they'll care.
Which promptly ended my patrols, I returned to base afterwards.
Westridge out.
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Got a priority emergency call from 23, I was on Sabah at the time, got into gear the moment I got the call. Luckily CFV Elusive was on station at the time and offered a ride to 23, a quick jump and we were there instantly, I launched from the Elusive and entered combat along with Eagle of the 49th and IMG forces against multiple Outcast and other hostile contacts, we had capital support at the time. However that didn't prove to be too useful as the fights were multiple fights in separate locations and in the end the only two snubcraft left was myself and Eagle, requested the Colonial Capital vessels to band together and form a protective screen of fire. It worked and the fight somewhat died down, although in between I had to perform and emergency dock on the Elusive while I was heavily damaged, Captain Hunt got us out of there, I repaired and went back into the brawl, it was mostly over till then.
A personal note, the CO of the CFV Elusive was Captain Vityaz Hunt, I remember him from the 44th's support fleet, Captain Hunt was one of my father's best cruiser commanders and I see that his competence is still intact.
Westridge out.
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Well, today the Colonial Republic and IMG took off from the Tau's in what was one of the largest convoys i've ever seen and one of the largest to cross Sirius. It's a regular one but still, it was unmatched to even those of Interspace Commerce and other large Trans-Sirius companies.
The IMG's Shires and the Colonial Movers were in their masses and therefore I and around 5 other escorts were needed to ensure their safety. If intel got out of it's existence, the pirates would intercept in great numbers. The fear of pirate Cruisers was certainly in everyones mind but you know what they say "Confidence in numbers"
From there the IMG moved back to Falster Station in Omega-3 to top up on BA.
I have to admit, in my time on Crayter I'd seen large convoys but this one was certainly competition. Dennis Owens, pilot of the IMG Shire Hearty Endeavour used his guncam effectively as we all formed up in Leeds, next to Glasgow Outpost in preparation to move through Bretonia.
Haven't really encountered many smugglers these days, they seem to be getting less and less, but I was able to catch this one with a bit of luck and the captain's incompetence. I intercepted the smuggler using a Firefly class transport at barrier gate, I followed him till Cortez in order to get some range from anywhere he could dock and stopped him. He denied and started moving to open space whilst I engaged him, gotta admit his gun's tracking computers were decent and I took some damage, but in the end I wore his armor and punctured his internal systems.
He ejected his cargo of Artifacts and paid the fine, I then returned to base to call it a good day's end.
K. Westridge, On-board Flight Log File 3083-K2 Wrote:[20.06.2013 02:30:17] CR|-WO.Westridge: stop your engines, captain.
[20.06.2013 02:30:33] CR|-WO.Westridge: Odd..
[20.06.2013 02:30:42] Farfalla: Yes
[20.06.2013 02:30:43] CR|-WO.Westridge: Artifact smuggling huh ?
[20.06.2013 02:31:05] Farfalla: yes
[20.06.2013 02:31:12] CR|-WO.Westridge: Right, well, you know the drill, drop the artifacts.
[20.06.2013 02:31:30] Farfalla: Well, I'm sorry sir, I can't do that for you
[20.06.2013 02:31:39] CR|-WO.Westridge: Then I'm going to have to confiscate them by force
[20.06.2013 02:31:48] Farfalla: have it your way
[20.06.2013 02:31:52] CR|-WO.Westridge: Weapons online, I hope you change your mind.
[20.06.2013 02:38:33] Farfalla: all right
[20.06.2013 02:38:38] Farfalla: ill drop em
[20.06.2013 02:38:45] CR|-WO.Westridge: then do so
[20.06.2013 02:38:52] CR|-WO.Westridge: And of course
[20.06.2013 02:39:01] CR|-WO.Westridge: due to the damage you caused my vessel
[20.06.2013 02:39:04] CR|-WO.Westridge: and the time you wasted
[20.06.2013 02:39:20] CR|-WO.Westridge: That's also going to be a 4 million credit fine
[20.06.2013 02:39:32] Farfalla: what is the command?
[20.06.2013 02:40:11] CR|-WO.Westridge: Good
[20.06.2013 02:40:17] CR|-WO.Westridge: you may take your leave now.
[20.06.2013 02:40:30] CR|-WO.Westridge: Don't let me catch you again.
Westridge out.
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I was on patrol with Hawk of the 49th, after a long patrol of the upper Taus we came across a smuggler in a Gull class transport carrying Cardamine. I ordered the smuggler to drop his cargo as well as pay a small fine, interestingly enough he complied.
The cardamine was destroyed, the fine received and we finished our patrol.
Westridge out.
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Starting with most recent events... We had a few more Gaul "patrols" around Planet Leeds. One of them included a Valor with his rather peculiar captain, who claimed to be a devoted coffee drinker. Then again, that proved to be ill towards his tactical skills, as his ship fell soon after we scrambled a few bombers and some help at the end from the Argo.
In regard to older events, i'd note that the Gauls are getting bolder, but less knowing by the day. Not too long ago about 4 Valors came into Leeds, but final reports showed them all as taken down at the end. I was unfortunately shot down as well, but not before aiding in the first kill.
I was called to Leeds to assist with a capital shootout, however, I was a bit late and the only target left was a royalist bomber that was engaged with a bretonian bomber pilot and Fury of the 31st in a bomber, I took up Fury's place in the brawl and engaged the hostile bomber, several minutes later the hostile bomber scored a supernova shot on the bretonian bomber, I continued the engagement alone and in the end, finally finished it off.
Although that wasn't the end of combat, while I was RTBing and flying through Tau 23, a peculiar Junker caught my attention -a junker who had ordered me to halt while I was headed to the fight, whilst in 37- and I followed him back to 37 and ordered him to stop and explain himself, he opened fire on me...for some reason, he wasn't carrying contraband for all I could scan.
I demolished his ship and headed back to Hades, he somehow got hold of my Comm ID and piped a message through, interesting. Either way, that was the end of that.
Westridge out.
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The Hispanics raided Tau-23 in force. I counted two Outcast Destroyers, a Battleship and a fighter. Thankfully, members of the IMG were on hand to assist along with members of the Gallic Council. We launched at them with pride in our bombers and dealt damage quickly. They were cocky yet it was so profound as they couldn't back up their claims.
The first Destroyer was swarmed and put to sleep, followed by the second. The IMG suffered the loss of one pilot but she was thankfully recovered in her pod and taken to Java. It's horrible seeing that happen. Saying that, following the amazing efficiency of our allies, I was caught off-guard by the Outcast Battleship. I had to be recovered and was efficiently taken away from the battle. The others however proceeded to destroy the Battleship, leaving a lone sniffer in a fighter with a broken ego. I don't know what became of him.
The best part? I had the winning shot on both Destroyers! I was elated. They might not be the Gallic Crown's forces but...a win over the Outcasts is one to be proud of.
I went for a quick patrol of the upper Taus, my first run through I came across an Outcast gunboat getting slaughtered by IMG patrols and Java, even in such a state the outcast opened fire on me. The gunship was severely damaged at the time and a few shots up its reactor finished it off.
About half an hour later, got word from Intel that there might have been a Storta active in 29, I responded and jumped to 29 to scout it out. Commander Roger Anders in command of the Athena was on-duty at the time, the Commander found the target first, we engaged and after a brief fight, the Storta was destroyed.
Nothing special, just a stroll in the park.
Patriot out.
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Today I was called out from my temporary base in Tau-37 to assist in Bretonian House Space. Seemingly a reminder that I need to show interest in the 31st Squadron.
I was greeted by the sight of the lawful forces under attack by the Gallics...again. It's such a tiresome sight, as if they think they have a chance here. Anyway, I personally assisted in the destruction of one of the Battleships that they'd brought with them. Was an easy job, the Gaul didn't even know what hit him, he went boom in minutes!
Currently, I am on Planet Leeds taking in the view.