Yes, but you won't be able to fly anything larger than a gunboat, if you don't join the K'Hara. Also have in mind that the Nomads have a special RP. You might find useful taking a look at their faction page.
Yeah you can play as a nomad, make a new guy and type
/restart nomad
and you will be given nomad rep and access to their ships, just not their capital ships
(06-26-2013, 10:31 PM)Thunderer Wrote: Yes, but you won't be able to fly anything larger than a gunboat, if you don't join the K'Hara. Also have in mind that the Nomads have a special RP. You might find useful taking a look at their faction page.
Doesn't bother me. I don't fly battleships/cruisers. I prefer bombers and GBs.