As the CR| bomber that was fighting Bonanza when Placeholder etc were around (and in conn afterwards as you said), I can honestly say that we did not intend to have that many against you. Once the first IMG (Eric.Pearce) turned up we had the force necessary to take you out without it being ridiculous. Anyone who joined after were not asked to. Apologies on for that (though I was the only CR faction member fighting that one) for that, I felt bad even after getting killed by the BS.
I can't comment on the other 2 though I was involved late in the tranny battle but got cut off quickly by the XTF.
First off, thanks for the initial praise and warning. I have personally been trying to balance things where I can and have specifically said in the chats that we're not going to be =CR= -like. Fortunately I have managed to handle things, although it was getting a little hard with my internet troubles a week ago. Seem to have come out of it fairly well though.
Fortunately I was there for all of these incidents so can at least deal with it fairly well.
For the first one, I was Eric Pearce in a Nanda. When the call went out for a Storta at Java, I had assumed it was a fairly new person given there wasn't any armour on it. Seeing that it was RPing a little, particularly rather fiesty for its armour, I was quite happy to sit about and chat for a bit knowing that we could take it if it was trouble.
Just a small note for that one, "CR|, IMG| and heaps of other people" was an indy cruiser, 3 IMG| bombers and an IMG| Lhotse - there weren't any CR| there. I was looking to take you with the snubs instead of the cruiser on our side. When the Saga opened up on you midway through my sentence I was both in and out of RP a little disappointed, and of course an unarmoured Storta doesn't last long. I was the one that PMed you afterwards, and also sent one to the Saga as it looked to me as if he silently engaged.
Luke has kind of covered the middle situation - in this case I was on Pearce's Nanda again. After I undocked we had about as many as was needed for an equal fight, although I was hoping for one more given we were likely to get Placeholder-ed. After we took you out (or just before, I can't remember exactly) we had a Reaver and indy - mon on Samana - dive in. I sent Cerulean after the Sabre given that lot are good at SNACing snubs and we'd lost our own fighter; the rest of us took out the remaining caps. Usually I try to balance it, even though a lot of people are out for a certain Razor-Storta's blood, but most of the time you get a lot of people piling in on the indy anti-Outcast side. This one wasn't too over-played, just a little more than I'd have liked.
Also, I thought it was you on Bonanza after this
For the third situation I was the light fighter, Shotglass. I was only headed up there to escort those Atlases, but ended up running into your Tanker full of Slaves. I would have liked to have had the Asteria 'enforce demands' (I didn't actually know he was there when I first saw you) but unfortunately he'd DCed; so I called for some people to head down. Unfortunately a few were busy tangling with a couple of EFL| escorts and there was some lag affecting our distance, so it took a lot longer to get you stopped and with any firepower to stop you. As you stated inRP, we were right next to Cali and weren't able to do much since there was that mess with the EFL. Soon after I started Screamer-ing you, the Outcast GB and XTF popped out, and some more CR| came in. After you docked I scarpered to get something to fend them off, but it was all rather a mess.
A lack of organisation given we had three sets of forces fighting two battles was what did it really.
So I'll keep my efforts up and try to balance the fights where I can - but when we have high numbers of low/medium-skilled bombers against caps supported by pro-Sabres it can be a bit messy to find that balance. Sometimes people feel the need to wipe everything out before the latter group arrive, and of course some indies gonna indy. I have sent CR|s off in the past, and do try to keep Thanatos use to when we have a big target or a really unbalanced snub fight - you won't see full Solaris ones wading in while I am around (I'll put two Cerbs on it as well )
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(06-30-2013, 03:44 PM)SummerMcLovin Wrote: So I'll keep my efforts up and try to balance the fights where I can
On that note, we could've used you an hour or so ago in Tau-23. Those two Ascos, three Nyxes and lord knows what else were a bit much for our poor two EFL "security" Lynxes.
I'm well aware that we had (key word here being "had") a Gallic Cruiser and Gunboat supporting us, but given you had a Thanatos and three Ascos to blow those up anyways.. I wouldn't call that an excuse >.>
Heh, I go home for dinner one evening I wasn't there this time, but from what I've heard this wasn't too much of a problem.
[10:06:38 PM] Dan (bloogaL): I killed the cruiser in my thannie, then went off to fetch my Nyx again after. Came back to find the EFL gone so went looking for them on the Guillestre side of the system. Found them being shot up by a couple of Ascos while they flew around the Guillestre. Far as I could tell, none of the Nyxes shot them since the Ascos were already overpowering them easily. I know at least I didn't, though one of the EFL took a couple of shots at me.
Seems it went in the sort of way I try to do - Thannies come in to take out heavies and leave when it's no longer unbalanced in our favour. As you lot left for the Guillestre after your heavies were taken out, I think our lot had an Outcast to deal with(?) The Black Fleet Ascos shot you up at your stationary battleship, and I've had all three Nyxes there say they didn't feel the need to jump in.
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It wasn't that big a deal. Do note however that, if I recall correctly, we had a two versus two going on between myself, the other Lynx and two Nyxes. As the GRN Cruiser and Gunboat went down to two Ascos, the Thanatos and.. Something random - probably an indie Council - the Nyxes decided to pull us towards the Ascos for backup or something.
That's when the two Ascos began chasing us, the Nyxes briefly chased (while Dan I suspect was fetching his Nyx) and we went to the Guillestre to sit there for a while.
All in all, nothing that worried me particularly, although it most definitely felt like a gank. The "blame" - if any - lies with the Ascos, I suppose.
Haha, I had some encounter's with the CR| in Tau-37/Tau-23, i was an outcast heading to Alpha, i was on a destroyer and a CR| was on a Very Heavy Fighter, i was entering Tau-37 and he started Spamming Cruise Disruptors on me...I Didn't open fire though he was kiding, entered Tau-37 he followed me and still didnt allow me to go to Cruise, Well ok, i still didn't attack, i used my thruster and he still spammed me with disruptors, i laughed so hard, then i managed to get Freeport 10 in 4 klicks, i said "Hey, ti importas se entrar nessa base? *Smiles*" It means " Hey, can i dock on that base?, after i said that he started engaging a destroyer with a VHF...I Laughed and laughed sudently he said " Oh Look my Bomber Support arrived " And i parked...
I Never attacked because he was just a fighter XD
After i docked i RPed inside the base with them Outside...
Some Minutes later 20 CR| Players in Tau-37...
I Almost pissed my pants laughing XD
We were RPing in the /s Chat...
Good Feedback: - Good RPers
- Good number of active players.
- They'r chase techniques and Communication are good.
Bad Feedback: - They chase a Destroyer with a VHF?
- They need 20 Players to take down 1 OC Destroyer? (They didn't kill me)
Thank you for your feedback. This issue has been resolved on Skype but for the record:
As part of the large number that coincidentally turned up soon after you docked, I can safely say that although yes, you got stopped by a lone fighter...he/she was not the reason that we all showed up.
That was a patrol that was organised within CR| internally and consisted of about 10 of us, a mixture of fighters and bombers. We are not a gank squad and I assure you we do not deploy such ridiculous numbers to deal with one Destroyer. Was a mere coincidence but I understand it may have looked pretty bad.
I unfortunately wasn't online at the time since I was out partying, but it does seem as though everyone else was on CR|.
From what I've heard of the situation, our Nyx had found you at the Tau-23 hole and was holding you in place until something that could actually take you on was available. Normally it wouldn't take so long to scramble a couple of bombers or a Thannie from Falkland but I believe everyone was already busy with that massive patrol elsewhere.
Rather than "spam CDs", he fired about as many as the times you tried to engage cruise. This was all RPed, although it seems from the logs that you didn't expect him to be your enemy or similar..? We Colonials would like nothing better than to catch a lone Storta and put a few holes in it. "Bringing in support" doesn't necessarily mean a gank, which I do try to have us avoid where possible. You'd likely have only got a few snubs on you had you stuck around, but sitting on the freeport for a while meant that everyone showed up.
On another note, while I do appreciate you were RPing your translator, doing entire sentences in another language will generally lead to confusion on the other player's part.
Hehe i did like RPing with the CR| and i was scared when sudently 10-20 Player apparead in Tau-37 when i was docked...
But that was already explained by MiniStryke
I lately see CR in Kansas and even at Humboldt a lot, and felt obliged to remind you that it's not part of your ZoI, and operations there should be kept to a minimum of trading convoys.