The OMC - Orbital Mining Corp. would like to cooperate and contribute to your mining missions. We can guarantee our employees abide your rules. We would like to request docking permissions for the following ships:
Immediately you've made an impression with the quartermaster there. I get various status reports from him regarding our business associates.. most often it's status quo. You gents though impressed him right off.. he told me the sheer volume of ore y'all moved through the station the first day you had access and I must say.. wow.
I would like to add my ships to Saltese Docking list Kirk.Odinson
Iam a GMG trader flying an Adv. Train and wish that we can conduct profitable bussiness.
User was banned for: Compromised account
Time left: (Permanent)
You're names have been given to the dockmaster aboard Saltese. You are welcome to begin business there immediately. We look forward to seeing you there. If you need anything related to the base don't hesitate to contact any of our guys with the .:j:. painted on their hull and we'll do what we can for you.
Vincent Camwell,
Your request did not go unnoticed. It was granted earlier, I just failed to reply that it was so. I apologize if this has caused you any delays in conducting business, but hope you'd discovered for yourself that you're ship was welcome aboard Saltese. For my oversight I've notified the manager of Silver City that you're to be given a VIP membership at the casino with all the perks that go with. Enjoy.
"Greetings Junkers, I am Atara Hashem, IMG Miner."
"I was wondering if I may offer my services to you as an independent miner. I've enjoyed working with other Junkers in the past and would like to continue this business venture in the fine system of Humboldt. I will attach my ship identification to this message. Thank you for your time, Hashem out--"
Allow me to introduce my self I am Pilot Chris Duke of the Fighter Yudokuna
I would like safe Boarding aboard the "Silver city" in exchange for my loyal and unwavering protection service.
I am aware you have security in place as I am currently outside of the field, I did not fancy wandering into the field and becoming a target for your weapon systems, that said it never hurts to have a real set of eyes helping you out.
Greetings and salutations from Circular Logic, Inc.! My name is Geoffrey Kane, and I'm one of the main transport captains for the company. You may or may not have heard of us. Either way, we've heard of you, your base, your silver field, and the profits associated! And that's why we're requesting access to Saltese so we can buy all your ore and push it somewhere else. Sound good to you?
We agree to all three of your rules with open minds and open pocketbooks. Our ships are all tagged with O))- and carry an Interspace ID and IFF.
You're ships have been added to our registry. You can expect a warm welcome aboard Saltese. We're looking forward to a mutually profitable relationship.
Advise your pilots they're welcome to drop in at the casino while they're at the station. Everyone needs a bit of R&R after some of those long hauls.