Well, I am that kind of masochist... as for lore... no one care about it, since we are getting free for all and everything server. Anyway, thanks for the answer.
As I see it, even if they had enough caps to warrant it the Rogues don't really have the sort of organizational structure that would have official designations - not that they couldn't, just that they wouldn't bother.
(07-30-2013, 09:09 PM)McTemka Wrote: as for lore... no one care about it, since we are getting free for all and everything server.
Getting your cause and effect backwards there, I suspect.
That and as ive learned, Rogues dont cap-spam, we simply don't have the firepower, a rogue destroyer is somehwere between a seige cruiser and LABC (though i know 1 or 2 peeps that can go toe to toe with dreads) and Lolberty would cap spam you sore, seriously they will send half dozen caps after a single gunboat so you can imagine what they will do to a Scylla.
(07-30-2013, 10:05 PM)Miyel Wrote: That and as ive learned, Rogues dont cap-spam, we simply don't have the firepower, a rogue destroyer is somehwere between a seige cruiser and LABC (though i know 1 or 2 peeps that can go toe to toe with dreads) and Lolberty would cap spam you sore, seriously they will send half dozen caps after a single gunboat so you can imagine what they will do to a Scylla.
I disagree, though I think you're referring to LR-.
LR- sold all but one of their Scyllas so they hardly use them. That and tthat they stick to a more traditional rogue RP.
With indies, they have Scyllas because they don't follow this tradition