"I do not understand how you can live such a life and enjoy it in the process, being laid back and letting the world take you to where you need to go.. There are things I need to accomplish, when that is complete, I die. Life is rather straight forward isn't it hm? A life like that.. Its too erratic, there are too many things that can go wrong like that, its rather unattractive if you can put it that way."
"Actually, I'd say just being yourself is rather bloody difficult, expecially if your person happens to be rather bloody reticent, don't you think so". Achille chirruped, as if people weren't used to him spontaneously appearing from trees any more, eyeing the tall stranger with an estimable pinch of wry."Nadeau."He offered his hand, thrusting it forward before Susan could re-enter earshot, one eye glued on his damnable colleague as she trotted towards Autoine.
"It's not often we're graced with strangers up here in paradise... well, I lie, people circulate through this labyrinth like mice in a behavioural study, but it's not that often we encounter anyone... well... interesting... if you follow." Achille grinned, flanking his victim.
"Apologies for inadvertently perusing your dictation but there are microphones everywhere."Nadeau shrugged, as if his espionage was socially pardonable."...But it's rather difficult for anyone to... park... such an intriguing little craft in the hangers of our order without attracting some form of focus..."
"... But anyway, welcome. So my friend, what little sojourn brings an Order pilot to the Tau's? I'd love to listen."
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)
Daeurne looked toward the new arrival and only moved to his feet his friendly demeanor had vanished having not liking his privacy invaded or so much being asked questions suddenly his attitude took on a more defensive approach. "Well I am sure that it might." He looked towards Susan. "I can see why you might take on the stance you have though concerning people.... and concerning my ship, I do hope you've not tried to tinker with it, that would be rather rude and... dangerous and well, the reason I come here is generally because I want to be here for a reason or another currently as you might of observed I was talking to one of the residents here and eating chocolate." His eyes narrowed for a moment as his arms crossed over his chest there wasn't so much as a hint of friendless concerning the one who intruded being a principle at that.
For all the wrong you have hidden in the dark. The Moon bares witness
Susan merely takes another sip of her water. "I did mention that people tend to sneak up on people here, no? This is hardly surprising.." Giving Achillie a look of distaste.
"Although, I suppose paranoia and engaging yourself in other peoples space is your forte, you seem to be incapable of leaving people alone."
Sitting back, looking up at the ceiling of the biodome and the space outside of it.
Achille jumped, skin crawling as he realised that Susan, hadn't in fact departed and was actually standing right next to him. As with all great irritants, he ignored her. Now wasn't the time anyway.
"Oh, do let me apologise for initiating conversation, how awfully untoward of me." Achille bemoaned, the grin running placid on his jaw, wondering how sarcastic that actually sounded. "Tinker with your ship? Quite unlikely my friend, such ill-motivated antics would render quite the negative name for myself. I merely... was intrigued, shall we put it, as to exactly what brings the weary Order grun... member... to our arm of the Taus? The conversation perhaps? The daring locale? The quiet, self-indulgent members of our little fraternity maybe..."He glinted, staring in the exact opposing direction to a certain Susan Mc Carthy.
"...But it's good of you to visit us none withstanding. Apologies my friend, we may have got of on the wrong foot here, I'm Achille Augstain Nadeau, chief science type of something or other... I'm sure you've already met my esteemiable co-worker"He grinned lavishly at Susan. "...Makes for quite the discourse, doesn't it? Oh and please don't mind my little trickery with the microphones. Merely..."Achille rooted for a phrase;"...a selective jest, shall we call it."
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)
His mood didn't seem to lighten in the least probably to Achille's disappointment. "Forgive me, but I am not in the habit of explaining things to those I don't know beyond a rude interruptions, I am a rather stubborn creature as I have told our friend here, As per my ship, I would figure, I am part of the Order so you might guess its got a few self district or countermeasures within the ship its self, I don't like my things.. being disrupted, it doesn't often bode well as you might imagine."
He looked down to Susan for a moment raising an eyebrow while Achilles looked off else where. "I guess your moments of privacy are often taken away with such gestures on what he did, I had planned on saying something in great length to what you said to me before, but words often escape me when unwarranted ears are in the vicinity of such." He would look back up to Achilles. "As you might imagine I am a very private person and only like my words to reach the ears of those intended."
He moved his sleeve back once again touching the data pad at his wrist and then pulling the sleeve over it, his attention turned to Susan. "I think if he came a constant bother to me, on the terms of privacy I'd be tempted to shoot at him, barbaric as it might sound but I am not a member of the commonwealth either which there was a question lingering on if a member of the commonwealth needed to be purely of commonwealth occupation, I had liked the way you had described them..." His attention turned to Achille again. "And I apologize for saying I'd be tempted to shoot you on the event of a frequented privacy intrusion, Just speaking my mind I am sure you understand."
For all the wrong you have hidden in the dark. The Moon bares witness
"You sound a little too open for your own good, not that I may call that a bad thing.. There are many things I wish I could say, but find it inappropriate for. Achillie here is an.. interesting subject, manipulative too. Keep your mind around him."
Stretching, glancing at her near-empty bottle of water. "I don't intend to be around much longer anyways, I believe I may be turning in my resignation. Wandering once more sounds like a rather good idea anyways." Giving Achillie a small glare. "After I remove all my data of course. I'll be around later when he is gone if you wish to speak more."
He reguarded Susan for a moment and gave a brief nod. "Its an interesting spot to stay around in how ever he would either be gone or.." He'd look to Achille. "I'd of shot him and being a guest to the station I have little doubt I wont be trying to run or some other foolish attempt at escape and yes I speak my mind and it lands me in more trouble then not how ever when it turns to manipulation you'll find I react very badly to that."
For all the wrong you have hidden in the dark. The Moon bares witness
Lux Ryder walked into the bar. Out here in the Taus, there was a lot to shoot but not a lot to drink. And not a lot of people to drink with, mind.
Ryder ordered a drink of water, then made his way to a lone table where he could relax before needing to go out hunting again.
He breathed a relaxing sigh, then looked around him at the dome, wondering if there was anyone he knew in here. Sadly, it didn't seem like that.
"Woah whoa wow! Now who exactly happens to be hoisting the subject of untoward manipulation into our rhetoric, eh cheri? My dear, I'm hardly Lucifer."Achille grimaced, glaring down at the offenders with all the superciliousness his back could muster.
"Now, Generic Order Pilot, I merely took the liberty of asking a certain somebody exactly what pursuit brought them up to roost here; that hardly constitutes a "rude interruption", even on this barbaric broadside of the Barrier." Achille hastened, noting quickly the pistol at his waist."...My dear, allied compatriot; I'm not poking you in the eye, and well... As for pointing a projectile weapon at my person, namely the none-aggressive, perfectly impartial Zoner persona I embody... Well, it's hardly becoming of a guest; threatening the host..."
He backtracked, the tension palpable."Putain de la merde; apologies for opening my freaki<censored>ng mouth".He thought silently, staring into the hostiles faces of his counterparts.
Ever the showman; Achille unexpectedly clapped, shattering the ice with a smile like a whiplash.
"So, I can see you two are getting along... fine... together. Enlighten me; please... there is anything I can offer the two of you to... sate your intrests, a drink, perhaps?" He glanced neutrally at Susan.
"...We have quite the selection".
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)