Looking through his inbox, Deputy Sinclair comes across two applications that he's been considering and shuffling in and out of his inbox for the last few days, and sighs. They are apparently not going to answer themselves any time soon, and they are already far overdue for a reply.
"Well, enough of that."
Greetings, Mr. Baker and Mr. Smith. I'm sorry to say that both of your applications are on hold for now, even the one that I got a personal recommendation from one of my officers to accept.
Unfortunately, there's not really enough for me to work with here (as in "they are a bit too short"), but the main crux for me here is the lack of 5-KYP3 comms protocol handles from both of your applications, which doesn't make it any less difficult for me.
I will gladly have another look at your applications whenever the latter point has been addressed. We do not usually accept anyone without a 5-KYP3 handle these days due to a few "misunderstandings" that have happened earlier, amongst other things. Let's just say that it is a bit difficult for me to run a coordinated police force without being able to communicate with my colleagues and vice versa.
-Colin Sinclair, Deputy Chief of the Liberty Police, Inc.
[*]Name:Ian Richards
[*]Previous Jobs:Bounty Hunter
[*]Qualifications:High school degree Cardiff mining station.
[*]Brief Biography:I was born at cardiff mining station in Cambridge my father was a miner and my mom was a secertary i had a ok upbring but as i got older i did not want to go and mine so i joined the bounty hunters as the station got attacked by the mollies and killed some of our miners so from that day i hated pirates.But now after 5 years i want to settle down in a homeworld and New York is the best place for me..
[*]Reasons for Joining::I have been working as a bounty hunter for the past 5 years and i have gotten fed of travel the sirius system and want now to stay in a sector and have a family life.The police is the best way forward and because i have found the police to be good officer i thought that LPI would be the best place for me.
[*]5kyp3 protocol (Skype):welshdemon
Qualifications: Experience with pirates, basic training course in fighter piloting
Brief Biography: I grew up on Planet Manhattan, I'll have you know. Infact, I did pretty dandy in the school house.
Anyways, Universal Shipping wanted me to fly a Mammoth for them when I was around 17, so I was thinking "No problem, no problem". I flew in one of those convoys you see buzzing around Liberty every now and again. My flight partner was Anthony Page, who was promoted to Ensign around I time I quit the job. Apparently he flies a repair ship in the Texas area now.
Around the time I quit my job at Universal, I graduated high school. I went to a college of flight, to polish up what flight skills I learned from buzzing around in a set path all day. I graduated last year, and picked work up at a local Sunbucks while I waited for Universal to reply to my job application. (They take a long while.) Along the way, I met some great officers (and some bad ones), so I thought, why not give it a shot?
Reasons for Joining: To uphold Liberty and it's way of life (Eat a few donuts and take some bribes too.)
Qualifications: Basic fighter pilot training (Partial), Basic combat strategy training, Advanced combat strategy training, Basic captain training.
Brief Biography: Born in Manhattan to a paycheck-to-paycheck family, we saved what we could. Both of my parents, along with myself, worked at a small, local diner. We saved up enough to get me into the academy. At 19, I joined the academy with the little savings we had. There, I planned to become a simple fighter pilot in the ranks of the LPI. However, my Uncle passed away when I was 20. In his will, he left me all of his possessions, with only one sentence following: Take everything I have, sell it, and be successful. Fortunately for me, I discovered that he owned property in a prime location for a large business that needed to expand, which offered me a huge sum of cash for the property. At that point, I was half way through basic pilot training with failing grades. I decided to use the money inherited from my Uncle to drop out of pilot training and re-enlist into strategy and capital ship training. There, I was a much better fit. I graduated last month at the top of my class and with outsanding remarks from most of my instructors.
Reasons for Joining: I just graduated, sir, and I'm looking into joining the force I've looked up to my entire life. I was hoping that I could get command of a cruiser, as that is where the majority of my training relates to. I still have a bit of cash from my Uncle, so I can contribute to the purchase of the cruiser if needed.
Deputy Sinclair flips through this morning's mail, noting that two new applications have been filed in addition to the one that arrived a few days ago. He also, however, notes that one of them contains the two words "Anthony Page".
He slowly raises one eyebrow and slightly tilts his head in disbelief.
Mr. Tanner and Mr. Miller, you have both been deemed fit for service and been accepted into the force as Recruit Officers, and both have been sent 5-KYP3 protocol contact requests so that I can get you added to our private comms channel.
I will however have to talk Recruit Tanner for a short while regarding that Cruiser and his application to the Liberty Police, as we do not really field cruisers except for a single one for SWAT ops. Or, in other words, I'm not entirely sure if this is the correct choice for you, but we'll see.
Mr. Richards, I'm sad to say that your application has been denied for now after a few background checks, amongst other things. You are however free to attempt to apply again at a later time with a somewhat more solid application.
-Colin Sinclair, Deputy Chief of the Liberty Police, Inc.
Previous Jobs: Prison Transport warden, Universal Shipping independant contractor, Liberty Prison shuttle pilot.
Qualifications: Several years of experience with piloting smaller craft and some previous experience with handling criminals, as well as familiarity with the Liberty systems and working with the LPI.
Brief Biography: I was born on Planet Houston, where my father was a planetary prison guard and my mother a clerk for a local politician. At the age of 19 I joined a Universal transport as a mechanic, and worked on several different ships as a commsman until I ended up as an independant contractor to ferry prisoners and personnel for the LPI on a Texas-wide level.
Reasons for Joining: Having grown up in an environment where criminals were sort of always around, I find it only natural to join the Police to help out with the growing criminal problem.
Kicking back in his Police Plaza office during one of his few breaks over the last weeks, Deputy Sinclair starts flipping through the latest applications from the Recruitment Division. Eventually, he comes across an application from a "Mr. Thompson".
Well, you're better qualified for the job than most with your prior experience handling prisoners, and you've worked with the Liberty Police before. How can I say no, to be honest?
So. Welcome to the force, Recruit; I've sent you a 5-KYP3 comms protocol contact request to get you added to our private channel.
PS: My apologies for the somewhat delayed reply, by the way. I've been quite busy with various kinds of work after a recent upgrade to our computer systems, so your application had to wait for a few days before I could get back to it.
-Colin Sinclair, Deputy Chief of the Liberty Police, Inc.
Qualifications: I can do horrible things to an unruly customer with a tazer. I have a modified Patriot with a coffee machine installed in the glove box, a donut warmer on the hand rest and a video playback device with a bootleg copy of Buns of Steel.
Brief Biography: Nothing interesting happened during my childhood. My dad was a drunk that dropped me on my head multiple times, and my mom was out of the picture. I've been a Bouncer at Sunbucks Cafe for about four years now and I would like to bounce Rogues and Xenos instead of customers.
Reasons for Joining: I want to protect liberty and this is the best way I can think of.
As one of his many officers knocks on the door of his main Police Plaza office, Deputy Sinclair walks around restlessly, alternating his attention between the view of the Illinois system outside, an application titled "Jadin Larsen" on his desk, and a report from Engineering and the HR department.
"Come in, come in. Got any good news for me today?"
Some time passes. Noting that the officer was taking rather long to open the door, Sinclair headed for the door just in time to see the back of his colleague heading off around the corner at the opposite end of the corridor.
"Thought not. No Liberators today either, then. Fantastic."
With "one thing less" to worry about, Sinclair pushed the Engineering report straight into the recycling bin and flipped open the overdue application on his desk.
Judging by your application, it looks like you've already got more experience than most of my Sergeants already, Mr. Larsen. If you've already got your own ship set up as well - even better. You should fit right in with the rest.
In other words; welcome to the Liberty Police, Inc., Recruit! I've already sent a 5-KYP3 comms protocol request contact request to the address you provided in your application, which you should hopefully have received by now.
There is, however, one rather significant hitch I need to talk with you about first, which is also the reason for why the processing of your application was somewhat delayed.
As you may or may not have noticed, a recent firmware update has grounded our entire Liberator fleet. Every single one of them. As this ship is the mainstay of the Liberty Police, and also - surprisingly enough - happens to be the ship that we issue out to new recruits, I've chosen to make an exception for you. To be honest, I do not really want to stick my recruits into ships without functioning shields. If you're up for it, your Patriot would make a "fun" little ship to start out with, but I'm alternatively also open for usage of the Arrow, Surveyor or most other Light Fighters that the LP, Inc. has at its disposal.
-Colin Sinclair, Deputy Chief of the Liberty Police, Inc.
After finishing his reply to the new recruit, Colin starts composing another comms message to the HR and Recruitment departments.
NB: The LP, Inc. has as of 02/11/820 A.S. chosen to close recruitment for an unknown period of time due to a firmware issue affecting all LZF-9805-series ("Liberator") ships.