(10-11-2013, 11:38 PM).Flash. Wrote: I don't have anything against the infinite cloaks for Nomads, but really, infinite?
So you don't have anything against their cloaks being infinite, but you're against them being infinite? You just contradicted yourself within 3 words of each other, good job.
(10-11-2013, 11:38 PM).Flash. Wrote: That doesn't mean we should mega buff them because they are some OP species of creatures. Yes they are very advanced in tech, and are creepy aliens with weird powers, but that doesn't mean they should be mega OP because they are aliens :|
Actually, it does.
At least for the K'Hara, since their a closed faction, and they focus on their RP over just pewing folks.
Like you said....
(10-11-2013, 11:38 PM).Flash. Wrote: they are some OP species of creatures
They are just that, OP, so they should be OP.
EDIT: And my opinion on this is completely unbiased, I have never even owned a Nomad character, and in fact have disagreed with the K'Hara on things.
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Last time I RPed with a K'Hara| was couple months ago. Now its more pew pew and then being a closed faction that RPs.....I believe K'hara| Hammurabi was the one I RPed with which was very fun and entertaining. Other then that, Ive gotten ooRP PMs saying // why you running? Fight me coward.
Also Nyctores| I believe, RPed with them couple times, other then those two names I mentioned, Ive never seen a K'Hara| stand and RP, usually its a engagement notice and then you see a lot of pink/purple lights passing by you. That's my opinion, but really, you said that they are a closed RP Faction and not pew pew, Im not sure when is the last time you encountered a KHara|. I haven't encountered all, but the majority of them are more pew pew pew then RP. Im not sure who Hammurabi is, but kudos to him, he was very fun to RP with.
Before you go " Stop raging/qqing abut K'hara| " or " Stop putting K'Hara| down ", Im not, I'm telling you what I have encounetered and seen, yes Nomads supposed to kill everything they see, so I don't care much if they don't RP and just say something in weird language and start shooting before I translate it to know what in the world someone just said with all the (, ~, -, and bunch of .......
I do enjoy RPing with K'hara|, but honestly, I haven't really seen many RP come out of them as I used to...
(10-12-2013, 08:20 AM).Flash. Wrote: Now its more pew pew and then being a closed faction that RPs...Ive gotten ooRP PMs saying // why you running? Fight me coward.
Pics or it didn't happen.
Seriously, if someone's just pvping and taunting in OOC, they're going to get reamed and/or thrown out of the faction.
But if you're horsing around in the Omicrons 1-2 systems over from our stuff (or in said systems), you're going to be purged.
But otherwise, pics or it didn't happen. Just saying it did means jack.
Quote:Also Nyctores|
Yeah I don't speak for, or even know anyone in them.