' Wrote:. If you don't feel like playing, please don't take server slots for chatting. There are people outside frustrated they can't get in and actually play the game. It gets more frustrating when you realize that probably 30-40 of the people inside are just 'hanging out' in Manhattan. Sorry, no.
Hear , hear , I spent an agonising hour and a half trying to get on the server Sunday a few weeks back , as I only have limited time online ( missus complains plus I can't smoke inside !:rtfm:) :D To realise later that there were heaps of players cluttering up Manhattan talking guff ......well ! :angry:
"Pressure makes gems, ease makes decay " - Mandalorian Proverb
Ok, can I enquire as to where and from whom did you get those mind-altering drugs?
The last thing we want to do is encourage people to use the server as their private chatroom.
Ballentine Place out in Norfolk Virginia, right off of Kellar Avenue, my boy Tae and Twon. What you know bout BTP? Whut? Lol.. For realz... And only to point out the obvious, it was merely a suggestion as the server is not always packed tighter then a free buffet.
' Wrote:I congratulate you for taking your time to write such a sensible analysis on the issue. But as for your proposition, no.
The server is not a chat room. There are a number of tools appropriate for that. A lot of the people here use the TS, Skype or XFire to chat away, I believe someone even proposed an irc channel. If you don't feel like playing, please don't take server slots for chatting. There are people outside frustrated they can't get in and actually play the game. It gets more frustrating when you realize that probably 30-40 of the people inside are just 'hanging out' in Manhattan. Sorry, no.
Once again, it was merely a suggestion. Didn't I point that out?
' Wrote:Hear , hear , I spent an agonising hour and a half trying to get on the server Sunday a few weeks back , as I only have limited time online ( missus complains plus I can't smoke inside !:rtfm:) :D To realise later that there were heaps of players cluttering up Manhattan talking guff ......well ! :angry:
I've had it happen myself. Alas again, the server is not always packed. Either way just a suggestion!
' Wrote:Simple Answer. Overwhelm Liberty forces then Decimate these fools....
Tough to do OORP Chat if a dozen bomber kick the Crap outta you.
That has got to be the best suggestion without Admin intervention. Couldn't we make a sanction that even though Admins will be contacted, players who generally clog up the server for no good reason or use it as a OOC chatter box can be submitted to a system wide killing spree until they either stop or leave?
I wasn't really taking it personal, in a way I thought they were trying to be sarcastic to me or flame me as you stated. I meant nothing by my post I just wanted to point out it was just a light suggestion. I realize the situation of this being a RP Server and that a hangout may not be the best thing. Just an addition to the list of ideas here. And yeah, it was a stupid idea. I just figured I'd throw it out there just to contribute. I also wanted to voice my own anger towards constant OOC in any system on the server. Sometimes it is okay and sometimes even justifiable, but way too many people go overboard too often from what I have seen. Cheers.
Hmm, perhaps a house rule where people are not allowed to hang out, like your not allowed to "hang out" at dockable planets or stations for longer than 10mins otherwise you get a hefty fine, then they would not pay, then they would die. perhaps get the houses to enforce it. This would be up to the individual houses of course. or you could just get an admin go wild on them:D
' Wrote:I wasn't really taking it personal, in a way I thought they were trying to be sarcastic to me or flame me as you stated. I meant nothing by my post I just wanted to point out it was just a light suggestion.
No flame/sarcasm intended , Venom , I was just raising a personal experience ;). I understand that its a free server and accept that I'll have to wait my turn like everybody else .
EDIT:Corrected spelling . Quick before the grammar nazis get me !
"Pressure makes gems, ease makes decay " - Mandalorian Proverb
What about sticking a mild radiation field across the whole of NY...
wouldn't take to long to mod and would still allow people to do business and get the heck out of there.
It could be RP'd as either a terrorist act or as another Liberty "accident" like in the SP anomoly.
I know it would be harsh on new characters but it doesn't take long to get out of NY if you want to. Give them a few extra thousand on their start up money and it should cover them.
Also the bigger the ship the more expensive the repairs...